What did Cameron modded amps cost back in the day

if you're not using it, you should sell it and double your money lol




He's a Grad of the "rockin dippy" school of brown-nosed caulk sucking and spray-paint repair.

did you watch the video? @burger literally says its a cool amp and has a great feel under the fingers...and the only problem he found was the popping sound when channel switches and maintenance with the goop is difficult

direct quote: "impressed by the worksmanship and the amount of detail that is in there"
I’m always saying this is what separates my Cameron from other amps, I can get other amps to sound very similar but they don’t
have the addictive iic+ kind of bounce my mig has.

absolutely, addictive is the exact word. it makes you want to play more. the feel under the fingers, the bounce was just unmatched. if only mark could have gotten things going the right way, i think he could have been as big a household name in the amp world as dave friedman imo
i have no clue...i think this was the iteration of cameron amps before the brad king era. i have no clue who was involved in that run of trying to take the brand into the limelight.

i bought one of the brad king era aldrich mods...#4 for whoever has it now lol (model was called the "old bitch"). that endeavor involved brad, dave friedman, rob (dave's partner at racksystems) and in some weird way george metropoulos although i never fully understood how or why he got involved.
How did the “old bitch” sound ?
The red paint deal being an abomination. Even so, Steve k owned that amp at some point and said it was like his best sounding Cameron he ever had.

The black silicon thing he did is kinda good in a way lets you know some screwball fuck hasn't monkeyed around in there. And if something needs repair it ain't that hard to remove.

Dan has got Cameron derangement syndrome. Cameron definitely fucked quite a few people over in the day.
But Dan almost comes off as some sort of penis envy knowing or maybe not that these Cameron's blow his Friedman shitbox out of the water.
Dan, I have a LG/HG jose that absolutely kills. Message me for a deal. I'd like to see you finally get over this.
The red paint deal being an abomination. Even so, Steve k owned that amp at some point and said it was like his best sounding Cameron he ever had.

The black silicon thing he did is kinda good in a way lets you know some screwball fuck hasn't monkeyed around in there. And if something needs repair it ain't that hard to remove.

Dan has got Cameron derangement syndrome. Cameron definitely fucked quite a few people over in the day.
But Dan almost comes off as some sort of penis envy knowing or maybe not that these Cameron's blow his Friedman shitbox out of the water.
Dan, I have a LG/HG jose that absolutely kills. Message me for a deal. I'd like to see you finally get over this.

Nay brah scameron can suck sewer shit and frozen pizza til the end of time.
Karma is best served cold n harsh. Every time i hear that assholes name he's gonna get it from me.
How did the “old bitch” sound ?

super angry and raw man, it had that bounce under the fingers just like the aldrich mod but it was way rawer than the aldrich mod i just sold

i really miss that amp, wish i still had it
Cameron was essentially before my time, but based on that sucker free gear channel it seems he still does mods- I’ve heard rumors about why he can’t do production models, but in general nothing I’ve heard clip wise would have me buy one- especially considering he’s never paid back the people he stole from
This was my amp and my picture. I added the Metro loop to it
Did I sell this to you? Circa 2007? Mine was also a 2 channel JMP featuring a cell phone/laptop power supply for the heaters
Miss that amp actually

Nay brah scameron can suck sewer shit and frozen pizza til the end of time.
Karma is best served cold n harsh. Every time i hear that assholes name he's gonna get it from me
I don't know man, sounds pretty dumb. Buy the amp. Enjoy it or not. Sell it, make yourself a grand.

Anyway, offer rescinded so it doesn't matter anyway. Play on player
Brother, why didn’t you slap his hands when he was gooping all that shit there? 😂
No goop. No drama. No missing amps back then.

Mark is not an electrical engineer. What he is is a fantastic guitar player with a really killer, aggressive attack and he has a phenomenal ear and can dial in an amp in seconds. None of those skills are taught in engineering school.

Before I come off as a Cameron apologist, I'm not. I was friends with him for 15-18 years until one of his fan boys reported to Mark that some shit-talking happened in our booth at the LA Amp Show that we shared with a local amp builder. That builder was also friends with Mark but was telling a story at the show about the difficulties he had in getting an amp back from an LA based amp modder. There was only about 15 different guys modding amps in LA at that time so it was ambiguous. And the storyteller took great pains to not mention Cameron by name at all. Well this other Cameron fan (besides me and the amp builder we shared the booth with both being supporters) reported back to Mark that we were all shit-talking him in our booth and Mark called me up a few days later and ripped me a new one. The whole time I was holding the phone and wondering what the hell he was talking about. A couple of hours later I figured out what happened and who had told Mark. I'm a grown man. Been in the industry for 40 years and I have no interest in the drama that some of these supporters thrive on. Haven't spoken to Mark since. His loss.
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