Who's enjoying pride month

The sickness continues...................

Trans Babies? Health Centre Asks Parents if Their Newborns Are Transgender or Non-Binary.​

A health centre in England provided new parents with questionnaires asking if they considered their babies to be transgender or non-binary.

A form offered by a general practitioner practice in Birmingham to parents of newborns quizzed them if they considered their child to be either “male (including trans man)”, “female (including trans woman)”, “non-binary”, “other (not listed)” or “not stated”.

Sharing a screenshot of the form, a woman posted on Twitter: “So my mate has had a baby recently and had to register this precious new life. This is the newborn registration form she’s faced with.”

“I think she’s going to register baby as Other = dinosaur gender,” she joked.

According to the Daily Mail, the woke form is not part of a wider policy of the National Health Service (NHS), with each local surgery being given the option to add additional gender options to their own forms.

So my mate has had a baby recently and had to register this precious new life. This is the newborn registration form shes faced with.
Male (including women)
Female (including men)
Non-binary = nonsense
Other =

I think she’s going to register baby as Other = dinosaur gender pic.twitter.com/4WTWeDhA9c
— Aja the Empress
(@Aja02537920) May 22, 2023
Free Speech Union director Toby Young criticised the practice, saying the woke forms were “an invitation to woke parents to impose their crazy ideas about sex and gender on their newborns”.

“Wouldn’t it be more responsible of this GP practice to refer parents who cannot tell the sex of their babies by looking at their genitals to a psychiatrist?”

The country’s socialised healthcare system has increasingly become infected with woke culture, with the NHS previously coming under fire for adopting so-called gender-free language on its health advice site, removing references to women for the pages concerning female-only cancers such as ovarian, womb, and cervical.

NHS has also been at the forefront of the transgender movement, with its Tavistock Centre and the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), which has been accused of offering puberty-blocking drugs to children after as little as just one consultation.

The disgraced centre, which is set to be shut down for failing to protect the safety of children, is facing lawsuits from up to 1,000 families for allegedly misdiagnosing their children as transgender.
that's the point, any adults grooming / molesting children are the same irrespective of who they are or their sexual orientation.

I don't think grade school age and middle school age children should be exposed to drag shows, just like I don't think they should be allowed in adult strip clubs.

that said, there are certain groups of adults that have a stronger than average interest in access to other people's children, some openly admit it. If you can't see that, it's on you.

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So in this case, why is there not an uproar of people being concerned about access to children within the church, as it has clearly showed evidence over the span of decades that children are unsafe within churches?

Where is the evidence that shows someone dressed up as a woman reading to children will create more sexual abuse cases? To be fair, I haven’t read a lot into it, but has it actually been a situation of groups of drag queens actively trying to insert themselves into schools, or is it schools opening the door up to drag queens to come into read without any drag queen ever contacting the school first?

It seems to me that there’s a lot of persecution of people for potential crimes that COULD occur while throwing a MASSIVE fucking blind eye to the actual crimes that have been committed by a group of people consistently for decades, which still occurs frequently to this day. Again, unless someone can provide me with some proof that the LGBQT community has abused children anywhere close to that of the church, this all just looks like hating on people for the sake of hating on people.
So in this case, why is there not an uproar of people being concerned about access to children within the church, as it has clearly showed evidence over the span of decades that children are unsafe within churches?

Where is the evidence that shows someone dressed up as a woman reading to children will create more sexual abuse cases? To be fair, I haven’t read a lot into it, but has it actually been a situation of groups of drag queens actively trying to insert themselves into schools, or is it schools opening the door up to drag queens to come into read without any drag queen ever contacting the school first?

It seems to me that there’s a lot of persecution of people for potential crimes that COULD occur while throwing a MASSIVE fucking blind eye to the actual crimes that have been committed by a group of people consistently for decades, which still occurs frequently to this day. Again, unless someone can provide me with some proof that the LGBQT community has abused children anywhere close to that of the church, this all just looks like hating on people for the sake of hating on people.

since we here in RT OT are responsible for investigative journalism and district attorneys filling criminal charges.... :D

Catholic, and other organized religions have been doing this for decades or even centuries.

It all needs to be called out.
View attachment 212806

since we here in RT OT are responsible for investigative journalism and district attorneys filling criminal charges.... :D

Catholic, and other organized religions have been doing this for decades or even centuries.

It all needs to be called out.

While I agree it all needs to be called out, I’m still waiting for evidence that something needs to be called out for the LGBQT community. If someone can show me that they’re likely to abuse children with some kind of evidence they’ve been doing it for a prolonged period of time and are most likely to continue doing so I’ll happily say “Shit, you guys are absolutely right, that’s not good”
Here's the tolerance they don't have and so desperately and violently want from EVERYONE the vile hypocrites..........

Outrageous! Christian Man Arrested for Reciting Bible Verse at Pride Event in Pennsylvania​


A Christian man was arrested while exercising his first amendment right at a Pride event held in Reading, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

Reading the Bible in public places is generally considered a protected form of free speech under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The First Amendment guarantees individuals the right to freedom of speech, which includes the right to express religious beliefs.

Damon Atkins, a devout Christian, attended the event to share his religious beliefs and to express his interpretation of scripture.

Reading’s first-ever “Pride March and Rally,” supported by Mayor Eddie Moran, drew dozens of people outside the City Hall.

Atkins walked up to a public sidewalk just across the street from City Hall, holding a slogan that says “Jesus said go and sin no more.”

Police Sergeant Bradley T. McClure approached Atkins to intervene and prevent him from reciting the Bible verse, emphasizing respect for the LGBTQ+ community’s pride rally. Atkins responded by asserting his right to freely express himself, citing the fact that they were in a public space.

Atkins continued and chose to read from 1 Corinthians 14:33, which states, “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.” However, before he could finish reading the verse, McClure rushed toward Atkins and placed him under arrest.

It took less than sixty seconds for Atkins to be placed in handcuffs,
Here's the tolerance they don't have and so desperately and violently want from EVERYONE the vile hypocrites..........

Outrageous! Christian Man Arrested for Reciting Bible Verse at Pride Event in Pennsylvania​

View attachment 212866
A Christian man was arrested while exercising his first amendment right at a Pride event held in Reading, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

Reading the Bible in public places is generally considered a protected form of free speech under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The First Amendment guarantees individuals the right to freedom of speech, which includes the right to express religious beliefs.

Damon Atkins, a devout Christian, attended the event to share his religious beliefs and to express his interpretation of scripture.

Reading’s first-ever “Pride March and Rally,” supported by Mayor Eddie Moran, drew dozens of people outside the City Hall.

Atkins walked up to a public sidewalk just across the street from City Hall, holding a slogan that says “Jesus said go and sin no more.”

Police Sergeant Bradley T. McClure approached Atkins to intervene and prevent him from reciting the Bible verse, emphasizing respect for the LGBTQ+ community’s pride rally. Atkins responded by asserting his right to freely express himself, citing the fact that they were in a public space.

Atkins continued and chose to read from 1 Corinthians 14:33, which states, “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.” However, before he could finish reading the verse, McClure rushed toward Atkins and placed him under arrest.

It took less than sixty seconds for Atkins to be placed in handcuffs,
It’s funny how this “new member” appears and all of a sudden you are all about religion lol
Here's the tolerance they don't have and so desperately and violently want from EVERYONE the vile hypocrites..........

Outrageous! Christian Man Arrested for Reciting Bible Verse at Pride Event in Pennsylvania​

View attachment 212866
A Christian man was arrested while exercising his first amendment right at a Pride event held in Reading, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

Reading the Bible in public places is generally considered a protected form of free speech under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The First Amendment guarantees individuals the right to freedom of speech, which includes the right to express religious beliefs.

Damon Atkins, a devout Christian, attended the event to share his religious beliefs and to express his interpretation of scripture.

Reading’s first-ever “Pride March and Rally,” supported by Mayor Eddie Moran, drew dozens of people outside the City Hall.

Atkins walked up to a public sidewalk just across the street from City Hall, holding a slogan that says “Jesus said go and sin no more.”

Police Sergeant Bradley T. McClure approached Atkins to intervene and prevent him from reciting the Bible verse, emphasizing respect for the LGBTQ+ community’s pride rally. Atkins responded by asserting his right to freely express himself, citing the fact that they were in a public space.

Atkins continued and chose to read from 1 Corinthians 14:33, which states, “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.” However, before he could finish reading the verse, McClure rushed toward Atkins and placed him under arrest.

It took less than sixty seconds for Atkins to be placed in handcuffs,
Cite your sources there Westboro.