What is the best modded plexi style amp you've ever played?

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I've been eyeballing some modded Marshalls lately and the options are abundant. For me, the Chupacabra and my friends Jose modded JMP are the best so far to me. The Alta seems like the current hot ticket. I have a Jube on order but that's more 800 than plex. Splawn is great but not fantastic. What do you guys think?
Not saying this is the best but the plexi side of the 100w Jake amp was pretty special. I will say the smallbox (both pushed into oblivion by a Tumnus) came close. So close I did not keep the Jake but that was due to ch 2 being meh

I’ve played tried many modded marshall and this one in my opinion is the best I have the last amp that Mark Abrahamian-Rockstah (RIP)modded before he passed away.it’s a Rockitt Retro(# 46)1968 50 watt plexi spec 12000 series all hand wired turret board all top notch components that I sent to Mark Abrahamian to mod.I had the Rockstah Amplification logo made that’s the logo Mark Abrahamian designed but passed away before he had a chance to make them.I remember Mark A.called me on a friday this was September of 2012 telling me “ hey man I’m sending the amp to you when you get it please call me to tell me how you like the mod 5”, I recieve the amp on that Monday which was a three day wait,I find out the Mark passed away that Sunday night after a show in Nebraska, Mark was Mickey Thompson guitar player in Starship. It was sad that I couldn’t call him back to tell him that the amp just smokes-amazing Van halen 1 all day.. Mark and I would talk all the time about the Van Halen sound and amps in general.


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Not saying this is the best but the plexi side of the 100w Jake amp was pretty special. I will say the smallbox (both pushed into oblivion by a Tumnus) came close. So close I did not keep the Jake but that was due to ch 2 being meh

Oh yeah the (slightly modded) Smallbox I had sounded great too

Not quite my fav, but I did like it.
Haven’t tried a convincing example yet besides actual modded SLP’s. The best one I tried was a modded 72 50w SLP at this amp fest last year. A long gone no name modder, but sounded and felt better to me than any of the many Cameron mods I tried or owned. There was also a Nick Mutant modded ‘69 frankensteined Major PA (technically the one actual modded plexi I’ve tried) that also sounded really good (also a little better to me than Cameron’s), but prefer the grind and aggression of the modded ‘72 there. Actual plexi’s are darker voiced and don’t have that kerrang, so I prefer the ‘70’s ones I think for these mods. I think guys really mean what are the best modded metal panels or NMV Marshall’s in general
The Moab+ is the best jose style i've played - haven't played an original cameron.

If you want VH1 tones you don't need a modded plexi, you need a plexi and a power station.
Totally agree, but I didn’t get the sense he’s looking for VH tones (hopefully not lol)

Fwiw I enjoyed the Cameron’s I had more than the MOAB I had, but they were pretty different. The MOAB was a lot more modern and Cameron mods I had were all more ‘80’s and juicy sounding and feeling. I liked a few others even more than the Cameron’s though for where I felt they excelled, but they were all really good IME
Totally agree, but I didn’t get the sense he’s looking for VH tones (hopefully not lol)

Fwiw I enjoyed the Cameron’s I had more than the MOAB I had, but they were pretty different. The MOAB was a lot more modern and Cameron mods I had were all more ‘80’s and juicy sounding and feeling. I liked a few others even more than the Cameron’s though for where I felt they excelled, but they were all really good IME
Noooooo....not chasing any VH tones LOL

As much as I love VH, I've never had any interest in chasing the brown sound or any iteration of his tone for that matter. I just love the tone of a juiced up SLP. The SV20 w/ a boost was cute for a minute but it lacks balls, which is to be expected. It rubbed the itch rather than scratch it.