We all have different skill sets. Some are just great at playing, some just great at composing, some are good at both (don't know any true 10/10 masters at both). I was never good at writing music myself, which is part of why I also switched in my late teens to mainly classical guitar where we're expected to just play other's music
For electric guitar I never intended to copy 100% how others played their music. It was more of a starting point to make it my own and in some ways hopefully even better if I could. I never tried to copy other's tones. With crafting my own tones I had more creativity there than with actually writing music lol. No desire for other's tones
Even within the art of playing there are different skillsets (at least in classical). Some are skilled more in technique (like being very clean, accurate, fluid or fast, just overall very coordinated), while others are more skilled in having more feeling and interpretation to the music. Some have both, but I again haven't heard anyone yet that's truly 10/10 at both. There seems to be trade offs with all these skillsets. I think it's just that we're all human