I didn’t even know of her until the recent Rig Rundown popped up, there’s definitely a feel of fabrication going on as she’s not a YouTuber and there’s not a whole lot of content out there with her in it. Seems she just popped up 3 years ago and started working her way into the Nashville scene.
Music business has always been more about who you know than anything.
All that said, I can’t see in any way how it’s dumb of Gibson to jump on an up and coming guitarist, put their guitars in her hands and see how it shakes out in the future. They already know they can sell guitars to dudes in the 45+ crowd, they got their business decades ago. If this girl ends up making waves then they’ve got themselves a whole new generation of players interested in Gibson guitars.
And for fuck’s sake, for all the fucking bitching about the younger generation being into downtuned guitars and modelers, people still bitch when it’s a kid playing classic rock with “real guitars into real amps”. Just shut the fuck up already and fucking make your own goddamn music if everything else pisses you off.