what's with all the clowns ?

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It applies where you'd logically expect it to - when the member hasn't disclosed it himself already.

"Hey everybody, my name's Xxxx".

Is that not permission for everyone to use that name?

That isn’t “express consent”. That is implied consent. Edit 3 specifically says “express consent”.

“Express consent is permission for something that is given specifically, either verbally or in writing. Express consent contrasts with implied consent, which is an assumption of permission that is inferred from actions on the part of the individual.”
Thanks Donnie. Here 'tis:

It applies where you'd logically expect it to - when the member hasn't disclosed it himself already.

"Hey everybody, my name's Xxxx".

Is that not permission for everyone to use that name?

I mean, c'mon. I know it can seem like kindergarten around here at times, but the default position is to assume that members are capable of logical thought.

Well, to be honest, I'd have assumed that Moderators wouldn't be cool with using personal information to spam/taunt a member.
Hang on bro':

By posting them you're giving permission; that's the way it's always worked.

Same goes for pics of one's self - post it and it's out-there.
Ok so I’m good then.
OK, I'll amend the sentence to say express or implied consent.

PLX makes inbred go berserk lol.
Yet I’m the one that’s still here.
Well, to be honest, I'd have assumed that Moderators wouldn't be cool with using personal information to spam/taunt a member.
On the personal-info side, we've covered that.

As for the spamming thing, believe you me, it annoys me as much as anyone else. Make your point and leave it at that would be my M.O., personally.

The hope would be that enough peeps get sick of scrolling through it to the point that they ask the perpetrators to desist.

You know? Let the community dynamic take care of such things.

So you are changing the rule to accommodate cyber bullies, and ignoring the victim’s request that you enforce the rule?
Donnie has made posts revealing personal info and invited peeps to use it... EXPRESSLY.

Did this just in the past few days, saying, "Have at it".
On the personal-info side, we've covered that.

As for the spamming thing, believe you me, it annoys me as much as anyone else. Make your point and leave it at that would be my M.O., personally.

The hope would be that enough peeps get sick of scrolling through it to the point that they ask the perpetrators to desist.

You know? Let the community dynamic take care of such things.

Donnie has made posts revealing personal info and invited peeps to use it... EXPRESSLY.

Did this just in the past few days, saying, "Have at it".
So why change the rule?
Exactly. Not changing it.

Just elaborated on the definition to be more-exact.

The new sentence reads:
Use of other members' real names sans express or implied permission is verboten, "implied" being where the member has posted the info him or herself.
Donnie has made posts revealing personal info and invited peeps to use it... EXPRESSLY.

Did this just in the past few days, saying, "Have at it".

I have never given express consent to 'have at it' with my wife and/or kids.

Listen, I don't care. They're making themselves look bad - not me.
Just think with the place getting so many new members you may need to re-clarify some stuff.

What may seem 'normal' to you and me may look pretty different to new folks.
Just a thought.

Again, I couldn't thanks care less.
Changing the rules, upon a complaint, to accommodate a bunch of douchebags, is pretty weak.
It's an old picture of me that's been badly Photoshopped.
They have a number of them dressed as clowns.

I'm very outspoken against their homophobia and J6 riot sympathy - so they dislike me and stalk often.
I have them all on ignore so unfortunately it's not me having to deal with the clown spam any more.

I told you before… the ignore list doesn’t work if you don’t ignore?
I have never given express consent to 'have at it' with my wife and/or kids.
You did share a lot of info back in the day.

I removed many posts per your request too, as I'm still happy to do when it comes to your kids, for example.

Listen, I don't care. They're making themselves look bad - not me.
Just think with the place getting so many new members you may need to re-clarify some stuff.
Agreed, which is why I took the time today.

What may seem 'normal' to you and me may look pretty different to new folks.
Just a thought.

Changing the rules, upon a complaint, to accommodate a bunch of douchebags, is pretty weak.


All I did was elaborate for the sake of clarity.
I told you before… the ignore list doesn’t work if you don’t ignore?

Ugh, you again. :ROFLMAO:

Ignore is awesome for day to day normal browsing when I just want to keep up on the good stuff.

Everyone is guilty of slowing down to look at the accident now and then, right?
You did share a lot of info back in the day.

I removed many posts per your request too, as I'm still happy to do when it comes to your kids, for example.

Agreed, which is why I took the time today.




All I did was elaborate for the sake of clarity.
You added “implied consent”. That is changing the conditions of the type of consent. You changed the rule. It’s easier than enforcing them around here. You’d never get anything else done. I get it. But it’s still weak.