What did Cameron modded amps cost back in the day

huh....ok...i just hope you have a pic lol
There is a pic that exists somewhere online of it as I had to do a massive photo documentation to see if Mark could identify an issue I was having and I wasn’t willing to send the amp to him. I was living in Ithaca NY at the time and Trace/Voodoo Amps was local so I worked with him to resolve it instead (ended up being something minor), but Trace had some pretty choice words on the cell phone charger at the time.
Completely hearsay, but Trace’s take at the time was Mark frequently scavenged parts for his mods (which somewhat gelled with the amount of amps that never were returned to owners)
There is a pic that exists somewhere online of it as I had to do a massive photo documentation to see if Mark could identify an issue I was having and I wasn’t willing to send the amp to him. I was living in Ithaca NY at the time and Trace/Voodoo Amps was local so I worked with him to resolve it instead (ended up being something minor), but Trace had some pretty choice words on the cell phone charger at the time.
Completely hearsay, but Trace’s take at the time was Mark frequently scavenged parts for his mods (which somewhat gelled with the amount of amps that never were returned to owners)

thats insane! i'm going to have to do some digging lol
It wasn’t a cell phone charger it was a laptop power supply which is just a different package of the type of power supplies we use today for auxiliary power. It’s genius but also a bad idea at the time as there’s no way to physically mount it. I think he used zip ties or something like that but I do know I’ve seen the image and he did ship an amp like that.
I bought my JCM 800 Aldrich off of someone here in 04-05 era for $2200. I still have it, though I don't play it often. It sounds amazing for what it does, but it does that one thing, and I need a clean and something that likes pedals.
I bought my JCM 800 Aldrich off of someone here in 04-05 era for $2200. I still have it, though I don't play it often. It sounds amazing for what it does, but it does that one thing, and I need a clean and something that likes pedals.

if you're not using it, you should sell it and double your money lol
I almost pulled the trigger on the White Tolex 1959 Reissue the last time it was available - I'm sure that was pre-covid. I remember the seller wanted $3,500.00. Someone else snapped it up while I sat on the fence. Online clips of that particular head do sound really, really good.
The last Aldrich made by Cameron fetched over $5k in minutes. If he really wanted he could triple it and get it no questions asked. Easier to buy second hand than feed the corrupt source at a lower price.

Completely agreed!

Hell he could sell it to me for $2200 and I’ll sell it and he can ship directly to the person I sell it too lol
The last Aldrich made by Cameron fetched over $5k in minutes. If he really wanted he could triple it and get it no questions asked. Easier to buy second hand than feed the corrupt source at a lower price.
It's a bit like a white whale. When I fire it up, it's like YEAH!! It sounds like the Live Whitesnake DVD from early 2000s (even if that was Custom Audio and other amps). But, I know that if I do sell it, I won't find another one. I've debated on selling it and buying a Friedman or something.
Well talking about ruining a good thing. I remember when people went goo goo for these amps. He could have made a killing. I was brand new to guitar back then and didn't know much but I do remember that around 2004ish and on.
He was a friend and handled advertising such as in that video and handled money and who was owed what. Basically an attempt to try to fix what he had already screwed up but it wasn’t public knowledge yet that a screwup had occurred.

This is actually the era I was trying to order a custom ocean modded SLP from Chris as they actually would take custom build requests. They wanted all money up front though and I couldn’t get the money in time before they stopped allowing custom orders all together so I never got to order one. There was a time period deposits were allowed for the CCV and CCM and that is the list you see quoted randomly for refunds or amps for those who paid in full.

Looking back it was a saving grace - the ocean mods didn’t sound as good as his Aldrich’s IMO. Come full circle I think I’ve cooked up something better than both.
Sounds like a swell deal. i'll take 2.
Was Mark an Electrical Engineer or just learned on his own? Seems he was ahead of his time with these mods.



He's a Grad of the "rockin dippy" school of brown-nosed caulk sucking and spray-paint repair.