VH4 or Herbert?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rob Tahan
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+1 i agree totally with eddy. i prefer darker tones but not muddy, that is why the herbert mixed with the andersons is so yummy to my ears! its super easy to get petrucci,shawn lane esque liquid tones out of it! Eddyrox you got a great description and an outstanding ear for tone.
A Wood
van hellion":3a8u5a9y said:
+1 i agree totally with eddy. i prefer darker tones but not muddy, that is why the herbert mixed with the andersons is so yummy to my ears! its super easy to get petrucci,shawn lane esque liquid tones out of it! Eddyrox you got a great description and an outstanding ear for tone.
A Wood

Andy, comin' from you that is a HUGE complement. :rawk: I am truly humbled. :worship: :worship: :worship:

thank you!
mike. :rock:
VilleDZL said:
To me the best possible Diezel would be Herbert with added VH4´s channel 3. I could even swap my Herb´s channel 3 to VH4´s channel 3 :)

I agee! I've had all three, and this would be my combination of choice. :rock:
guitarman967":23sktjb6 said:
scottph":23sktjb6 said:
Herbert has the best cleans imo.

Scott, I agree that the Herbert cleans are slightly better because the Midcut adds some extra sparkle to the sound. It's certainly not a night and day difference I guess. Its the only channel of the Herb that I prefer over the VH4's.
BTW, Have you ever owned or A/B'd a VH4 with a Herbert?

Yeah, I have man. I A/B/C'ed Herbie, VH4, and Einstein for a few days before deciding to go with the Herbert.
van hellion":206f2wrw said:
+1 i agree totally with eddy. i prefer darker tones but not muddy, that is why the herbert mixed with the andersons is so yummy to my ears! its super easy to get petrucci,shawn lane esque liquid tones out of it! Eddyrox you got a great description and an outstanding ear for tone.
A Wood

I also agree with this.
Every part of me wants to go with the VH4 but the Herbert is just warmer to my ears.
This will have to be the one i go for.
Having played like every high end amp out there i just feel like i can just rip right through the Herbert. What an awesome feel comming straight out of an amp. I love the fact that every channel is distinct. I cant really say that about the VH4. I feel like 3 and 4 are so close and 2 is just less gain. I dont know... maybe thats bc 55436757 people played through it at guitar center and messed up the amp.
i think you will be super pleased with the herbie, yet again you seem to gravitate towards the same thing i liked about it, which was the "feel" if the amp.

A Wood
van hellion":gns65ixe said:
hey eddyrox how many andersons have you had? i have had 5 different ones right now i have 3, a hollow drop top t with b-bender, solid body mahogany drop top with 2 hums and a 3 way switch and a solid basswood hum-sing-hum with switcharoo (sorry not trying to hijack the thread)

A Wood

hey Andy, got any pics of your 3 Andersons (DT-T, DT and ProAM)? What are the specs on the hollow DT-T?
I think your 2H DT is the one in the Delirum vid? :rock:
I will post some pics this week hopefully! i also have been working on a little fusion project that has some awesome guest players on it! i got jeff sipe (drummer with shawn lane and with aquarium rescue unit) and bassist otiel burbridge (derrick trucks and allman bros.) the stuff is shaping up great and i will post some audio, video, and pics within the next few weeks! there are some cool pics of a few of the andersons on down from ups myspace btw.

A Wood
Is it up to date to sell his Herbert? I noticed that in some guitar forum´s, that Herbert User are selling them. They all said like scottph, that they a/b/c´ed them and decided to buy the Herbert. But they abc´ed them in a band, too. And they all detected the same issuses as some of you guys did.
Is there outside a Marshall Revival?
I have read a post in an another Forum from a guy who was a 100% Herbert User. He bought a Splawn Amp. I never heard that amp live, but i know that it is a marshallesque Amp with a "better" Marshall tone.
Whats going on? Is that a hype again? Because i never had any problems to cut thru.
They all say that Herbert has got to much compression, doesnt push enough(germans say that), not enough lower mids, to dark, etc etc etc......

Peter, why is this amp so unpopular here in Germany? What do you think about that?

I cant believe that the Herbert is getting the next JCM900!!! :confused:

And every day there are more and more people who think the same. But i must admit that i would like to have a more raw distortion with herbie. But this is not important.
Bato":g8uucin7 said:
doesnt push enough(germans say that), not enough lower mids, ......

first thing is ridiculous. for the lower mids: obviously, these guys haven't noticed the EQ section of the amp yet or they have mid cut on 100% and then wondering.

i think that there are many guys around who buy this amp without really knowing WHAT they really want and i also think that there are enough people who buy the herbert "because it delivers TEH BR00TALZ!!11" - and then stop playing or something after 1 year...or maybe some do not really know that the "home"-EQ cannot really be the same as the band-EQ, if you know what i mean: at home i turn bass and mid-cut in, in the band i turn them back and give in many highs and mids - and it works perfectly well.

or it is, as you say, just a "up-to-date"-thing. there are many new herbert/diezel users and i can see a lot of people who do not want that many others have the same sound they have (they obviously don't know that "sound" is not depending on your amp only, but anyway).

and of course there are also a lot of people who change amps almost every year, but his is not my thing. i always only bought lower-priced-used-stuff, because for most of the time i didn't need more (and also i did not see why i should spend over 1000,- on something my marshall 8100 could also do). i play guitar for almost 15 years now, and after that time, playing on countless amps i thought that it was time for me to get "my" amp and i tested amps for the last 1,5 years before i bought herbert, because i wanted to test everything what was available, not depending on costs. i tested, just to name a few, Mesa Single/Dual/Triple+Roadking, Framus Dragon+Cobra, Engl Fireball+Powerball+Savage+Blackmore+SE, Peavey 5150/6505+XXX+JSX, Randall RM100+Titan+T2, H&K Triamp, Orange Thunderverb (i think) etc.etc. plus all of the Diezels. i then finally knew WHAT i want and with which amp i have to go when its about "the amp for your life".
i can understand people that sells their amps cause their taste has changed.

but i don't agree with those who say: - the amps is too compressed or what else...
you wanted it, you heared and loved it before to buy it and now.... you hate it...it's not sane :doh:

you buy the amp for that reason!!! why you claim it now!!! :)

many just make a purchase because is cool to have it... just to say i own a ..." bla bla bla"

van hellion":346wfxdo said:
I will post some pics this week hopefully! i also have been working on a little fusion project that has some awesome guest players on it! i got jeff sipe (drummer with shawn lane and with aquarium rescue unit) and bassist otiel burbridge (derrick trucks and allman bros.) the stuff is shaping up great and i will post some audio, video, and pics within the next few weeks! there are some cool pics of a few of the andersons on down from ups myspace btw.

A Wood

Tre Kewl Andy! I'll be talking with Roy this week and let 'em know you said "hey"!
Also checked out your vid with the 5153 and EVH Franken-relic - very brown - KILLER playing as usual!! :rock:
Bato":22or4gmz said:
Whats going on? Is that a hype again? Because i never had any problems to cut thru.
They all say that Herbert has got to much compression, doesnt push enough(germans say that), not enough lower mids, to dark, etc etc etc......

Bato, I can't speak for everyone, but I'd still have my Herbert were it not for the opportunity to migrate to the VH4 (at no cost :lol: :LOL: ) The Herbert is by far the most functional and versatile multi-channel amp on the market today. It's got so many good tones it's ridiculous. My guess is that folks who are buying then dumping, in many cases, are not cranking the amp to a decent volume to really hear what it's capable of. Just my $1-0.98! :thumbsup:
i think the guys who are buying then dumping are the same guys who buy anything new and say its the greatest blah blah blah keep it for a few monthes then something else from another company comes out claiming to be better and so the owner just switches. i have no idea why anyone cant get a good tone out something that costs over 1000 dollars. hell my first amp that i toured with professionally for years was a mesa subway rocket that costs like 600 or 700 hundred bucks! i was 17 and played till i was 20 on that little guy, and in the end i believe having less gear maid me a better player. i think alot of these guys need to take frank zappas advice and shut up and play their guitar! for instance eddyrox just posted that vid of me playing the 28,000 dollar evh copy thru my 5150 III head and i just wasnt half as comfortable on it as through my anderson/diezel combination, i even mention in the vid how "loose" the guitar felt and it wasnt as natural for my hands. And look how much money was in that :lol: :LOL: i dig the new evh amp alot and im gonna keep it, BUT my go to rig will be one of my diezels no question. you might even see in the background how many amps are at the studio i work at including 2 different splawns. i love different amps for different sounds but at the end of the day if you put in crap playing the amp is just gonna make crap playing louder, that is until Peter builds us an amp that has a "suck" switch we can hit for those off nights LOL. just my 2 cents

thanks for the kind words about the vid my playing wasnt up to par and thats why i never posted it lol but im glad you thought it sounded ok, im no evh that is for sure!!

A Wood
It´s possible, that that´s a reason for those guys.
But i took at this guys settings yesterday. And if you look at my posting before, you can see, that he is complaining about the mids. But he had every mid-poti at 10-11o´clock and mid-cut activated.
Ok, maybe the picture was taken when he was trying around to find the sound he wanted. He told me, that he tried everything to get the right mids.
But like you said...i can´t believe it too, that somebody can´t get an awesome sound out of an amp above 1000 bucks. Ok, he said, that herbie is a superb amp, but him the other one is much better. I mean that´s ok.

But i still think, that this anti Herbert thinking is a hype. And as i can see, this hype starts in germany. :doh:
van hellion":2gqqssjv said:
i think alot of these guys need to take frank zappas advice and shut up and play their guitar!
as usual - well put Andy! :2thumbsup:

van hellion":2gqqssjv said:
i dig the new evh amp alot and im gonna keep it...
:gethim: we are all guilty of that "brown" sound lust.... :lol: :LOL: (Glen Tipton Marshall tone (Screamin for Vengeance) too!)

van hellion":2gqqssjv said:
i love different amps for different sounds but at the end of the day if you put in crap playing the amp is just gonna make crap playing louder
:hys: ohhhh yeah!! gawd that's the "typical" GC experience 24/7 - especially in Southern California. :doh:

van hellion":2gqqssjv said:
thanks for the kind words about the vid my playing wasnt up to par and thats why i never posted it lol but im glad you thought it sounded ok, im no evh that is for sure!!
:rock: :rock: Andy, if that's an "off" day, Shawn Lane (RIP) and Petrucci better watch out! :yes: :thumbsup:

BTW, what do you favor for Clean tone (Herbert Ch1, DrZ CarmenGhia, Bruno, 5153 Green, FenderRI)?
for clean i really like the bad cat hot cat, my vintage 64 deluxe reverb of course herbie is the best clean on any channel switcher i have ever heard and believe it or not the 5153 can get some awesome old school fender clean tones! im really gassing over a Dr Z. prescription es though i havent heard one in person. BTW i tend to judge cleans with teles just because there is no middle ground with those guitars, either the amp makes em sound great or they sound like shit! :lol: :LOL:

A Wood
van hellion":omp3jahg said:
BTW i tend to judge cleans with teles just because there is no middle ground with those guitars, either the amp makes em sound great or they sound like shit! :lol: :LOL:

A Wood

:yes: HELL yeah on the tele/amp combo! :D Being the ignorant, small-minded SoCal mo-fo that I "is", I've been checking out Mojocaster.com to get up to speed on learnin' to chicken pick and tele-spankin! :rock: