Who the hell has been advising Mark Meadows?

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They can't even deny they said or sent those text messages crying out for Trump to stop the insurrection they acknowledged he started.

He didn't even listen to them. Yet they still try and cover for him. You know, loyalties and all that. It's must be great being a star journalist and news anchor like that and knowing where your priorities are.
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Yet they still try and cover for him. You know, loyalties and all that. It's must be great being a star journalist and news anchor like that and knowing where your priorities are.

I've come to the conclusion it's mostly out of fear of the actual Trump base.
Remember what happened after Lindsey Graham denounced Trump on the Senate floor after 1/6?

The very next day the dude was basically accosted by Trump's supporters while trying to walk through an airport.
Think he was back playing golf with him within a week of that.

We're talking about the kind of people who scream bloody murder into the mic at their local
school board meetings, or disrupt entire airline flights simply because they're being asked to
comply with something they agreed to when they bought the ticket. Who the hell does that?

A lot of his base if very very angry (about all the things the GOP tells them they should be angry about) and also extremely irrational.

Imagine trying to walk through an airport with a dozen or so Picasso's and Panhead's following and yelling BS at you the whole time?

Homegrown MAGA terrorists.

They are on the same terrorist list as ISIS.

The dude on the right totally looks like Chakotay from Voyager. Uncanny! :LOL:
yes ha. Good one. It's actually the same dude in the three photos who obviously has taken up the task of doing his own haircuts. No doubt because he believed the government is sweeping up the barbershop floor to steal his DNA and clone him into a terrorist. So he had to do something before he allows that to happen.