He’s a wicked guitar player.
I remember I used to dance hard with
chicks to this song at the all ages nightclub Moonbeams in Clearwater,Florida in those’
late 80’s/90’s.
Check this out,
I got marked by a gang of White Power
dreg’s,that notorious Clearwater clan of henchmen.
All of them to this day are dead or in prison
until they do die,-albeit a handful.
So the leader dude, (Toby)
b-lined me from across the dance floor,
-apparently some chick he liked,
-liked me.
The real motive was,
I was a white dude with dreads,
and he & the dreg’sthought this was no bueno’,
that coupled with the chick dissing him for
me issue and we got us a rumble coming.
The Warriors type shit, yep.
Nothing happened, he was a skater,
I knew a few of his dregs’ from Astro Skate,
-I still scored his chick fellas!!!