Welcome to today's episode of Tim Henson on Guitar

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You're surpassing me already in spamming an annoying Youtube-personality on Rig-Talk.
@OUTLAW1969 only the thin skinned, safespace, perpetually offended find offense at "boomer bends" - it was a descriptive name for a style of blues bends used (overused) in old blues rock on a Beato video. I could see George Carlin using boomer bends in a comedy routine, same for the blues brothers...

I wasn't offended in the slightest, I was merely commenting that he is still at that age where he thinks that he is perpetually young. We all went through it. He is extremely talented, and will be rich in his old age, so it does not matter. But the truth remains that he talks about baby boomers as being older than him, like "age" will not happen to him. But conversely, when he is older, his fine line, black tattoo work is going to look like a blob on his neck.......because that happens.......when you get older. There will no doubt be a newer generation guitar player making comments about the "blobby neck tattoo guys from the 2020's". It is going to happen, and someone making the observation, is not offensive, but a simple reality.

Observations do not equal offense.
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I wasn't offended in the slightest, I was merely commenting that he is still at that age where he thinks that he is perpetually young. We all went through it. He is extremely talented, and will be rich in his old age, so it does not matter. But the truth remains that he talks about baby boomers as being older than him, like "age" will not happen to him. But conversely, when he is older, his fine line, black tattoo work is going to look like a blob on his neck.......because that happens.......when you get older. There will no doubt be a newer generation guitar player making comments about the "blobby neck tattoo guys from the 2020's". It is going to happen, and someone making the observation, is not offensive, but a simple reality.
It’s true that the old dudes that just had long hair only had to cut their hair when they got older. But there are a lot of old dudes that just refuse to lose the freak flag. It could be thin, grey, stringy with bald spots but they won’t cut it. So it’s possible that when these younger folks get old they won’t want to lose the old tattoos just like lots of old guys won’t cut their hair.

But I also think that with the popularity of tattoos being so high the last couple decades (or more) that technology will find a way to remove them pretty well.
There’s no way you can equate the old hippie look of basically appearing unkempt through natural neglect (long unstyled hair and shaggy untrimmed beards) with the extraordinary effort at a prefabricated image that Henson has undergone.
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There’s no way you can equate the old hippie look of basically appearing unkempt through natural neglect (long unstyled hair and shaggy untrimmed beards) with the extraordinary attempts at a prefabricated image that Henson has undergone.
Sure you can. Look at what Steve Morse had to endure just to have that long hair. Sitting in a chair having someone else draw tattoos on you is not that hard.
We all know innovating on the guitar, dressing weird and pissing of the old folks was only allowed in the 70s/80s. Not allowed now.

So we must retaliate by sending tens of thousands of views to his videos so he can make more money... :ROFLMAO:

... but seriously, who's more heavy metal...? The guy shredding and pissing people off for a living, or the internet guitar forum troll calling him names?
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"Heh yeah, that Tim Henson guy, what a clown. I like my rock music from the 80's when men were real men! These kids these days don't have a clue!"
There’s no way you can equate the old hippie look of basically appearing unkempt through natural neglect (long unstyled hair and shaggy untrimmed beards) with the extraordinary attempts at a prefabricated image that Henson has undergone.

Sure you can. There just different forms of a rock genre 'uniform'.

You wanna talk pre-fab image? How about these eras?




Tim looks no more or less ridiculous.
Sure you can. There just different forms of a rock genre 'uniform'.

You wanna talk pre-fab image? How about these eras?

Tim looks no more or less ridiculous.
I do find the cognitive dissonance very interesting. It's like band dudes could only dress weird between an arbitrary time period in the past.

When did the rules change? What year was it decided that it's bad to dress weird and shred the guitar?
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I wouldn't make fun of how he looks if his music wasn't banal, lowest common denominator dogshit

Are you serious?
I may not like all of it but banal and common are the last two words I'd use to describe it.

There's so much going on here both rhythmically and harmonically it's ridiculous.
It's one thing for the kid to be able to play like this but he's also coming up with the stuff.

Sure you can. There just different forms of a rock genre 'uniform'.

You wanna talk pre-fab image? How about these eras?




Tim looks no more or less ridiculous.
Pfft, Those Ramones didn’t even have ripped jeans.

And I’ll bet ole Rob Halford could teach the young man a thing or two…not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Sure you can. There just different forms of a rock genre 'uniform'.

You wanna talk pre-fab image? How about these eras?

Tim looks no more or less ridiculous.
I’m referring to the original Sabbath and ZEP photos you provided as specific examples. Looks like pretty much regular clothing with a next to zero amount of effort required to achieve and maintain it. Don’t cloud the water with examples of 80’s excess.
Don’t cloud the water with examples of 80’s excess.

That's not the point.

Zep and Sabbath looked ridiculous to my dad.
Judas Priest looked ridiculous to someone else's dad.
Bet Gene Vincent & the Blu Caps ruffled some feathers back in the day too.


Bottom line:
You start focusing more on the look than the music? It's YOUR problem. Not the musos.
