Vince Neal falls off stage (video)

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I was getting a cup water. Middle the night. Wander out to kitchen half asleep. Got 3 cats. Normally I wake up. They are there when I turn the lights on. Meowing for treats.
No lights on. They were under my legs. I fell. HARD! Broke a rib. One popped out. Super super painful!! Had some nerve damage from it effecting my legs. Still getting thru it. I couldn’t imagine that type of fall at my age.
I love Vince. Such a trainwreck..but a lovable one. To be fair to him this time, that stage was extremely dark and hard to know his intoxication level. I mean was he tipsie? legally drunk? Totally wasted? Or Vince wasted? One thing for sure is, his efforts in paid shout outs are as strong as his attention to the words when he sings live.

Happy Birb-bay brutha- you big ol 4-0 you man...........
Imma ALWAYS pull for Vinnie.

I grew up w these ppl. Motley Crue. Still...Yeah. From afar, but w/ them feeding me my musical needs. Vince will get back up. He always does. Always will:

And maybe you punch harder verbally than a hit he can can take at his having fallen of the stage, onto the floor, guitar, during a concert. Maybe you can sing the notes and hit the high ones when he is struggling.

But, not ONE fuckin guitar player here would turn down a gig with the guy.
I think people are commenting on his greater body of work, not this one accident. Generally speaking he is a total mess and is not getting it together. He does have demons and we wish him well, but at a certain point a person needs to get a hold of themselves and get honest. He's a full blown alcoholic who is drinking to forget and mask the pain but he's hurting a lot of people doing that. Fans who pay for tickets, musicians who count on him for a pay cheque, millionaires like Nikki Sixx who need even more millions. You know how it goes

No...there's no excuse for it....and it's going to do anything but's been vile and disgusting to witness.
Imma ALWAYS pull for Vinnie.

I grew up w these ppl. Motley Crue. Still...Yeah. From afar, but w/ them feeding me my musical needs. Vince will get back up. He always does. Always will:

And maybe you punch harder verbally than a hit he can can take at his having fallen of the stage, onto the floor, guitar, during a concert. Maybe you can sing the notes and hit the high ones when he is struggling.

But, not ONE fuckin guitar player here would turn down a gig with the guy.
You’re right, I would never pass on that catering spread and comedic potential.
Honestly. Feel bad for the fall. As a human. Shit hurts SUPER BAD!! Haha 😂
Don’t care how much money he has. Really painful. Least he went down on a stage. Instead of 2am in a kitchen cats tripping you up. lol
Eddie Trunk is a close personal friend of mine. :LOL:

D'Oh! When you said "ET" (the extra terrestrial), I thought you were taking the piss that Eddie knows everyone :doh:... which of course he does, just ask him. :LOL:
Spills, Spills, Spills
Shaky legs and front stage slips
Spills, Spills, Spills
Heading down, on a 5 foot trip
Spills, Spills, Spills
Fractured hips, pain med scripts
You say it's your birb-bay.

Well it's my birb-bay too, yeah.
I love the running Eddie Trunk jokes on these threads... if ever a guy could take one comment and turn it into a 25 minute looped explanation, it is Eddie Trunk.

Eddy Trunk is good friends with Arnold & ET just ask Eddy.
No better than KISS with Michael Star's backing track and fake lip synching. So lame.
Kiss does not have a Satchel.
I did not know Starr was using backing tracks. Must be all the touring. He did not when I saw them live

I will add their last album suuuuuucked in every way
It was a quote, knucklehead.

Yeah, no shit. :rolleyes: But what I quoted was posted by you. When you quote someone's post on here, you can't remove their name from that quote, which is why your name appeared at the top. I wasn't trying to imply that you were the one who actually made that statement about Vince.
Yeah, no shit. :rolleyes: But what I quoted was posted by you. When you quote someone's post on here, you can't remove their name from that quote, which is why your name appeared at the top. I wasn't trying to imply that you were the one who actually made that statement about Vince.
I suspect being the singer in Motley Crue may be the only thing that has kept him from jumping. Kills "Razzle" then loses his daughter to cancer... Geez! As for his excess weight, that is the result of gluttony. Slow suicide.
Kiss does not have a Satchel.
I did not know Starr was using backing tracks. Must be all the touring. He did not when I saw them live

I will add their last album suuuuuucked in every way

I think his style of singing is ripe for burnout especially at that age. Just watch anything in the last 5-6 years anyway. The festival shows and other shows. He sings some of the parts in between and you can tell it is a one off. Then the main high parts and choruses his lip synching is terrible and he arches way more or overdoes the physical to play it up. You can tell it is a track. These guys must use a gate or something so that when sound comes through the lead vocal mic, it gates and cuts the backing track. If they feel they won't be able to hit it, they let the track go through. I started noticing this a lot in the last 10 years. Big acts doing this. I remember seeing Celine Dion with my wife.. she had just been sick but she was gonna do it for the crowd! Come through for the french canadians! I love you people! blablabla Then she kills it on the power of love and the titanic song and I was like get the F outta here... your voice is barely holding on at the beginning because you are recovered from a cold and now you are absolutely nailing the choruses. Leaving the building people were in awe .." she sounds so good! just like she did when I saw her 25 years ago" lol. It's such a joke and insulting frankly. But people pay huge bucks for the tickets so there is pressure to perform. You can't mail it in like they did in the 80's when nobody had a cell phone around. Now backing vocals in the can here or there, sure, adds to the performance. But the lead vocals leaning on a track? It isn't live anymore. But the masses don't know and don't care.