Which 80s finger slinger wrote the most unique solos?

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While I don't disagree on Holdsworth and Poland, I'm calling bullshit on your sweeping statement.
Plenty of guys that were mentioned here could play a few notes and you could easily identify them purely based on phrasing.
If a guy like Akira Takasaki is not unique enough, name one guy that played like that and got identified as such?
Even Slash, whose switching between Dorian and Phrygian scales is immediately recognizable...
The fact that you could nowadays come up a Dokken-style riff tells me that Lynch put his signature on it...so yeah he's unique enough.
You can call bs on all you want, that's my opinion Brian.
Your point here is extremely well taken. I often take the same opinion. That said, imo, Fair Warning and 1984 were just on another level. One doesn't have to like EVH to see how shit like this influenced guitarists. By the time 1984 came out, and guitarists were trying to cop his earlier stuff, Ed was rushing in a whole new era and tone. Not to mention the guitar work on Diver Down.

But generally, I agree. When I think of hair metal bands of the 80's I do not really think of Van Halen.

Same. To me VH is a 70's band and I never lumped them into the whole LA movement, which in present times was re labeled hair metal, even though they are basically the godfathers of all of it.

The thing with Rhoads, Lynch, Jake etc... is they were all essentially on the scene together at the same time. No doubt he pushed them to be better but they weren't direct rip offs and I think that is why they all had their own voice on the guitar. Same with Sykes, Campbell, Vandenburg.

Funny enough all my favs are from that time frame as opposed to strictly post EVH. At the moment I can't think a player other than Jerry Cantrell that had any type of impact on my playing after 1984-85. Lots of music and bands had an impact but specific players I'm kinda drawing a blank at the moment.

I mean my core is Moore, Gorham, Schon, Rhoads, Vandenburg, Sykes, Campbell, Lynch. I'll probably think of someone else but I'm really glad my influences are 70's and 80's based.
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I was always a fan of Mark Kendall from Great White.
I never listened to much Great White, but to this day I can still hum from memory the Once Bitten solo.
That’s gotta say something.
Reb Beach
Vito Bratta
Zakk Wylde

All of them have amazing solo writing skills that fit the songs during the 80’s and are all challenging to do right in their own regard.
Nobody mentioned me? SNIFFLE SNIFFLE :(
