WE HAVE A WINNER!! RushCentrale. NEW UPDATE! CAB INCLUDED!Time for another giveaway. Raffle 4 kids fighting cancer. UPDATE: WIZARD CONTENT!!!

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We're at 102 tickets bought!


C'mon Rig Talkers!! We need to do better than this! This is your golden opportunity to score a $5500 amp, that by all accounts is one of THE "holy grail" amps to own for only $20 a chance AND the limit is five tickets per person (talk about leveling the playing field)!!

I can't believe there have only been 102 tickets sold so far?

Granted, the fewer tickets that are sold, the better my odds are of winning so I should probably be keeping my trap shut! But we can't do down like that, can we? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? This is your chance to win a smokin' amp, and it's for a great cause! It's a win/win.

Buy some chances ya mooks!! :D
Also, someone with the initials “D. N.” Donated….whats your screen name here?
Stay tuned. Working on details! ????

Epic Edit: Rick @WizardAmplification and I are teaming up to giveaway a brand new Modern Classic II. 50 watt version. Rick had the great idea to also make it a raffle with 100% of proceeds going to a childrens cancer research/hospital. Each ticket is $20, maxium 5 tickets. Raffle ends July 1st.


Please include your screenname here.

Is this generally what the amp is designed to sound like?

are there any other useful clips that capture the range of tones?
ok found another

pretty nice!
i played a wizard at NAMM a million years ago and even though i played it softly and it wasn’t nearly as high gain as these demos, i heard the vintage marshall core tone coming through and liked it!
I’ve noticed the people selling boner pills and spells have not entered… speaks volumes on their character and charitably.

Seriously though that’s cool as shit and speaks volumes on Rick as a person, as well as TM for setting this up.