Vince Neal falls off stage (video)

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A longtime Motley Crue fan Larry Harris shared a personal experience of this incident on Motley Crue Facebook group.

Here’s what he said:

“I was standing less than 6 feet away from where Vince Neil took that fall last night. Seen so many people laugh and act like he deserved it. Very sad! My 15-year-old daughter was with me who loves Motley Crue so as we witnessed him being helped up and backstage, my daughter was almost in tears. It was scary to see how much pain he was in and looking completely out of it. I know many think he was drunk or out of it to take the fall. I will say he was putting on one of his better performances in years so it was obvious he was trying for his fans.

He added:

“I will also say it was a horrible stage setup by Monsters on the Mountain with an accident waiting to happen. They had this small gap in front of the stage where these risers with lights on it. Talking to a band that played earlier on the same stage told us that there was some white tape marking before the gap but with the lights in your eyes, it would be so easy to miss it and think the stage extends out to the risers and the gap being so dark it blends with the stage. He fell right between the gap banging his ribs into it. Really don’t think this was a singer under the influence but a singer who made a very honest misjudgment due to a poor setup. Here’s a picture of Vince about 2 minutes before the fall.”
Not one of you losers wouldn’t trade your life for Vince’s. Dude was a pussy magnet and made millions…. Shitting on someone when they’re down is easy, just cuz you’re jealous little bitches. Let us know when you make it to the R&R hall of fame little haters.
I wouldn't
Yeah he’s a human. Made lot bad choices. But he’s lived a million times more than most. So god speed Vince. Sending you Taco Bell to your hospital room.
Fuck..... wish I had Taco Bell now. 😂
3 crunchy and some packs of fire please
Not one of you losers wouldn’t trade your life for Vince’s. Dude was a pussy magnet and made millions…. Shitting on someone when they’re down is easy, just cuz you’re jealous little bitches. Let us know when you make it to the R&R hall of fame little haters.
Ummm not a chance.
Fuck I would take a summer if vinces life in the heyday trade it in for year of mine at sea in the Navy.

Oh yeah..... Taco Bell nightly
After killing razzles and permanently injuring 2 others he goes and get more DWI"s and beats up several women, then graduates to being an obese self indulgent failure.
Most folks would kill to win the lottery like this idiot did.
I guess I left out the coke addictions and any other sordid behavior and actions I don't l know about.
At a bare minimum the lead singer's job is to be a vain cunt and stay in shape, he couldn't even do that right let alone actually care about his craft and "fans".

this guy is a repugnant loser
stick a fork in him he's done.....
A longtime Motley Crue fan Larry Harris shared a personal experience of this incident on Motley Crue Facebook group.

Here’s what he said:

“I was standing less than 6 feet away from where Vince Neil took that fall last night. Seen so many people laugh and act like he deserved it. Very sad! My 15-year-old daughter was with me who loves Motley Crue so as we witnessed him being helped up and backstage, my daughter was almost in tears. It was scary to see how much pain he was in and looking completely out of it. I know many think he was drunk or out of it to take the fall. I will say he was putting on one of his better performances in years so it was obvious he was trying for his fans.

He added:

“I will also say it was a horrible stage setup by Monsters on the Mountain with an accident waiting to happen. They had this small gap in front of the stage where these risers with lights on it. Talking to a band that played earlier on the same stage told us that there was some white tape marking before the gap but with the lights in your eyes, it would be so easy to miss it and think the stage extends out to the risers and the gap being so dark it blends with the stage. He fell right between the gap banging his ribs into it. Really don’t think this was a singer under the influence but a singer who made a very honest misjudgment due to a poor setup. Here’s a picture of Vince about 2 minutes before the fall.”
Good to hear an opposing view. Thank you for posting.

Plus, I'll say this. I have a feeling that as we all age it is something we will witness more and more. I'm sure that most people that go see ( insert performer ) know what to expect. If they decide to drop ( x-$$ ) on a performer that is there choice. I for one, in most cases, opt to remember my hearos the way they were. Not what they are trying to do now.

3 crunchy and some packs of fire please
That is exactly what I've ordered over the years.
I love Vince. Such a trainwreck..but a lovable one. To be fair to him this time, that stage was extremely dark and hard to know his intoxication level. I mean was he tipsie? legally drunk? Totally wasted? Or Vince wasted? One thing for sure is, his efforts in paid shout outs are as strong as his attention to the words when he sings live.

Eddie Trunk was there..
I'll be listening what he has to say about on the show today..
Yeah, dude got hurt, I wish him well....TBH witnessing a lot of ugliness out there saying such horrible, heartless things, it's disgusting how mean spirited people are and think nothing of it.... I want no part of that, or to even associate with it any fashion.
Yeah, dude got hurt, I wish him well....TBH witnessing a lot of ugliness out there saying such horrible, heartless things, it's disgusting how mean spirited people are and think nothing of it.... I want no part of that, or to even associate with it any fashion.

I think people are commenting on his greater body of work, not this one accident. Generally speaking he is a total mess and is not getting it together. He does have demons and we wish him well, but at a certain point a person needs to get a hold of themselves and get honest. He's a full blown alcoholic who is drinking to forget and mask the pain but he's hurting a lot of people doing that. Fans who pay for tickets, musicians who count on him for a pay cheque, millionaires like Nikki Sixx who need even more millions. You know how it goes..
Eddie Trunk was there..
I'll be listening what he has to say about on the show today..

Oh, I'm sure he was there. And I'm sure he'll let you know that too -- over and over and over and........

By the way, Vince Neil is a personal friend of Eddie Trunk. You don't have to ask Eddie that, because he'll tell you -- over and over and over and .......
It would be good for VN if there were grown ups in the room with him somewhere to explain how life works because im getting the impression thats never happened for what ever reasons.
After killing razzles and permanently injuring 2 others he goes and get more DWI"s and beats up several women, then graduates to being an obese self indulgent failure.
Most folks would kill to win the lottery like this idiot did.
I guess I left out the coke addictions and any other sordid behavior and actions I don't l know about.
At a bare minimum the lead singer's job is to be a vain cunt and stay in shape, he couldn't even do that right let alone actually care about his craft and "fans".

this guy is a repugnant loser
stick a fork in him he's done.....

That's the thing, lots of tragedy in his life. You lose a daughter that age or any age and I imagine it changes you for good. But there also has to be some accountability. That doesn't give you the right to beat women or continue to make the same mistakes over and over (DUI's etc). You have to own those. Vince sober or with a few pops in him seems like a great guy. I think he is a genuinely good person. But that booze kicks in and it changes people. If you can't remove the fuel, all you will ever get is more fire.

I too would have loved to live a few months of his life.., but if it meant losing one of my daughters to do that or carrying the guilt of killing my friend in a DUI, no way would I ever make that deal.