Who the hell has been advising Mark Meadows?

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Trump supporters busted for insurrection are all claiming they are doing what Trump told them to do. :p

Fox had Mark Meadows interviewed on the same day the texts had been made public.

The hosts couldn't even talk to him about it. :geek:

The records are texts from Fox News hosts begging Trump's inner circle to get Trump to call off the insurrection. They were sending them at the same time while going on the air and telling viewers it is ANTIFA doing it and denying Trump supporters caused violence.

Even Fox wanted the one person who could stop this, to stop it.

He didn't.

yep ... :checkthisout:
and nobody continues to do anything about it.
I believe its called "getting away with murder."
Most of us already knew all this.
yep ... :checkthisout:
and nobody continues to do anything about it.
I believe its called "getting away with murder."
Most of us already knew all this.

The noose has gotten so much wider now and the heat is turned up as a result.
Someone is going to crack and spill the beans - sycophancy only goes so far
when it's your thumbs in the screws.

When it happens we're going to find out that some of these talking heads
have been in really deep.

Due to their slavish coverage of #45 he probably asked for their input on how
he could stay in office - obviously beneficial to Fox News if that happens.

I remember both Watergate and the Iran-Contra thing well, but I'd wager this
is going to blow them both away when all is said and done.
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That noose just got a lot bigger.

That noose just got a lot bigger.

View attachment 98735
We all watched what happened. One Pence short of an insurrection and dictatorship taking place in Washington.

Imagine having your face as an American insurrectionist in the history books forever. What a way to mess up your family legacy.

What we didn't know was how it was organized behind the scenes by those in government and their cronies.

Reading the texts that are out in the public, the propaganda machine was lying to people on Fox News and in Tweets while in private they KNEW the truth and didn't report it. They can't even address it. Just pretend it never happened.

Only its a happening, and in aces.

More walls of texts and communications organizing and planning the insurrection for us to read.

Everybody with a brain cell to use knows populism is in reality denial and when reality shows up, as it always does, it takes a big T-rex size bite out of it.

Now we get to see a real conspiracy in action, how it worked, who participated, and what the consequences will be for the conspirators of what was a REAL attempt at insurrection.

They have only five words to say when it comes down to how justice will be dealt out, "I cooperated with the commission" or "I didn't cooperate with the commission". The former might end up with you under house arrest with a tag for the next year if you are politician involved. The latter is probably a criminal conviction for conspiracy and a 5 to 12-year stretch. There will likely be people given the full 20 or more. This is going to be the most interesting happenings in 2022.

It's insane Trump did all that. He brings down so many people around him.
The noose has gotten so much wider now and the heat is turned up as a result.
Someone is going to crack and spill the beans - sycophancy only goes so far
when it's your thumbs in the screws.

When it happens we're going to find out that some of these talking heads
have been in really deep.

Due to their slavish coverage of #45 he probably asked for their input on how
he could stay in office - obviously beneficial to Fox News if that happens.

I remember both Watergate and the Iran-Contra thing well, but I'd wager this
is going to blow them both away when all is said and done.
Watergate was of an era when certain Republicans had a spine. Most GOP leaders now are all complicit with each other.
Everyone is on the take now. If the founding fathers could come back from the dead they'd line up half of Washington & shoot them.
Never going to happen, just more of the same lies & bullshit ahead.
Insanity. You can't save the Government from itself.
Its like the mother that gives birth & eats her young.
I believe in the rule of Law and it would be nice to see it carried out but too many crooked politicians involved.
Watergate 1972 I was 12 and nobody on this forum including YOU Dbag was paying any fuckn attention to such when you were a fuckn kid. Go peddle that shit to your lib friends.
Watergate 1972 I was 12 and nobody on this forum including YOU Dbag was paying any fuckn attention to such when you were a fuckn kid. Go peddle that shit to your lib friends.

Ashli Babbitt was the only person shot and killed by a black white supremacist cop during the "Insurrection".

Babbitt got herself shot by breaking the Law and believing trump lies.
nice try Comrade.
The GOP & Russia got 3 years to try to scam their way into the White House again but Merrick Garland's Dept of Justice won't allow that so have fun spreading the trump lies & agenda on guitar forums cuz thats about the only media outlet dumbass donnie has LOL.
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The GOP & Russia got 3 years to try to scam their way into the White House again but Merrick Garland's Dept of Justice won't allow that so have fun spreading the trump lies & agenda on guitar forums cuz thats about the only media outlet dumbass donnie has LOL.
We had one TV. It was on the news all the time. Any 12 yo with half a brain couldn't help but absorb what was going on with Watergate.
We had one TV. It was on the news all the time. Any 12 yo with half a brain couldn't help but absorb what was going on with Watergate.
D you are so full of shit in 1972 the national news came on one time a day, fuckn cartoons were 5am 12pm on Saturdays and that was it. What fuckn world do you live. I dont want to know.
Dude. Dinner time every stinking night hosted by ABC News.

And you forgot Creature Double Feature right after cartoons.