WE HAVE A WINNER!! RushCentrale. NEW UPDATE! CAB INCLUDED!Time for another giveaway. Raffle 4 kids fighting cancer. UPDATE: WIZARD CONTENT!!!

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Hey guys, just updating everyone that Rick came through in a major way. The MCII came in yesterday...2 days early! It's a glorious and substantial looking amp. The irons in it are heavy duty for a 50w, much bigger than my Reinhardt Storm 50 (which has been sold). I love the ported sides vs. the standard top strap handle. Very cool design. This MC2 is like the Bugatti of amp heads.

The Wizard cab from the giveaway which will be a 2x12 with UK Greenbacks :rock: is not quite ready yet. Currently, and embarrassingly to you guys, I only own combo amps and I sold my last cab shortly after I sold the Reinhardt. Ironically it would've been an awesome recording cab for this MCII because it had a 100w Scumback in it.

I'm sorry to disappoint, but I don't have a proper tone report or clips yet. After winning the raffle, I did just buy a new Carvin 1x12 100w cab that was on sale for a pretty cheap price (like $240 shipped). I don't think the speaker will be any good, but it is Birch ply and no MDF in it. The Carvin cab comes in today but it will in no way do the MC2 justice; so I'm not even gonna tone report it. In fact, Rick said to just cancel the Carvin order 😂 as the Wizard cab is coming soon. But the Carvin won't be used to base any judgements on the MC2, it'll just be so I can play it through something in the meantime.

Thank you again and again Rick and @Tone Monster!
Hey guys,

Just one last update to this story. I just got the Wizard 2x12 Cab today. It's loaded with UK made G12M-25 Greenbacks. This was the final piece of the puzzle and Rick delivered again. I was playing the MCII out of a Carvin 1x12, but this Wizard cab was what the MCII was made to be played out of. Punchy, punchy lows without sub woofiness. It's like the perfect kick drum that whacks you against the chest. Super tight. Super responsive. The perfect compliment to the MCII and just mind blowing and smile inducing tone. I don't care if it's getting old...Big thank you again and again to Rick St Pierre and @Tone Monster for hands down the best rig I've ever owned, and I've been playing guitar since around 1989.
