Who owns the most expensive amp on Rig Talk?

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Pignose FTW!

Pignose Legendary 7-100 the portable amplifier since1972
The ‘rarest’ thing I have is Mark Abrahamian’s #2 ‘ground up’ Mod 5 build. It’s got his sig in the chassis and the #2 along with the receipt from the original owner. It’s the ‘no logo’ sourmash plexi headshell / Metro chassis head in my sig pic. Certainly not the most expensive, but you don’t see one every day.
Ever sell
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If you're a busker with no access to AC, it's a Godsend. :thumbsup:
^ I’d cash out in a heart beat for $20,000. ?

Steve K had the VH 4 that James Hetfield recorded with.
Meh, I once owned a 50w Wizard Modern Classic that Rick St Pierre said came directly from Metallica, notably James. As big a Metallica fan I once was ( still am I guess lol) I eventually sold it, taking a huge loss to fund a 100w Wizard MC. That was about 20 years ago when no one gave a shit about Wizard. I eventually sold the 100w MC too lol
I'm so small that when I had my vasectomy done, the doctor actually knocked out a Pap Smear as well....
Zachman has a pretty awesome rig I got to play thru years ago but more than just the amp. It was the whole shabangabang, rack full of goods, Modded Cameron, etc. As I pressed the pedal that added effects, our friend Carlos started quoting prices as I pressed down...lol
As long as we’re talking values, what about a 69 Marshall Plexi 100 super lead formerly owned by Eric Johnson