What was you first "Real" amp?

  • Thread starter Thread starter simonfrewler
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I wish! Over 90% of the Canadian population resides within 100 MILES of the US border (border subject to change?), with many of them (myself iglooded) located more southernly based than Maine, Minnesota, North Dakota, etc.

Ah, yes. Our 51st state... :ROFLMAO:
JCM2000. Sounded way better than my friends 900 at the time but I honestly can't remember shit about it 15+ years later. Had the bias drift issues, my local tech didn't really fix it so it died a second time like a week later, then I moved halfway across the country and lost it.

I'm tempted to pick up another one used to see how I like it now that I'm not some punk kid, but no way it's a keeper compared to the shit I've got now.
I just remembered, my first tube amp was a Hiwatt Dr103 from the late 70s. I had a HH 4x12 cab for it. I needed a Big Muff or something but at the time I had this Danelectro Fab Tone distortion which probably sounded ass. Anyway, I traded the Hiwatt for my Mark IIC+ and never looked back.
I knew so little about gear and how to make it sound good back then. I lived in Dallas, TX at the time and in the mid-80s our main gear store was called Lightning Music & Sound.
whoa, I remember that place! I took lessons there from a guy Nick Degennaro. I rememb they sold Cort guitars and sick Jacksons, and had an EVH stripe job on the wall. No idea what brand, maybe Kramer. Then Guitar Center hit on Alpha Road.
Not gonna lie, there are some pretty impressive 1st amps in this thread! ?

Didn't expect such a response! Pretty cool to see everyone's taste and progression there of.

Keep em coming!!?
70 Super Bass in 80
Traded for a GK 250ML a few years later.
Then traded for a modded 72 Super Lead I had til a few years back when a previous SoCal wildfire ate my storage.
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70 Super Bass in 80
Traded for a GK 250ML a few years later.
Then traded for a modded 72 Super Lead I had til a few years back when a previous SoCal wildfire are my storage.
Fire seems to follow you bud!

Stay safe out there!
My first 'real' amp was an OG Carvin X100-B. Back with the ad that had Steve Vai in the green and white stage pants. This was long before the 'reissue' version that had some sort of clipping diodes added. I was young and dumb and thought it didn't have enough gain so I got rid of it and bought a 50 watt Laney. I really wish I had kept that old Carvin. Great tight articulate crunch. EQ. Stick a TS out front and play the gig!!!
I had a few minor league rack setups that I never felt were truly a quality setup so I'll have to say my first big boy amp was an early model Dual Rec. I have no clue what revision what it was. this was pre-internet fanboy stuff. It had the small logo. That's about all I can say regarding version. I giged that fucker in all kinds of weather and the shittiest of places without ever taking spare fuses or extra tubes let alone a backup amp. Never let me down. Not once. Wish I still had it.
First amp ever - Crate GX212 Combo 1994
First "real amp" (IMO) - ADA MP-1 with the ADA Microtube 200 Power amp 1997
-Hilarious to have a power amp loaded with 12AX7's instead of real power tubes. You can only imagine how weak and shrill that setup was :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
First tube amp - Marshall JCM900 DR 1999
Fire seems to follow you bud!

Stay safe out there!
Had totally forgotten another fire incident...
Almost a decade ago in India, a student of mine drove my car off the highway and flipped it upside down, engine compartment catching fire...thank god for villagers pulling us out.

That was the only time in an ambulance until the fire a few month back.