What piece of gear has been a staple in your collection?

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All my cabs, CCV, Richlite Zakk Wylde and my Perry aged.
Parts guitar I built in high school that Pete Skermetta later completely rebuilt.

Matchless C30. Never my only amp, but for what it does, which is something I do use a lot, it’s irreplaceable.

Tube screamer of some type. Had a real 808. Maxon 808. Landgraff DO. Whatever.

Bogner 4x12 with greenbacks. No matter the parade of amps that have come through, this cab ends up being plugged into it most of the time.
My 1997 USA Schecter Avenger. My first USA made axe, I’m the original owner. It’s been re-finished twice now :)


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My first American made guitar, a 1996 Fender Am Std Stratocaster I bought new after mowing lawns all summer. That and my father’s Telecaster he bought at the same time and never learned to play so gifted me about 5 years ago.
One of my best friends is a luthier and he made me a 59 Les Paul that is the nicest guitar I have ever played in my life. Also my Korg Pandora I bought about 14 years ago. I have thousands of hours of playing on it's just using a set of Bose headphones. It is probably the best piece of gear I have ever bought. About 8 years ago I found a brand new one still in the box on eBay that I bought just so I'd have a backup because I was worried about this one failing because I have so many hours of playing time on it but it's still going strong and I haven't opened up the other one.


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Larry Dino…
Sold a couple of my prized amps to buy it, then sold four more nice amps since I got it.
It’s ‘that’ good.
Best amp I’ve ever owned / played through in 3 decades… Phenomenal ?
Probably my 2001 PRS singlecut I’ve had since 2003. It has been in every studio and all over the country on tour with me. #1 since I got it.


Here it is when I first took it on stage.


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Custom LP built by Canadian wood master Daniel Short. Almost 10 years. Thing is beat to shit and now needs a refinish, cause there’s one of the gnarliest quilt tops I’ve ever seen under there. It’d be sick as a bourbon burst…
My ltd Viper 1000. It's not the greatest guitar, but for me it's perfect. I've played it so much that other guitars feel weird to me now, lol.
Kramer Stagemaster since 1988.
ESP Lynch model since 1990.
PRS Custom 24 since 1992.
Gibson LP Standard since 1993.
I bought these new.
A couple of Fender Stratocasters that I have for more than 20 years...
10 years is not a long time for me, so I won't mention these items.
I also have 2 Marshall 1960 cabs that I bought new in 1986 and 1 cab from 1984 that I bought around 1988.
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My JEM is actually one of my life’s only constants; meaning, it’s the only thing that’s been in my life consistently since I got it. That and a handful of friends. Family, friendships, situations, gear, life….it’s all changed drastically in the 24 years I’ve owned it.

I’m in the middle of a divorce right now and as I was getting our house ready to put on the market I was putting it in it’s case and it had dawned on me that that guitar has been there through everything in my life since I was 15. It’s the only thing that’s never let me down or caused me to lose faith in it.

Hopefully I can work this out before I pass, but I’m going to put it in my will that the it’s to go to someone who needs it like I did when I got it. I had a rather shitty childhood and thanks to music, I was able to avoid some pitfalls my peers in similar situations did not. So eventually, I hope it‘s eventually someone else’s constant in life.

For over 10 years my Fortin modded VTM120 was my #1 amp. A lot of amps came and went during that time but that amp was my preference over all of them. I really only sold it because I knew it would be the hardest to let go of while I'm winding down on my playing.
My Vox Delaylab is and has been my number 1 effect/delay pedal. It's really all I need. I've had it over 10 years too.
My PLX Bion Boost is my favorite (by a lot) boost pedal.
And finally my First Act Overtone has been my number 1 guitar for over 10 years also. Best $49 ever!

So I've been loving my VTM120 since I got it. It was a NOS amp that still had the stock Peavey tubes when I got it, basically brand new. It probably had been fired up in the store a couple times, but that's about it. There's some speculation that it was an endorsee amp that sat in storage. I see your post, very curious, then see you're 10 minutes away from me. I've got a 5153 100S EL34, and Randall RM100 with Ultralead\XTC Synergy modules and a bunch of other stuff to play with. Let me know if you want to bring that thing over here or have me come over and rip on your Fortin head.

We can play country and blues!
Santa Cruz OM- 12 years, and Rock n Soc drummers Throne -16 years.
Alesis Quadraverb used it since day 1 of their release, Marshall JMP-1 same as alesis.
Those that know me here know..I've owned damn near every flavor of the month amps and it didn't matter
what month amp I had at any given time, When it came time to gig..the ghetto rack is what always got used every time..lol!
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