What is your bug out plan?

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When shit hits the fan, like you are preparing for, who will be delivering your propane?

No one as mentioned. But I don't use any today, so its full. With normal use a full tank can last anywhere from 6-12 months. With very little use, meaning no more hot showers but maybe heat on a very cold winter or boiling water - it should theoretically last 3-4 years. It's better than nothing is my point. Solar panels is what I'm really missing - and more ammo as mentioned. Food and water are lower on my list of things to worry about. So I wouldn't be running a generator all day every day - only if really needed.

I like @rsm 's plan and @Floyd Eye 's. Arch seems to have it down too.

But yeah, after about 48 hours of the grid being down or the water source being contaminated or shut off people are going to start to go cray cray :shocked:
No one as mentioned. But I don't use any today, so its full. With normal use a full tank can last anywhere from 6-12 months. With very little use, meaning no more hot showers but maybe heat on a very cold winter or boiling water - it should theoretically last 3-4 years. It's better than nothing is my point. Solar panels is what I'm really missing - and more ammo as mentioned. Food and water are lower on my list of things to worry about. So I wouldn't be running a generator all day every day - only if really needed.

I like @rsm 's plan and @Floyd Eye 's. Arch seems to have it down too.

But yeah, after about 48 hours of the grid being down or the water source being contaminated or shut off people are going to start to go cray cray :shocked:
In a survival situation, you're not going to live like we do now..

You will be rationing everything.

Unless you live around here, know someone, or are related to folks in those areas (Mountain View/Yellville) or most of the rural parts of NW Arkansas for that matter, what makes you think that the locals are going to accept you with open arms?
I wasn't looking to move and join a social club. The idea was just to maybe find good, affordable country living and mind my own business instead of living near the rat race forever. I think you got me mixed up with some sort of clueless tourists who carpet bag everywhere they go. Definitely not my way of doing things.

Turn around, don't drown is standard procedure here so you won't have feds flying drones looking for my body down stream. Yeah we get fools that pull into people's driveways here all rude like and follow them all the way to the house only to get greeted with a gun or angry dogs. I understand country etiquette maybe more than you seem to give me credit for. I don't intend to make a 10 hour drive just to bug out, this was more me looking for a more country, secluded, and affordable place to exist now that my kids are grown where there is less of all that crap you mentioned. I make friends pretty well but mostly just want peace and quiet, some hunting and fishing and a more off grid life *shrugs
I wasn't looking to move and join a social club. The idea was just to maybe find good, affordable country living and mind my own business instead of living near the rat race forever. I think you got me mixed up with some sort of clueless tourists who carpet bag everywhere they go. Definitely not my way of doing things.

Turn around, don't drown is standard procedure here so you won't have feds flying drones looking for my body down stream. Yeah we get fools that pull into people's driveways here all rude like and follow them all the way to the house only to get greeted with a gun or angry dogs. I understand country etiquette maybe more than you seem to give me credit for. I don't intend to make a 10 hour drive just to bug out, this was more me looking for a more country, secluded, and affordable place to exist now that my kids are grown where there is less of all that crap you mentioned. I make friends pretty well but mostly just want peace and quiet, some hunting and fishing and a more off grid life *shrugs
You're making a whole lot of sense.

Unless you live around here, know someone, or are related to folks in those areas (Mountain View/Yellville) or most of the rural parts of NW Arkansas for that matter, what makes you think that the locals are going to accept you with open arms? Just curious as I've spent the majority of my life here and I know there are all kind of places around NW Arkansas you just don't go... Apocalypse or otherwise.

To give you an idea.. We had a local married couple that got swept away on a low water bridge here a few years ago during a really bad storm. There bodies weren't located for a really long time, and they brought in the Feds with drones to try to help find them along the creek banks, etc.. They had to put out ads on the radio and in the newspaper telling the local backwoods folks around here not to shoot the drones down. If the SHTF for real, you ain't just gonna waltz into NW Arkansas without an invitation. If you do, you're probably not going to last long.
Yup. We had a sheriff and his helicopter shot down in the early 80’s here. Copperhead road….
No one as mentioned. But I don't use any today, so its full. With normal use a full tank can last anywhere from 6-12 months. With very little use, meaning no more hot showers but maybe heat on a very cold winter or boiling water - it should theoretically last 3-4 years. It's better than nothing is my point. Solar panels is what I'm really missing - and more ammo as mentioned. Food and water are lower on my list of things to worry about. So I wouldn't be running a generator all day every day - only if really needed.

I like @rsm 's plan and @Floyd Eye 's. Arch seems to have it down too.

But yeah, after about 48 hours of the grid being down or the water source being contaminated or shut off people are going to start to go cray cray :shocked:
Get a gassifier and make your own fuel.
I’ve studied it quite extensively. Honestly unless you’re set up to farm and live like your in the mid 19th century…or Amish….you’re done. Also depends on what the situation is as well…grid goes down over 90% of the population of the USA is dead in less than 12months. After 3 days chaos everywhere. Then the Golden Horde appears and begins to move. Cannibalism, atrocities, people selling their kids for food. 3rd world is better prepared than anyone because they have been living hardscrabble for ever. It’s just normal for them. People think they will hunt deer and grow a garden. Okay…think about that. Only so many animals. Lots of people are thinking that same thing. Grow a garden? Good luck with that. Unless you have equipment and knowledge you ain’t growing shit. Thus being prepared to live and farm like the middle of the 19th century. Horses and tack…plow and discs for them…and lots of acreage. And physically being able to live that lifestyle. Sorry for rambling on about it…it’s a bad situation for eerbody…
I’ve studied it quite extensively. Honestly unless you’re set up to farm and live like your in the mid 19th century…or Amish….you’re done.
I hand trucked all my toilet water for the first three years out here because the trailer bathrooms were non-functional. Every time it rained I got a day off cause I could place the buckets at the edge of the porch roof and they'd fill themselves. Did dishes on the ground too, using cold water, sometimes in 40-50 degree weather. A little hard on the hands. I upgraded to a rubber maid tub set up on pallets.

I lined dried all my laundry. still do. Lived out of a cooler for the first 3 months then had the fridge out on the porch. The day I gotta functional hot water heater (no tap yet) was one of the most memorable days of my life. First flush toilet I installed I watched in amazement as the water ran down my septic line past the clean outs. On tap hot water=total game changer. Let me just say that my kitchen sink is now custom set to my height with a great view after all that.
I hand trucked all my toilet water for the first three years out here because the trailer bathrooms were non-functional. Every time it rained I got a day off cause I could place the buckets at the edge of the porch roof and they'd fill themselves. Did dishes on the ground too, using cold water, sometimes in 40-50 degree weather. A little hard on the hands. I upgraded to a rubber maid tub set up on pallets.

I lined dried all my laundry. still do. Lived out of a cooler for the first 3 months then had the fridge out on the porch. The day I gotta functional hot water heater (no tap yet) was one of the most memorable days of my life. First flush toilet I installed I watched in amazement as the water ran down my septic line past the clean outs. On tap hot water=total game changer. Let me just say that my kitchen sink is now custom set to my height with a great view after all that.
Should look into rainwater harvesting..

Texas has a 1-D-1 tax exemption on everything you purchase to harvest rainwater.

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Should look into rainwater harvesting..

Texas has a 1-D-1 tax exemption on everything you purchase to harvest rainwater.

I have a Norwesco 1150 gallon and my house is guttered on the same side the tank is. I bought it all after the "vortex" (actually an alberta clipper if you don't do new speak). I just didn't finish hooking it up cause I wanted a ball check valve first and possibly to rig up some sort of pre-filter setup. I used it two days ago when I needed clean drinking water and they busted the main. Spectrum is gonna wind up with a class action. Not sure if you've caught some recent area news. Busting water mains, busting gas lines, busting private sprinkler lines. What a piece of crap that company is.
I have a Norwesco 1150 gallon and my house is guttered on the same side the tank is. I bought it all after the "vortex" (actually an alberta clipper if you don't do new speak). I just didn't finish hooking it up cause I wanted a ball check valve first and possibly to rig up some sort of pre-filter setup. I used it two days ago when I needed clean drinking water and they busted the main. Spectrum is gonna wind up with a class action. Not sure if you've caught some recent area news. Busting water mains, busting gas lines, busting private sprinkler lines. What a piece of crap that company is.
Those idiots cut thru one leg of my residential electric power line using that fucking boring rig back about 20 years ago in Cypress.

Those idiots cut thru one leg of my residential electric power line using that fucking boring rig back about 20 years ago in Cypress.

It's just carelessness and stupidity. My neighbor blew up on them and was demanding "WHERE THE F ARE YOUR ORANGE FLAGS!?!?!" Had the sheriff out there, aqua texas out there, chewed a bunch of asses. They broke it right in front of my property. I saw that one coming a mile away cause there is a hole there where the raccoons hide out. Then they broke it out on the main road yesterday.

When they paved the road I'd go to get cleaned up for a gig and....no water at the faucet about a half dozen times. I just quit expecting anything reliable in terms of infrastructure in TX. I've actually gotten used to it. I've come home from gigs at 3 am to a blacked out neighborhood. My woodstove has paid for itself about a hundred times over. I lose water and power both at least three or four times a year, every year.

I think this is gonna wind up a class action. I'm not litigious but c'mon, you're supposed to call the utility company before digging. No flags, no water lines marked. And they ain't even past my house with it yet. I expect another four or five breaks before it's all done.
It's just carelessness and stupidity. My neighbor blew up on them and was demanding "WHERE THE F ARE YOUR ORANGE FLAGS!?!?!" Had the sheriff out there, aqua texas out there, chewed a bunch of asses. They broke it right in front of my property. I saw that one coming a mile away cause there is a hole there where the raccoons hide out. Then they broke it out on the main road yesterday.

When they paved the road I'd go to get cleaned up for a gig and....no water at the faucet about a half dozen times. I just quit expecting anything reliable in terms of infrastructure in TX. I've actually gotten used to it. I've come home from gigs at 3 am to a blacked out neighborhood. My woodstove has paid for itself about a hundred times over. I lose water and power both at least three or four times a year, every year.

I think this is gonna wind up a class action. I'm not litigious but c'mon, you're supposed to call the utility company before digging. No flags, no water lines marked. And they ain't even past my house with it yet. I expect another four or five breaks before it's all done.
These days, you have to be self-sufficient.

Living where I do.. you are your own municipal water supply, gas provider, and you'd better have generator back-up to power your entire house.

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These days, you have to be self-sufficient.

Living where I do.. you are your own municipal water supply, gas provider, and you'd better have generator back-up to power your entire house.

True. Neighbor offered me a whole house propane generator for 4 thousand bucks which was a damn good deal cause it was barely used. I think it was a 12k propane GE. By the time I had it all set up I'd have 10k into the deal. I just can't swing it right now. A lot of setbacks this year financially. I have a cheap Honda generator to keep the fridge running or something basic like charging phones or lights. The water was my main concern so I knocked that one out first. I'd just like to relocate to someplace with a small river, large creek, or at least a spring/pond on it. Unless you are a multi millionaire it's too much dough as those properties are big money in TX unless you inherited it. The dream would be to be out there off 1888 someplace along the Blanco.
True. Neighbor offered me a whole house propane generator for 4 thousand bucks which was a damn good deal cause it was barely used. I think it was a 12k propane GE. By the time I had it all set up I'd have 10k into the deal. I just can't swing it right now. A lot of setbacks this year financially. I have a cheap Honda generator to keep the fridge running or something basic like charging phones or lights. The water was my main concern so I knocked that one out first. I'd just like to relocate to someplace with a small river, large creek, or at least a spring/pond on it. Unless you are a multi millionaire it's too much dough as those properties are big money in TX unless you inherited it. The dream would be to be out there off 1888 someplace along the Blanco.
I got a 13.5kW dual-fuel that's heavy as shit, but technically is "portable".

It can power my entire house, but I can also load it into my Polaris UTV and carry anywhere on the property and power my arc welder.
And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh, no, no, no
I'm a rocket man
Rocket man
Burning out his fuse up here alone
Buddy of mine works for the local propane company, and is licensed by the Texas railroad commission to do propane hook-ups etc..

He came over and built the propane tap/shut-off valve for my generator last year.

Buddy of mine works for the local propane company, and is licensed by the Texas railroad commission to do propane hook-ups etc..

He came over and built the propane tap/shut-off valve for my generator last year.


Tell Hank I said hi next time you see him
Unless you live around here, know someone, or are related to folks in those areas (Mountain View/Yellville) or most of the rural parts of NW Arkansas for that matter, what makes you think that the locals are going to accept you with open arms? Just curious as I've spent the majority of my life here and I know there are all kind of places around NW Arkansas you just don't go... Apocalypse or otherwise.

To give you an idea.. We had a local married couple that got swept away on a low water bridge here a few years ago during a really bad storm. There bodies weren't located for a really long time, and they brought in the Feds with drones to try to help find them along the creek banks, etc.. They had to put out ads on the radio and in the newspaper telling the local backwoods folks around here not to shoot the drones down. If the SHTF for real, you ain't just gonna waltz into NW Arkansas without an invitation. If you do, you're probably not going to last long.
It’s like that a lot of places dude. Lots of stuff disappears in the rivers every year only to wash up 60 miles north about a year later. NW Arkansas is ok. It’s a lot like southern Mo. but the rest of the state I’m not in love with. And fuck Texarkana. Fucking shithole. Worst thing about driving through Arkansas on the way up from Texas is Arkansas.