VH reunion news from rolling stone - oh no

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ctoddrun":0f93b said:

Well said, Kage.

I'm that guy who felt compelled to stick up for Ed when the pics first started showing, and when the porn thing came about, and when...

well... you get the idea.

It hurts to see an "old friend" like Ed get worked over by a bunch of nameless never-were's on the internet, but I guess its a combination of Ed's well running dry and a whole new generation who didnt get to witness first hand what Ed really meant to you/me/us.

Such is life I suppose. I tend to just sit back and keep my mouth shut these days when the Ed threads get started. Your post inspired me to speak up. Good job, my friend.

I agree with you both. Ed is and always will be a BIG part of the reason I started playing. Yes he isnt what he used to be but he is still is Eddie Van Halen. The pics and slam in threads are getting old. Ive even said a couple myslef out of anger over what he has done to himself. But I really never found them funny. As far as the pics go there is a guy over HCAF that thinks he has to photoshop Ed's head on everything. Seriously leave Ed alone and get a life and show just a minor bit of respect to a true legand.
STEEL KAGE":28a84 said:
Bob and I spoke about it and I think that MA's abilities as a background vocalist and a bassist are gravely underrated. Ive heard guys who can NAIL EVH's playing but the tunes just dont sound the same without those sig background vocals IMO..

I totally agree. It pisses me off that Ed is such a dick to him. MA has always come off as a really nice guy... He even refused to talk shit back to EVH..
ejecta":3fe36 said:

I agree with you both. Ed is and always will be a BIG part of the reason I started playing. Yes he isnt what he used to be but he is still is Eddie Van Halen. The pics and slam in threads are getting old. Ive even said a couple myslef out of anger over what he has done to himself. But I really never found them funny. As far as the pics go there is a guy over HCAF that thinks he has to photoshop Ed's head on everything. Seriously leave Ed alone and get a life and show just a minor bit of respect to a true legand.

i'm really happy to hear from all you guys that were influenced by ed...
just like you guys, he was a hero to me (hence my screenname-ha) and i'm sometimes saddened by the things he currently does...

here's to hoping he plays better in the future
Digital Jams":08ca5 said:

Why did he say that the guitar was made by pictures alone?!?!?!?!? No real sniffer is going to buy a reproduction guitar that was made with pictures as a guideline :?

In the GW article with EVH it said he guy at Jackson had EVH's actual guitar and took it apart. Why the quarter doesnt actually support the bridge baffles the fuck out of me though. :?

He, they even took the actual pickup to Seymour Duncan and had him make copies.
evhfan":68bf5 said:

on the frankenstrat replica...
i completely agree w/ DJ on this...who would buy a guitar that was replicated only from pics...

i don't know if you guys picked up the recent GW with EVH on the cover but in the CD that comes w/ it there's an 18 minute vid of matt bruck interviewing ed. in the video ed states how amazed he was by that guy chip creating the replicas from pics...chip was sititng right next to him when ed said this and agreed. in the article in the magazine chip says that he was given the original frankenstrat on numerous occasions and the replicas were based from studying the original...

in the NAMM video ed states again w/ chip in the room that these were built from pictures and he never gave them the original...noone disaggreed

(i'm not saying ed's lying here because he's said the same thing in both situations)... what the hell is the article saying then...

Yeah in the article the guy from Jackson says he had the actual guitar. I read that article like 4 different times.

It would not make sense to make a replica from pictures. Id bet money they had EVH's original guitar. especially the part where he took the pickup out and they couldnt get an ohm reading... I almost believe the jackson guy over Ed. :lol:
evhfan":521b0 said:

actually i gotta tell you guys, i think the quarter is right...the earlier floyds were a bit larger and the end rested on the quarter but the later floyds were a bit shorter and didn't touch the quarter...if you look at the pics of frankenstrat in the late 80s and 90s the floyd didn't rest on the quarter.

Aaaaah. I did not know that. :)
Those NAMM videos, he looked more nervous than drunk to me. I think that if he's not nervous, and somewhat sober, he can still play anything he needs to play. The rehearsal boots from the last tour proved that. I remember from the old interviews, he's always had to drink to overcome the nerves (I think he used to say that he had a nervous puke before every show too??). Problem is, he doesn't just take the edge off anymore. He's clearly fully blitzed before the curtain comes up. The show I saw from the '04 tour, I was on his side of the stage and could see him when he went behind his amps. He went through entire bottles of wine like a smoker goes through cigarettes. Bruck would just hand him one right after the other. Despite that, it was still entertaining. If he could keep the hooch under control, he could totally pull off the playing, no problem.

What needs to happen is, Alex, or Bruck or whoever from the inner circle....needs to grow a pair and call him on his behavior and stop feeding it. </Dr. Phil>

Now having said all that, I still ain't going if MA ain't there.
Telephant":6cf10 said:

Yeah in the article the guy from Jackson says he had the actual guitar. I read that article like 4 different times.

It would not make sense to make a replica from pictures. Id bet money they had EVH's original guitar. especially the part where he took the pickup out and they couldnt get an ohm reading... I almost believe the jackson guy over Ed. :lol:

Here is the problem...........

1: No hockey stick = not the frankie we grew up with.

2: New or old floyd that quarter is not doing what it was suppose to do.

3: conflicting stories from the basketcase on wether or not Fender had the guitar.


5: Gibson has a more orginal version than Fender with the Kramer :?

The guitar sucks my balls.
Telephant":2f489 said:

Yeah in the article the guy from Jackson says he had the actual guitar. I read that article like 4 different times.

It would not make sense to make a replica from pictures. Id bet money they had EVH's original guitar. especially the part where he took the pickup out and they couldnt get an ohm reading... I almost believe the jackson guy over Ed. :lol:

i hear ya, but i think ed has it right...i don't think he ever gave fender the frankenstrat...in the video there's 3 guys in the room at 5150...ed/chip/matt bruck and ed says at least on 2 different occasions in the video that he was amazed as to how close chip came to replicating the guitars with just pictures because he never had the real thing...chip is right there next to him agreeing...it's unbelievable!

and there's clips of chip at fender w/ the replicas...if he ever had the real frankenstrat i'm sure that 18 minute video would have included footage of him studying/amalyzing the original...to show that fender had it...but there' sno footage of that kind at all...
Frankie wasn't a hockeystick. It started with a cbs large fender-style head. Then a couple of small fender-style heads. Then a Pacer style head. I don't remember seeing a hockeystick on it until much later...probably after it had been retired by the 1984 and then 5150 kramers...
Digital Jams":939cf said:


Yeah thats right, it was a cheap copy! :lol:

Although before they got big Ed used a real Strat with a hb in the bridge... You've seen those early pics eh?
And I will say, if that guitar was made from pics than that is one of the lamest things I have ever heard. It just doesnt make any sense to me.

Remember when Fender made the SRV strat clones? Jimmy refused to send it to Fender so the Fender guys flew out to Austin, and took it apart in Jimmy's kitchen! :lol:
Telephant":1abfe said:

Yeah thats right, it was a cheap copy! :lol:

Although before they got big Ed used a real Strat with a hb in the bridge... You've seen those early pics eh?
I heard that it was a Gibson 57 pickup that he pulled out of his Gibson 335.
Makes me wonder what it must be like to have a budget to spend 30 g's on one guitar. The dudes that bought it obviously didn't care whether or not it was exact. Only that it is what it is and they hope to cash in on it someday. Or just like the show-off value...
Telephant":d48c1 said:

I totally agree. It pisses me off that Ed is such a dick to him. MA has always come off as a really nice guy... He even refused to talk shit back to EVH..

ditto that! when I got up to talk with MA at the DM booth last Thursday, he refused to rip Ed. Instead he said, "I feel sorry for Wolf, he's in for a lot". Period. Great guy. I love MA. Changin' my userID to MARox!! 8) :lol:

PS - Kage, BobS, sorry we didn't hook up. I did we Ralph with Cameron and Chris on Friday night. Too many commitments to hit Mr. Zep's party. :(
ctoddrun":d7b08 said:

Well said, Kage.

I'm that guy who felt compelled to stick up for Ed when the pics first started showing, and when the porn thing came about, and when...

well... you get the idea.

It hurts to see an "old friend" like Ed get worked over by a bunch of nameless never-were's on the internet, but I guess its a combination of Ed's well running dry and a whole new generation who didnt get to witness first hand what Ed really meant to you/me/us.

Such is life I suppose. I tend to just sit back and keep my mouth shut these days when the Ed threads get started. Your post inspired me to speak up. Good job, my friend.

Thanks Bro, its easy to kick someone when theyre down but if you take the time to really look at and comprehend the impact that Eddie had; the good far exceeds the bad and thats what Im going to hold on to..

IMHO, Jimi and Eddie wrote the book on Electric rock guitar, they both took what was accepted , through it all out the window and left everyone, seasoned pro players and the listening public alike with their collective jaws on the floor. Hell, Eddie made Gibson sweat hard because everyone HAD to have a guitar with a whammy bar!!! You couldnt go anywhere to avoid dive bombs, pick scrapes and two handed tapping... 500 years from now, If the world still exists and people play electric guitar, Eddies Name will still be brought up. He has secured his place in history and nothing can ever change that...

The Eddie bashing threads will never stop and to be honest, he brought it upon himself. However, all of the guys out there who were lucky enough to be touched and moved by his brilliance will concentrate on what made us love him in the first place and you know what? We will always have that and let the internet kids and haters be damned; theyll never be able to take it away or replace it...

This thread depressed me to the point where I had to crank VH 1 on the way home. :lol
Randy Van Sykes":7d939 said:
Sounds like he may be leaving the door open for Micheal as well.

No, that's unpossible. You can't be in more than one band.
Digital Jams":55ff3 said:
>|<>QBB<1: No hockey stick = not the frankie we grew up with.

See, I disagree with this. In fact, it is just flat out incorrect. The real Frankie from '78-'82 was almost always a strat headstock. Ed retired the guitar at that point and built a replica of Frankie (there were actually 2) in the Kramer shop with the Hockey Stick headstock. He used that for a short time, however, by 1984 the guitar he was using was rear-loaded and no longer had a pick guard. This guitar (the 5150 Kramer) had the Hockey Stick as well. The real Frankie was never really gigged with the Hockey Stick, it had a Hockey Stick for a short time, but was so trashed it was retired. For example, the "Kramer Ad Frankie" is a replica. This is well documented here:


and here:


Note the two Frankie replicas and the one picture of the original with Hockey Stick and with other necks. He used the original with Hockey Stick in the studio, but never gigged it that way. Frankie is a strat headstock guitar from 1978-1982 (many different necks of course). He gigged a replica in '83 and by 1984 was exclusively gigging the 5150 Kramer until the EBMM...

Thank you and goodnight,
