In this video there is not the only attenuator that has been talked about for over 15 years as the best: Aracom. And it is also hard to find tests with this on youtube.
I think that considerations on gear/hardware are always subjective, it depends a lot on the use that one makes of it.
And in my case I only need the first or second step of attenuation to not burn the speakers, also using the Greenback with Marshall JMP/JCM 100W.
If I have to give opinions on this video, the only one that does it really well is Alex/Scumback. All the others already at the first step modify the sound audibly.
Returning to the Fryette, my use of the fryette PS100 is mainly in analog recording (I do not use IRs

here everything is easily audible. When I activate fryette it totally changes the sound that the amp has with the interaction of the cabinet, becoming really unreal and artificial, and puts a mask on the sound. This has always been described as "different", but for me that is not the way to describe it.
I only use it because I have to when I use fragile speakers, but if I can I avoid it.
What I wonder is why almost no one talks about this? No one notices this difference or are they happy with it?
I have never had Aracom yet, but in the description on their site it mentions precisely this aspect of the amp + cab interaction as fundamental for the sound and it is not modified.
I hope to be able to try it.