Who's enjoying pride month

you seem like a real asshole
Dude, I was being pretty fair to you and even appreciated the useless prayers you were going to do for me. Then you say the prayer was that I'd get hit by a bus so fuck you you piece of shit scumbag. You started it not me. I've got your number now and will behave accordingly. Good day!
Dude, I was being pretty fair to you and even appreciated the useless prayers you were going to do for me. Then you say the prayer was that I'd get hit by a bus so fuck you you piece of shit scumbag. You started it not me. I've got your number now and will behave accordingly. Good day!
"Hey why don't you try to contribute something to the conversation more often rather than just slinging insults nearly all the time?"
dave, are you enjoying pridemonth?
I am enjoying the demons.
