Floyd Eye
Well-known member
I appreciate that brother. Same goes to you
And I agree. Can't do it alone. I've told a select few outside of my family. At this point, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to provide for too many more, but like you said, if you contribute to the group, then everyone benefits. At least to a point right? My neighbor has more guns and ammo then I feel we would need.
And when I say SHTF = WWIII + contaminated water supply + nuclear shit + low food supply + high crime
I need to add extra chainsaw chains - good call out Von. Or at least a way to sharpen what I have until the gas runs out.
It’s fine short term, but what you really need is a way to cut wood without using finite resources. Chainsaws are noisy too.
There are only two times when you can have too much ammo. When you’re swimming or when you’re on fire.
Things you have in abundance can be bartered for things you don’t have. I know I spoke earlier of taking out people or things that are a drain on resources with no tangible skills or assets to offer the group and I still believe that, but you know you can’t count on anyone besides yourself to get the job done correctly. The time will come when you will need to be able to defend your belongings. That means arming everyone in the group. It also means training them. At least in a basic sense.
You are not going to want to be where people are. And you are not going to want outsiders to locate you. If they do you better be able to defend your property and belongings.