What Guitar is Missing from Y'all's Collections?

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If you could pick one to round out that missing tonal paintbrush...

  • Acoustic

  • Traditional Fender or Gibson (Strat, Tele, LP, SG, etc...)

  • Vintage Pointy (Explorer, Traditional V)

  • Modern Pointy (RRV, KK, Warrior, Warlock, Kelly, etc...)

  • Traditional Superstrat (Charvel, Jackson, EVH, HH Strat, etc...)

  • Pointy-ish Superstrat (Dinky, RG, Modern, etc...)

  • Hollow/Semi-hollow

  • Baritone

  • Modern 7+ String

  • Bass

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I've been wanting a semi hollow forever .... I haven't tried many ... someday .... just don't know if it'll be a 335 kind of thing ... or a PRS semi of sorts

I have a D'Angelico Excel Mini DC. It's pretty nice, and you can find them used for pretty good prices (don't be dumb like me and buy a new one and then see how cheap they are on the used market).
I don't think he was a creep so much as drunk, depressed, and lonely. But I met him for like 15-20 minutes in Tacoma and he had all sorts of weird collectibles he was trying to trade for the guitar. Like a suit of armor. Which, I secretly did kinda want. :ROFLMAO:
I really wish you had not shared our origin story here for the public to see. You promised to be discreet.

As for the only guitar I want that I don't have is a Gretch Malcolm Young with an emg81 and a Floyd. Dead serious, not kidding at all. Hell, I'd take the import version. I know...I have issues. Real issues. Fuck you all for judging me.
I really wish you had not shared our origin story here for the public to see. You promised to be discreet.

As for the only guitar I want that I don't have is a Gretch Malcolm Young with an emg81 and a Floyd. Dead serious, not kidding at all. Hell, I'd take the import version. I know...I have issues. Real issues. Fuck you all for judging me.

I mean, that is too strange.
Pretty sure his name was also M.
He def wasn't you, though.
Unless you collect porcelain clowns.
If so, I apologize. :ROFLMAO:
The case lock code is 667.
As for the only guitar I want that I don't have is a Gretch Malcolm Young with an emg81 and a Floyd. Dead serious, not kidding at all. Hell, I'd take the import version. I know...I have issues. Real issues. Fuck you all for judging me.

Is this real?
Only see models with filtertrons and archtop/harmonica bridges.
Gibson Custom Shop L-5 "Shark"

That with an ebony board and black body binding would have me drowning in ectoplasm 😍

I like the lack of binding or different color bevels; I have a black Rhoads with yellow binding, and gold hardware; reverse headstock (which I'd like on the Warrior)

...and JS series Warrior and Rhoads black body with white bevels...for wall decorations

I've been wanting a semi hollow forever .... I haven't tried many ... someday .... just don't know if it'll be a 335 kind of thing ... or a PRS semi of sorts
I played a PRS import semi hollow and it was a great guitar. Off the wall it played and sounded great unplugged. Probably have to replica the pickups, but besides that it was great. I think it was 800 or 900.
I don't have a Tele and I won't get one. They just don't work for me in the standard format. I may build a partscaster in a different body format
I already have a red Gibson V but I’ve always loved Robin Crosby’s Red King V. More aggressive. That, with a reverse headstock and regular C neck would be sweet. Wouldn’t say no to a nice rich Purple sparkle either. Also a recessed Floyd. My only Floyd is an EVH and I’d like to try pulling up, as well as out.
I wouldn't say it'd round out my collection, but the guitar I'd point to would be a Hondo Death Dagger.

The body is just obnoxiously pointy and that god-awful headstock, but all of it in a good way. It'd have to be a custom build since the originals were plywood and had cheap hardware. I'd want either an ash or alder body, a quality Floyd Rose, and maybe a Dimarzio Breed pickup.

In a close second would be an Ibanez XV500. Similar body shape, just not as stretched. It does have the pro rocker trem and V5 pickups which are nice.

Of course either one would need to have an over the top bright color scheme. It just wouldn't be right without that.
Here are 2 good examples.

Hondo Death Dagger

Ibanez XV500