Which Bogner for me?

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Ventura":ztrwicfz said:
sombersoul":ztrwicfz said:
Final question: Since I find the Shiva already very heavy-sounding, full and throaty, not shreddy but authoritative...how much heavier is the Twin Jet??? Or what does it do differently compared to the Shiva?
There's a BIG difference. They're 2 different amps for a reason. Seriously. Hard to explain but the Uber will find its place in metal history - it's like a razor in the high-gain department, gobs of low end, and can be made to sound hi-fi if desired while still retaining a lot of color and warmth - but still SUPER high-gain and sizzlin'. The Sheevs to me, and from what I've heard and researched, is just jucier, chewier, and can be made dry - but plays well in the modded Marshall tone departments and has a sweet clean to it.

Only my 2 cents, not to be taken as gospel. I had several iterations of the Uber and the TJ, while being my favourite, got swapped eventually because I only wanted to shred and go hard on it. I didn't inspire a lot of other playing skills except for serious hardcore, YMMV.


The TJ is a massive, sort of best of both worlds - Rectifier meets a JCM 800 on CH. 2 and a JCM 800-ish sound on Ch. 1 for less heavy stuff. It's wider sounding than the Shiva and will rattle bones and crush skulls. The Shiva is more refined and has a better clean (the Twin Jet doesn't have a true clean channel, but cleans up decent considering how much gain is in it).
sombersoul":263wsn45 said:
It's a bird...it's plane...it's a BOGNER!

Your cats and your bogner are beautiful! I too have a cat who claims my new amps immediately after I open them! I'm motivated to take a pic of the bogner I got yesterday with my kitty on it as ill need a new avatar soon anyway!
moltenmetalburn":32kqxi8a said:
sombersoul":32kqxi8a said:
It's a bird...it's plane...it's a BOGNER!

Your cats and your bogner are beautiful! I too have a cat who claims my new amps immediately after I open them! I'm motivated to take a pic of the bogner I got yesterday with my kitty on it as ill need a new avatar soon anyway!
Problem with ONE of my cats is that he really, REALLY loves the feeling of his claws in grille cloth :gethim:

I've sacrificed 2 JBL stereo towers for this purpose now... I don't care, the drivers aren't getting attacked, just the front panels. And hey, better than my rigs' front panels. Little bastid that he is, LOVE him to bits :D

His sister has her own thing going on... She finds comfort in sleeping in a very particular spot in the house - on our somewhat ornate dining room table. Not a problem typically, but people tend to look a bit behooved and surprised when she "stays" there during dinner functions. It's her spot - you don't like it, find yer own...

yeah my little boy love scratching all of my grill cloth, were kind of at odds when it comes to my grill cloth!
Ventura":1yw9imhl said:
moltenmetalburn":1yw9imhl said:
sombersoul":1yw9imhl said:
It's a bird...it's plane...it's a BOGNER!

Your cats and your bogner are beautiful! I too have a cat who claims my new amps immediately after I open them! I'm motivated to take a pic of the bogner I got yesterday with my kitty on it as ill need a new avatar soon anyway!
Problem with ONE of my cats is that he really, REALLY loves the feeling of his claws in grille cloth :gethim:

I've sacrificed 2 JBL stereo towers for this purpose now... I don't care, the drivers aren't getting attacked, just the front panels. And hey, better than my rigs' front panels. Little bastid that he is, LOVE him to bits :D

His sister has her own thing going on... She finds comfort in sleeping in a very particular spot in the house - on our somewhat ornate dining room table. Not a problem typically, but people tend to look a bit behooved and surprised when she "stays" there during dinner functions. It's her spot - you don't like it, find yer own...

Needless to say, I like anyone who likes cats! ;) My Russian climbed atop my Blackheart HT-5 the other day as I was preparing it for transport to the rehearsal space. The hardshell case of my Les Paul is also frequently mounted. Two years ago, he would flee with eyes wide open in horror from my room when I was playing guitar. Now he infrequently stays and tolerates the music for some time. I guess it means I have improved! :lol: :LOL:

@ moltenmetalburn: You've got a Sphynx there? If that isn't heavy metal, then I don't know! :rock: Nice pic!

Any info on the KT88 / 6550 question? I would be interested in knowing what I would gain/lose from a swap.

Also still interested in hearing about the Bogner 212 OS.

The TJ (and the older Über) is on my list for sure. I eventually want to add one be all end all high-gainer to my collection. I've got the rock amp field covered now! I think the Shiva will be my allrounder amp, as I can see so many ways it can be used. You can do nothing wrong with it!

Anyway, is the TJ considerably tighter than the 20th Shiva? From the few comparison videos I heard, the TJ also seems considerably more focused and with more emphasis in the upper mids than the previous Übers. I must say I would be really after a massive wall-of-sound-like distortion that is chunky and defined and punches you in the chest with each palm mute without sounding bloated or overblown. Yes, and I want those grinding low mids without the harshies but harmonic and organic warmth instead. Will the TJ deliver that or does it need the EL34 mod or are previous versions of the amp to be preferred for some reason?

...not that I'm planning another purchase soon. But now having entered the magical world of Bogner, more fuel is put to the everburning flame of g.a.s.
Two older photos I found.


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And here our wives probably think we're being the usually breed of "man" talking and oogling other kinds of pussy...

I swear these cat shots are terrific... That lil' grey, just wanna snuggle him and eat 'im!! Damn cute!!!

I gotta get outta here... I'm turning soft :lol: :LOL:

V. :thumbsup:
moltenmetalburn":360popgb said:
i like cats. cats like amps. i like amps.

And there it is - universality in three simple sentences.

V. :clap:
I got a condom for my Shiva! I ordered it from AmplifierCoversOnline, a UK-based seller. Transaction was speedy, the product as expected. Nothing fancy about it, fits the head perfectly and has padding inside. Colour variations and additional features possible. Folds neatly.

Excuse the inferior photo quality (iPhone).


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sombersoul":3ese4y54 said:
I got a condom for my Shiva! I ordered it from AmplifierCoversOnline, a UK-based seller. Transaction was speedy, the product as expected. Nothing fancy about it, fits the head perfectly and has padding inside. Colour variations and additional features possible. Folds neatly.

Excuse the inferior photo quality (iPhone).
Basically a cat proofer? Nice.

That cat knows his Shivas!! As for the Bogner OS212 cabs, mostly cosmetics, but the real meat of the matter is what they're loaded with. Recent OS212's are loaded with one V30 and one G12T-75, sometimes 2 x V30's. The OS212 by Bogner is a terrific sounding cab, and if you match this with a 20thA Sheevs, man, you'll have one SERIOUS pimp rig!! And throwing in some 6550's as per glip's recommendation?? Hell yeah man, on your way to tonal bliss.
I'm pretty certain the Bogner OS are grand cabs, but since I already own a costly German-made Diezel 2x12 RL, I'm specifically interested in tonal differences.

Anyway, these days I'm even considering a Shiva sized 2x12 (open back) for better portability. I'm just wondering how the smaller Bogners compare to the OS.

I've got newly bought TAD matched =C= 6550s lying around, but since changing tubes on the Shiva is not as handy as with the older Diezels (external bias) I decided to go with the KT88s for a while.
I love my cats (have always loved cats and dogs), but there exist no pictures of them anywhere near my Bogner gear. In years past I caught them with their claws in the grill cloth one too many times of lesser amps. So my man-cave has been officially off-limits to my cats for years. The rest of the house they're more than welcome to though... ;)
moltenmetalburn":22xy5je0 said:
i like cats. cats like amps. i like amps.

Is that cat for real?! what is it?

Looks like the one off Austin Powers :lol: :LOL:
I guess it must be a cat of the Sphynx variety. No hair, that's right!
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