Well my purchased shows are getting shwacked like last year

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I believe you said something on my posts as well, dipshit.
Well, you’re one of those ones. Feed off negative energy. I don’t and I’m going to bed. I wish you the best cause there’s something that makes you always be on attack mode/defensive . Chill out homie, life is short.
Well, you’re one of those ones. Feed off negative energy. I don’t and I’m going to bed. I wish you the best cause there’s something that makes you always be on attack mode/defensive . Chill out homie, life is short.

Mother fucker you came in this perfectly civil discussion blasting like a typical drunk guy on a forum at midnight crying in his beer over not being what he always wanted to be his whole life. GTFOH with that shit.
Mother fucker you came in this perfectly civil discussion blasting like a typical drunk guy on a forum at midnight crying in his beer over not being what he always wanted to be his whole life. GTFOH with that shit.
My daddy can beat up your daddy. Goodnight peach 🤦🏻‍♂️.
don’t get your panties in a bunch. I afforded tons of great gear when I was more or less “broke” in the scheme of things during periods of my life also, for what it’s worth.

also, I think you kinda proved my point: literally not one person in this thread has any clue or expertise in ANYTHING we are discussing here, and that remains to be the case here until I’m proven wrong, but so far, once again, I’m not. And yes, compared to many of you, I am far more in tune with what is going on with this disease than many of the people here. Am I an expert? Absolutely not. But if you are stranded on rig talk island with nothing but a bunch of lawyers and one boy scout, who you gonna probably rely on to catch your food?

once again, not an expert, but I’ll be damned if I’m just gonna sit here and listen to people spew their self righteous morally superior bullshit while sitting behind a desk all day, not having any clue of what they are talking about in the least. I have Atleast a somewhat decent perspective on this. And I’m sure there are many that are here that do as well, no doubt about it: but they sure as hell aren’t in this thread..

It’s real simple: keep your self righteous bullshit to yourself, it’s the only way to accomplish anything. Nothing good comes from it, be it in medicine or any other industry. That is literally never the way things have have been accomplished, that’s my point in all of this completely.

also: yes, there are a few things I said that are my opinion, namely my opinion on vaccine mandates, self righteousness, etc. much of what I said is not opinion though: in regards to hospital usage and other things related to covid and percentages etc. you don’t need to run a covid ward to have some understanding of these things.
The hypocrisy is astounding.

There is one key thing you are overlooking. Many people here are echoing what the health community has been asking people for months. This includes federal, state, and county level people who not only have expertise, but are also tasked with dealing with the pandemic.

The other group is referencing politicians and news opinionists.

I personally have been paying the most attention to my county health officer. I don't have cable or watch the news. I have a pretty good idea that the health leadership is frustrated at misinformation and people not following their advice.

The few doctors I asked a high level opinion during appointments have literally said, "that's above my pay grade." All of them asked me to follow guidelines and reassured me that getting vaccinated was safe for me specifically.

The problem here is that medical advice is being treated as disqualified opinions because people who share the same.advixe by experts aren't experts themselves. But then the advice that comes form the other side is not medical advice and also comes from non experts. People need to go ask their doctor and stop listening to the bs agenda of mass media and social media. That crap is ruining our country.

Maybe that varies by location, but claiming that information is wrong because no one is an expert and you are educated enough to have an ego completely throws out the information that actual experts are trying to tell people. I find that pretty dangerous, but it is just my opinion if that behavior should be tolerated or not.
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The hypocrisy is astounding.

There is one key thing you are overlooking. Many people here are echoing what the health community has been asking people for months. This includes federal, state, and county level people who not only have expertise, but are also tasked with dealing with the pandemic.

The other group is referencing politicians and news opinionists.

I personally have been paying the most attention to my county health officer. I don't have cable or watch the news. I have a pretty good idea that the health leadership is frustrated at misinformation and people not following their advice.

The few doctors I asked a high level opinion during appointments have literally said, "that's above my pay grade." All of them asked me to follow guidelines and reassured me that getting vaccinated was safe for me specifically.

The problem here is that medical advice is being treated as disqualified opinions because people who share the same.advixe by experts aren't experts themselves. But then the advice that comes form the other side is not medical advice and also comes from non experts. People need to go ask their doctor and stop listening to the bs agenda of mass media and social media. That crap is ruining our country.

Maybe that varies by location, but claiming that information is wrong because no one is an expert and you are educated enough to have an ego completely throws out the information that actual experts are trying to tell people. I find that pretty dangerous, but it is just my opinion if that behavior should be tolerated or not.

Where, in anything that I’ve said, did I go against anything you said? Where, anywhere in my posts, did I claim you shouldn’t get the vaccine? Again, you are echoing the same thing I’ve been saying, especially about staying away from social media etc for information. So I ask you again, what have I said that you feel is “dangerous”?

I agree, people are echoing (some) truths, while others think they are saying things that are accurate when quite frankly, they aren’t. Why is that so surprising? Also, why do you find it so surprising that people call out the BS that has come FROM the medical community? You don’t think that maybe, just maybe, the CDC and dr fauci and the WHO have done some of this to themselves, or do you believe they are untouchable too? The amount of shifting of opinions by these organizations during the first 6-8 months of this thing, based on science or not, led to much of their not being trusted: you can’t blame people for that, that’s human nature.

And yea, I think this is location dependent: considering you have morons in PA mandating TWO masks for restaurant workers for instance, people are going to start asking questions, like what “science” that’s based on: I know I would be, but I digress.

You aren’t going to see me going against the vaccine, and you won’t see me going against people who don’t want it: contrary to popular belief, you do have the right to die if you want, and since so many “experts” have you all believing you are going to die if you don’t get the vaccine, then I guess that’s their prerogative. And if you have the vaccine, you shouldn’t worry about these people, you’re vaccinated remember? So you can’t get it fro.... oh wait… and around and around we go.

joking aside, I don’t think I’ve personally said anything “ dangerous” or contradicting in any way to where the medical community stands: unless of course you mean the part about how I feel vaccines shouldn’t be mandated and it should be a personal choice and segregating people based on health status is racism with a different name: then yea, I’m against all of that too. The only thing “dangerous” here would be if you get your medical opinion from rig talk: ya get what ya get for that if you do.
Oh man, I heard about Tesla on Eddie Trunk. That sucks bro. Hope you get to see your 311!!!
Thanks man.

Korn and Staind are coming this weekend but I already have plans. My wife saw Maroon 5 with her friends last week in an outdoor amphitheater but masks and vax proof were required.
Thanks man.

Korn and Staind are coming this weekend but I already have plans. My wife saw Maroon 5 with her friends last week in an outdoor amphitheater but masks and vax proof were required.
My friend just saw them this weekend. Jonathon just got over COV-19 so sat in a chair for some songs but he said it was really cool
Thanks man.

Korn and Staind are coming this weekend but I already have plans. My wife saw Maroon 5 with her friends last week in an outdoor amphitheater but masks and vax proof were required.
I've seen 311 4 times now. I would love to see them this time around..
You know what sucks? It sucks that Polio and Measels were never eradicated in 1st world countries because Facebook (and other unnamed media companies) allowed rampant disinformation campaigns about how those diseases were fake and how the vaccines for those diseases were actually just government / Big Pharma control schemes and power grabs that didn’t actually work. Just think, if that hadn’t happened we might actually live in a society where Polio and the Measels weren’t something you have to worry about in everyday life.

Oh wait.
My brother was crippled for life by a polio vaccine.
My brother was crippled for life by a polio vaccine.

I've read that some of the polio vaccine was improperly handled and actually contained live polio virus. Is that what happened to your brother?

Specifically, it was a case of Republicans screwing everything up again. Health, Education and Welfare Secretary at the time, Ovetta Culp Hobby, rejected congressional Democrats plan that would make the polio vaccine free to everyone, stating that this would make for a “back door to socialized medicine" (her words). So, Hobby also insisted that private companies should take care of producing Salk’s vaccine, licensing six of them to do so. One of those companies was Cutter Labs. Cutter Labs screwed up the process and produced "vaccine" with live polio virus, which was injected into children.

Whatever happened to your brother, I am truly sorry for his situation.
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^ cool man

I didn't get into 311 until Transistor and I didn't even know what I was buying. I was looking for a song called 'Down" :lol:

At that point in time I was not into that 'Rock Rap' type thing at all. I was heavy into Megadeth and Metallica. This album Transistor just hit me like WTF? WTF did I just listen to? It grew on me quickly. Same thing happened to me with Nu Metal.

I've seen 311 4 times now. I would love to see them this time around..
I've always enjoyed their live shows. It was def part of the hook. The crowds are always so cool and they are just a great live band anyway. I've seen them probably 60-70 times now including multiple 311 Days 3/11/xx in NOLA and Vegas, a 311 Cruise and Pow Wow Festival in Florida.
^ cool man

I didn't get into 311 until Transistor and I didn't even know what I was buying. I was looking for a song called 'Down" :LOL:

At that point in time I was not into that 'Rock Rap' type thing at all. I was heavy into Megadeth and Metallica. This album Transistor just hit me like WTF? WTF did I just listen to? It grew on me quickly. Same thing happened to me with Nu Metal.

I think "Grassroots" was the first thing I recall with them. About the same time I learned about Sweetwater and Infectious Grooves, which was vaguely familiar until I figured out they were basically Suicidal Tendencies... Ah...the days before internet...
I think "Grassroots" was the first thing I recall with them. About the same time I learned about Sweetwater and Infectious Grooves, which was vaguely familiar until I figured out they were basically Suicidal Tendencies... Ah...the days before internet...

Grassroots is a great album. I have a 311 shirt I bought at a Council Bluffs show that simply says Grass on the front and Roots on the back. I also made my brother a 311 jersey with 'Grassroots' as the name on the back.

PS: I saw Korn again a few years ago - they can still bring it :yes: