Floyd Eye
Well-known member
Lots of people have been serious about preparing for it for many years. Already have gardens. Already have land with animals, land that is set up to be defensible by the right people with the right amount of provisions. Yeah it won’t be easy but the hardest things about it will be defending it and getting used to not having dumb shit to entertain yourself with. Like the internet. And Guinness. And electricity. The 90% figure is probably accurate, but you gotta figure about 50% of the population is going to kill themselves when Twitter goes down so it’s really not much of a barometer.I’ve studied it quite extensively. Honestly unless you’re set up to farm and live like your in the mid 19th century…or Amish….you’re done. Also depends on what the situation is as well…grid goes down over 90% of the population of the USA is dead in less than 12months. After 3 days chaos everywhere. Then the Golden Horde appears and begins to move. Cannibalism, atrocities, people selling their kids for food. 3rd world is better prepared than anyone because they have been living hardscrabble for ever. It’s just normal for them. People think they will hunt deer and grow a garden. Okay…think about that. Only so many animals. Lots of people are thinking that same thing. Grow a garden? Good luck with that. Unless you have equipment and knowledge you ain’t growing shit. Thus being prepared to live and farm like the middle of the 19th century. Horses and tack…plow and discs for them…and lots of acreage. And physically being able to live that lifestyle. Sorry for rambling on about it…it’s a bad situation for eerbody…