Well my purchased shows are getting shwacked like last year

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Well, here we go again. I was supposed to see Mac Sabbath in a few weeks and they cancelled the whole tour. KiSS is supposed to be this upcoming Thursday but I'm on "Paul Watch" since ha has COV-19 now. Alice Cooper is in a month and my buddy and I are doing voodoo with chicken bones, hoping the show does not get axed. We were supposed to see RATM and Roger Waters (shows postponed from 2020) and now those are pushed to 2022.

My buddy had a show and literally the night before their show, he got COV-19. This has been such a royal pain in the ass. I don't think people are even getting excites about shows because they fear they will get axed. I did get to see Brit Floyd and Get the Led Out, thank God.
You know what sucks? It sucks that Polio and Measels were never eradicated in 1st world countries because Facebook (and other unnamed media companies) allowed rampant disinformation campaigns about how those diseases were fake and how the vaccines for those diseases were actually just government / Big Pharma control schemes and power grabs that didn’t actually work. Just think, if that hadn’t happened we might actually live in a society where Polio and the Measels weren’t something you have to worry about in everyday life.

Oh wait.
You know what sucks? It sucks that Polio and Measels were never eradicated in 1st world countries because Facebook (and other unnamed media companies) allowed rampant disinformation campaigns about how those diseases were fake and how the vaccines for those diseases were actually just government / Big Pharma control schemes and power grabs that didn’t actually work. Just think, if that hadn’t happened we might actually live in a society where Polio and the Measels weren’t something you have to worry about in everyday life.

Oh wait.

You know what’s for SURE not gonna get us out of this? This culture of self righteousness that is plaguing the world on both sides of the aisle right now… really think about that for a minute before you get the urge to say something again. Seriously.
I know that you have a damn near 100% chance of never dying from Covid19 even before the mystery kool-aid stab came out but I wonder what the chance of surviving paralytic polio pre-vaccine was? If there were only a way to f....oh wait here it is.
5 to 15 % chance of dying from severe polio. Huge difference. Also some of those rushed polio vaccines ended up killing thousands back in the 50s
Except only one side of the isle will get you killed by COVID

Oh really? Which side is that? The vaxxed or unvaxxed side? Because Ive got 10 guys in my department who are all vaccinated out on covid leave right now who are sick. So what have we accomplished here? Let’s see…

I have Covid right now… so let’s see…

vaxxed: can still transmit to others, can still get it, reduced rates of hospitalization and death. Still have to wear a mask. “Booster” or may not be needed. Cool, great.

Me unvaccinated: can transmit to others, can still get it, got regeneron immediately and my symptoms were gone in 2 days, reduced rate of hospitalization and death ( by 80-90 percent) still have to wear a mask, arguably better safety net with true natural immunity, no booster.

So I ask again, what have the self righteous that are vaccinated accomplishing over me?
I know that you have a damn near 100% chance of never dying from Covid19 even before the mystery kool-aid stab came out but I wonder what the chance of surviving paralytic polio pre-vaccine was? If there were only a way to f....oh wait here it is.
5 to 15 % chance of dying from severe polio. Huge difference. Also some of those rushed polio vaccines ended up killing thousands back in the 50s

Jeez man, stop making sense. Why not compare covid to Ebola too? It’s like the same thing!

Also, let’s not forget about the 30-40,000 who die from the flu( like ACTUALLY die from the flu) EVERY YEAR, vaccine or not… but hey, let’s just keep up this self righteous induced culture shitfest of morally superior people who get the vaccine because they “ care about other people”… ya…. Sure you do.
Before this goes in the direction of "fuck you. No. Fuck you" any further, I have tickets for GNR and Mammoth in late September. Along with a few smaller shows. Hope I can go to them.
Yeah. I probably shouldn't have started a shit fest. But i had covid. It was like the flu. I worked throgh it, which was tough. I live in texas. A lot of us don't mask because it does nothing. A lot are anti vaccine. So it spreads like crazy here. I was also waiting on the vaccination not because i am completely against it, but because it felt rushed. My wife got the vaccine. She caught it a week after me and she had 1 day of cold like symptoms to my five. I have a couple friends that are vaxed that are struggling at home...no danger. Had a friend that had vaccine and went to hospital. I think that it is overblown as far as it's danger. The flu before the vaccine was much more dangerous than this. This isn't worth shutting down the economy. Fear is stronger than logic, and it is shown very much in society. I hate to sound like an asshole, but since the beginning, I have been doing the math on the fatalities. There are a lot, sure, but percentage wise it is so low as to be laughable that we would diminish our quality of life over darwanism. I told my Dad who is a fearmonger of covid at the very beginning. I would rather live than survive. When we turn this into a third world country, it will be a fucking shame.
I was thinking of going to STP in early October in an outdoor amphitheater. But when I checked why the total for a $24 ticket was going to be $54, I decided against it. So in a way, Ticketmaster saved me the grief. Thanks Ticketmaster!
Wow, over 600,000 dead in the States, as many, if not more with long term complications after gaining their “natural immunity” and people still want to bring up the flu and seem credible in any sense. Getting life back to normal is not about taming the fear, it’s abut taming the willful ignorance based on conspiracy paranoia and partisanship.
It’s not fear mongering. It’s just common sense. We have a dangerous, highly contagious virus and there is an effective vaccine against it. It’s not a decision made out of fear. I’m not afraid if I need to get a shot to travel to a certain part of the world. It’s just another step in the process of wanting to do something safely. I don’t put my seatbelt on with fear or my hard hat and harness when I do ladder work on my job. The fear mongering is coming from the anti-vaccers and conspiracy theorists. It’ll change your DNA, there’s a tracking device, make you infertile, make you magnetic (lol) etc etc.
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It’s not fear mongering. It’s just common sense. We have a dangerous, highly contagious virus and there is an effective vaccine against it. It’s not a decision made out of fear. I’m not afraid if I need to get a shot to travel to a certain part of the world. It’s just another step in the process of wanting to do something safely. I don’t put my seatbelt on with fear or my hard hat and harness when I do ladder work on my job. The fear mongering is coming from the anti-vaccers and conspiracy theorists. It’ll change your DNA, there’s a tracking device, make you infertile, make you magnetic (lol) etc etc.
I am not political at all, and I am not a fan of conspiracy theories. I have actually had covid twice. If that many people are too weak to survive it, that is a shame. But you can't stop nature. No reason to fear it. We all die. I think the people that are terrified of it can live in a bubble by themselves. Let the rest of us Live