Well said Andy

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He is such a great guy. I remember when he used to post videos and comment on threads here. I actually talked to him on the phone when I was trying to get my TC G-system working with my Herbert I only bought the Herbert because I heard the sound he was getting out of his. He's made it in the industry and I'm so happy for him!
He's not wrong. But I don't think anyone here, including me, thought we could play Mean Street better than Joe Satch. I think some of us just felt he was the wrong guy for the job. Not because he is not good enough. It's because he doesn't have a lot of swing to his playing. Never has.

That and its not really a tribute tour.
You are absolutely right I think Pete Thorne did a great job but I've never been able to even come close to it and no one will ever do what Eddie did Rip Eddie
To me everything he said is actually meaningless. The bottom line of it is, as a listener, who doesn’t care about who earned what or who has proved what, do I want to listen to them play those songs with his tone and approach to playing them? Whether Joe works for you or not is only up to the listener, we all have the right to say and feel about it what we want.
This vid reminded me too much of people who retort against criticism of a famous player with “where’s your platinum album”, “they sell out every night” “show me you doing better“. Anyone playing and performing music to make profit is open to any and all criticism from the folks who might pay to hear and see it.
He makes a great point, nerds definitely like to throw the real deals under the bus whenever they can. But nothing takes away from Joe's legacy as a player. I saw him butcher Meanstreets.. just looks like a guy who messed with it for 5 minutes for the first time ever. If they are doing VH tunes, he's the wrong guy. If they are doing their own band stuff, he's the absolute right guy. It's Satch, he gets a pass from me. Great guy, great musician, great role model. What's not to like. ( except for the fact that he didn't teach Kirk any vibrato)

EDIT: I just listened to clips on Howard Stern and yeah, if they are doing VH stuff, they should look past Joe, his timing was terrible. His right hand plays too straight and is all over the place. Whatever though, he is their buddy. Like jerkoff Gers in Maiden.
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Whoa!! He is calling what he sees!!

What’s his story, he placed second in the world championship mandolin contest at like 15, and then switched to electric guitar and won Guitarmegeddon 2 years later!? Then entered the realm of guitar legend/heavyweight soon after!? Dude cuts it strict.

He has spoken!

The introduction of Hagar was the end of the mighty Van Halen. But, that’s just my opinion. Hagar should be banned from playing Roth era VH. Roth era, to me, is top 5 greatest bands ever. They sit amongst fellow giants. That super tough edge, the one that made you cringe and shudder in shock and awe, that EVH conjured at will, was gone. I remember a period of darkness, night terrors, unexplained fits of irrational rage, a visible and awkward tick that caused my eyes to blink, losing complete control of my face, sobbing uncontrollably, often in class, and It was the departure Roth. I realized that NEVER AGAIN, would I see greatness on par with Van Halen locking in, cutting it super strict, with Roth leading the charge.

I actually prefer it when the fill in player is different enough from the original. I don’t like exact copy players, because they are never quite there.

I prefer when someone does it in their own way, or at least has so much of their own tone/sound/style/thing that it can’t help but come through.

I’d much rather hear Satriani do this than any of the clone style players I’ve heard mentioned here.

I don’t even want the solos the same. Just any important melody/hooks and of course the rhythm as close as possible. Add some own ideas to the solo. So basically I wish Satriani was doing MORE of his own thing within the VH framework. Now that would be exciting.
Food for thought. Just remember; Sammy Hagar has done what very few folks have been able to accomplish in the music history, which is, be a part of a major change of a band member (DLR) and the band continues to get MASSIVE hits under the same name. AC/DC has done it…. Prolly a few others. I’m not talking as a solo artist or under a different band name. The question then is; what a major member would be. Slash/Axl Paul/ John. DLR/EVH. Mick/Kieth. If I were to guess; satch has gotten an earful from the Stern show and I’d bet he will learn what he needs to learn. Having said that; I do notice a bit of a tremor in his right hand. Joe ain’t young anymore.
Also these guys are just playing out their careers with sport playing for cash; not that they need any. Fuck I’d do it. Hell, I’d do it for nothing. I’d like to be in satch’s position and y’all you talk about me “who is that fucking hack”.
To me everything he said is actually meaningless. The bottom line of it is, as a listener, who doesn’t care about who earned what or who has proved what, do I want to listen to them play those songs with his tone and approach to playing them? Whether Joe works for you or not is only up to the listener, we all have the right to say and feel about it what we want.
This vid reminded me too much of people who retort against criticism of a famous player with “where’s your platinum album”, “they sell out every night” “show me you doing better“. Anyone playing and performing music to make profit is open to any and all criticism from the folks who might pay to hear and see it.

i agree, i hate these kind of bullshit rants. it pisses me off when athletes do this too, like im not allowed to criticize them when they drop the ball or miss the shot they are getting paid tens of millions to do because "we arent out there" or some bullshit.
Anyone playing and performing music to make profit is open to any and all criticism from the folks who might pay to hear and see it.
Sure, but when it comes from fellow musicians it sounds bitter and petty.
Didn’t satriani himself say he wasn’t very good?? If he has admitted himself he wasn’t very good, why is it controversial if others say the same thing??
And who is this Andy dude? I’m not familiar. Seems weird to get that annoyed to make a video like this over comments on the internet about another guitar player
You know --In my world there are way better choices for this gig . Pete Thorn , Al Estrada , Jacob Derap -- yes I said him but part of this gig is name recognition and selling tickets. I mean this band might as well be Chicken Foot . It's kind of like when Axl Rose did AC/DC on a fill in for Brian Johnson . Way better choices out there but not the name recognition of Axl TO SELL TICKETS ! Joe Satriani will be fine and has nothing to prove but there are better choices.
You know --In my world there are way better choices for this gig . Pete Thorn , Al Estrada , Jacob Derap -- yes I said him but part of this gig is name recognition and selling tickets. I mean this band might as well be Chicken Foot . It's kind of like when Axl Rose did AC/DC on a fill in for Brian Johnson . Way better choices out there but not the name recognition of Axl TO SELL TICKETS ! Joe Satriani will be fine and has nothing to prove but there are better choices.

I agree, same thing with Pantera. I could play pantera better than zakk can, no one’s buying a ticket to see RaceU4her from rig-talk though
i agree, i hate these kind of bullshit rants
I love 'em. If you only play by yourself in your basement sitting down you have no clue what it means to keep a crowd engaged. Being in a band is more than playing the right notes on your 50th take