Well my Herm Single Rec like yours has almost nothing in common soundwise with the C or other 2ch Rec’s, but the Rev G is my standout favorite of my 4 Hermansson’s and maintains more of that sound in it. Like all the Hermansson’s he makes the mids very hollow (won’t growl or have juice in that region) and scooped in parts of the low mids, but it’s way tighter, faster, cutting and more attack-y than my C or any stock recto. It’s basically the Herm sound that all his amps have to varying degrees (super tight/fast, but hollow and colder) with some of the 2ch Recto sound maintained in there. The C is much fatter (but way darker) and has all that throat growly, where the Herm G has some of that left in it, but both are among my top 3 high gain amps
The Rev G Herm I think is a good balance because it’s almost as tight as my other Herm’s, but not as hollow or lacking in tonal richness and thicker sounding