Beyond Black
Well-known member
You couldn’t produce shit…lmaoDon't hold your breath, also stop quoting my posts it's getting creepy.
You couldn’t produce shit…lmaoDon't hold your breath, also stop quoting my posts it's getting creepy.
SameI resemble this remark lol
He seems like a nice man.damn...not sure what happened but crystalsky is good peeps in my book...of course Von and tall are too....oh well here's wonderwall...oh wait-I suck and don't post clips. But my rigtalk cred is fucking off the charts homies.....
It’s not personal, I just don’t understand why a video of a random person playing the guitar would make anyone angry and/or resentful. I want more content out there, not less. Our instrument of choice getting any sort of exposure is good for all of us IMOdamn...not sure what happened but crystalsky is good peeps in my book...of course Von and tall are too....oh well here's wonderwall...oh wait-I suck and don't post clips. But my rigtalk cred is fucking off the charts homies.....
People who play guitar just make some people angry.It’s not personal, I just don’t understand why a video of a random person playing the guitar would make anyone angry and/or resentful. I want more content out there, not less. Our instrument of choice getting any sort of exposure is good for all of us IMO
I’m calling you out. You are a liar and you have no free gear or endorsements. POST THE CONTRACTS LIAR. All you do on here is talk shit hoping for a reaction and when no one gives you one you target random people and wiggle your finger Under their noses until they reply. SHOW IS THESE CONTRACTS YOUR COVER BAND GOT YOU OR SHUT THE FUCK UP. POSEUR.It is a meritocracy. You have no clue what other people are getting free gear. I am a pretty mid player but cover band clips have scored me thousands of dollars in free gear by a couple big manufacturers—if you can show that you can make gear sound good they will reach out eventually. And yes, young females are more likely to attract guitar players’ eyes than old men. That’s the way the world has always worked.
@tallcoolone is a huge poseur and I’m calling him out. “Endorsements”…what a bullshitter. He’s an absolute NOBODY desperate for attention who lies to make himself seem even an iota interesting. Let’s see the contracts for all this free gear he claims to have gotten. I’ll wait…damn...not sure what happened but crystalsky is good peeps in my book...of course Von and tall are too....oh well here's wonderwall...oh wait-I suck and don't post clips. But my rigtalk cred is fucking off the charts homies.....
I’m calling you out. You are a liar and you have no free gear or endorsements. POST THE CONTRACTS LIAR. All you do on here is talk shit hoping for a reaction and when no one gives you one you target random people and wiggle your finger Under their noses until they reply. SHOW IS THESE CONTRACTS YOUR COVER BAND GOT YOU OR SHUT THE FUCK UP. POSEUR.
It is.
1. Stop riding my dick faggot I'm not into guysYou couldn’t produce shit…lmao
Boy, am I glad that dude got tired of riding my nuts and latched on to you instead ? He’s demanded like six times already that you discuss gay sex with him since then ? I hope he does t eventually just wear you down and you give in to his homoerotic desires ?1. Stop riding my dick faggot I'm not into guys
2. How about you go make your own shit in that case and stop entangling me in your romantic problems.
Indeed, is this how desperate some guys are these days?Boy, am I glad that dude got tired of riding my nuts and latched on to you instead ? He’s demanded like six times already that you discuss gay sex with him since then ? I hope he does t eventually just wear you down and you give in to his homoerotic desires ?
Well, to be fair, I’ve never dealt with desperate men, neither recently or in the past, so, as a straight man, all I can say is, no one likes a tease, @gruggmannyIndeed, is this how desperate some guys are these days?
@RevDrucifer mentioned earlier in the thread that if you don't like the state of music go make your own. It's good advice. I used to bitch sometimes about players getting press that I didn't think were any big deal then that whole idea dawned on me "show them how it's done then". Easy to say, difficult to do. It is TOUGH to put your stuff out there. It's TOUGH to even get good material together. Then it's TOUGH to get it recorded, sounding the way you want AND get a good final mix. Dammit.
If you are really good, people hate you for being better than them or they spend time armchair picking apart your playing. If you are a real bad, people will hate you for being awful. If you are mediocre then that's probably the worst because you won't even get any reaction, love or hate.
You bust your ass, do a million late nights-low pay-cold food and post up all your best performances and the guitar review you posted gets 100x the the views of your most popular live performance. It's a bitch out there.
I know my “Post clips or STFU” come off as an avenue for me to rip on someone’s playing, but that’s not actually the reason I do it. I’m not an amazing player by any stretch, I’d be shooting myself in the foot randomly firing off that demand on the internet if that were the case. It’s more for that brief period of contemplation where the shittalker I’m talking to considers posting clips, for whatever length of time it is, because I’m confident that 99% of the time that contemplation includes “Nope, not putting myself out there”, however they want to say it to themselves.
My favorite thing I pulled off at TheGearForum is our Do Something challenge, because it got a bunch of guys who never even sat behind a DAW before to start writing/recording their own stuff and then putting it out there for others to hear in a place no one was going to talk shit. Some people just need that little push, or to see someone they consider a peer/equal to do it first so they realize it’s not as hard as it seems and they’re not going to get trashed on the internet for posting something not commercial quality.
Ya never know what’s going to be picked up by the outside world, so I just toss shit out there and forget about them. I’ve already gotten the enjoyment I’m looking for in the writing process and I post them up because there’s a few people who dig what I do. With videos, I generally only post something pertaining to a discussion at TGF, but sometimes I’ll post up some riffs I’m working on. Posting vids over at TGF or here isn’t any different to me than having my buddies come over and them showing me shit they’re working on or vice versa.
We are cool, understood each other. I am just quite a warring one against pussycracy and pussy pass ?damn...not sure what happened but crystalsky is good peeps in my book...of course Von and tall are too....oh well here's wonderwall...oh wait-I suck and don't post clips. But my rigtalk cred is fucking off the charts homies.....
Post clips or STFU.