Why it sucks to be a lead guitarist in the industry.

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Rob Tahan":126tksk4 said:
So ive been recording an album for the past month now and have gotten nothing but flamed for playing lead guitar.
Litterally got cussed out today over it by our producer, and told that "you know nothing about good music". "you listen to Dream Theater and Steve Vai". "Nobody cares about solos"...etc..etc... Welcome to the music business he says.
Its been nothing but an uphill battle.
I do realize that the reason there are "barely any good Christian rock bands anymore" is because the industry flushes them all down the toilet and makes them water down their playing and in even this case, CUTS the solos out completely.

It is not popular on radio.... If it is all shreddy. But every CD has some deeper cuts that are not radio geared. Kutless has some decent rock/metal songs packaged in with radio hits. I understand the 'gotta pay the bills' mentality, but killing off your musical identity in the process sounds like a bad idea.

Are you married to the idea of using this guy? There are good christian players, or guys that have played in christian rock bands and do studio work. Dan Huff did lots of great stuff. He played on Mathew Ward's first solo album and laid down great, albeit radio ignored work. Guardian played great rock. Rez Band was rock to the point of being outcasts. Again, almost totally radio ignored. So.... the guy is somewhat right, but I hope you can find the balance between having cuts that get play and ones you think rock.

If someone like Neal Schon will say that Journey pays the bills and his side projects are for a more personal expression, there is something to it. He has the experience, chops, and been good at multiple bands playing radio vs. side projects.

Good luck on finding that balance.
Hang in there, if it's part of the message it will be heard! :rock:
lincoln brewster's new cd is full of some of the most tasty solos i've heard in a LONG time. over rocking song or melodic poppy upbeat songs.
The problem is, at least in mind, one of the best explanations I've heard for no guitar solos is that they stopped being musical and everything became a guitar shred off competition so that is why they got cut. The key is to write solo's that have that memorable hook to them, the Hotel Cali kind of solos where it's a hugely important part of the song and it wouldn't be the same with out it.
Dude. I really want you to hear some of the stuff ive recorded. Like i said, most (90% of them) are not at all shred. They are however very melodic and the tone is right on. Its very frustrating. I understand COMPLETELY the balance that you all are talking about. I went in knowing that this guy isnt a fan of lead guitar and nobody in the band listened to me. Now its a different story and even the rest of my band is just as frustrated. Lead guitar IS a part of OUR sound. Its always been a part of it... for the past 8 years. I know without a doubt that we can still be a marketable band with solos and still have some radio cuts and even pop tunes. There are other bands out there also working towards the same goal. Look at Down from Up. They have a very modern sound with great guitar solos. Nothing 80's about those guys. I would say however that we arent as heavy as they are on this album and i dont claim to be Andy Wood, but what im saying is that we have similarities and we are going for that same kinda balance. THis is the same balance we were going for 8 years ago when we started this band.
You are aligning yourself with the Wrong people plain and simple. Get rid of him.
See what Mentoneman said ;)

If playing leads was good enough to get you a deal then why change the formula that got you recognition?
Hey Rob, Ive been a fan of yours since i saw you guys open for Disciple a few winters ago in Dallas City, IL. Kalel from Pillar told me a few years ago that you have to make the label come to you, not compromise what your band is just to make a few bucks. The industry is in shambles and they are only looking for the next big hit song. It could care less how good your band is and how you grow through the years. They are just looking to make the bucks off a few songs and screw you in the process.

Btw, your playing still continues to inspire me. I don't have near the chops you have...working as a welder for 15 yrs has taken its toll on my short chubby fingers...

I was playing "Run" at work today and a co-worker came up to me and asked "Is that your band?" i said no but it would be great to be that good. lol
Tone Ranger":2hn0wdk6 said:
Hey Rob, Ive been a fan of yours since i saw you guys open for Disciple a few winters ago in Dallas City, IL. Kalel from Pillar told me a few years ago that you have to make the label come to you, not compromise what your band is just to make a few bucks. The industry is in shambles and they are only looking for the next big hit song. It could care less how good your band is and how you grow through the years. They are just looking to make the bucks off a few songs and screw you in the process.

Btw, your playing still continues to inspire me. I don't have near the chops you have...working as a welder for 15 yrs has taken its toll on my short chubby fingers...

I was playing "Run" at work today and a co-worker came up to me and asked "Is that your band?" i said no but it would be great to be that good. lol

Hey man
I totally remember meeting you and our conversation about Splawn amps. And of course my rant about diezel;)
I hope the album has a few cool solos that guitarists will enjoy but my hands are tied at this point. Hopefully at least a few will be on there. I will post songs as soon as they are mixed!!
1: He should not talk to you like that. Simple as that.

2: Maybe there is some merit, to what he is saying... I mean, there are not very many succesful guitar solos. By that I mean, a lead break, where people (and not only musicians) actually remember it and look forward to it. Think of "Sweet Child O Mine" or "Livin' On A Prayer"... Most people will know the lead breaks in those songs, because they are really well written.

3: If you, however, feel that you are in the right... Then by all means go ahead. Most geniuses have had someone that unsuccesfully tried to silence them. I sincerely hope that you will be one of them. :thumbsup:
Rob Tahan":25ncsqys said:
"you know nothing about good music". "you listen to Dream Theater and Steve Vai". "Nobody cares about solos"...etc..etc... Welcome to the music business he says.

Tell him to tell that to Michael Wagener :lol: :LOL:
Hey it could be worse, your a signed guitar player in a rock band doing what you love...

Now if the thread title was...

"Why it sucks to be a Private on a remote fire base in Afghanistans Korengal Valley"

you would have my attention and sympathy. :thumbsup:

just kidding...do your thing.
rareguitar":2kg8sqwd said:
Hey it could be worse, your a signed guitar player in a rock band doing what you love...

Now if the thread title was...

"Why it sucks to be a Private on a remote fire base in Afghanistans Korengal Valley"

you would have my attention and sympathy. :thumbsup:

just kidding...do your thing.

Yeah.. But at least they get to play as many lead breaks as they want :D
Rob Tahan":3t2r3ua6 said:
Dude. I really want you to hear some of the stuff ive recorded. Like i said, most (90% of them) are not at all shred. They are however very melodic and the tone is right on. Its very frustrating. I understand COMPLETELY the balance that you all are talking about. I went in knowing that this guy isnt a fan of lead guitar and nobody in the band listened to me. Now its a different story and even the rest of my band is just as frustrated. Lead guitar IS a part of OUR sound. Its always been a part of it... for the past 8 years. I know without a doubt that we can still be a marketable band with solos and still have some radio cuts and even pop tunes. There are other bands out there also working towards the same goal. Look at Down from Up. They have a very modern sound with great guitar solos. Nothing 80's about those guys. I would say however that we arent as heavy as they are on this album and i dont claim to be Andy Wood, but what im saying is that we have similarities and we are going for that same kinda balance. THis is the same balance we were going for 8 years ago when we started this band.

Hey Rob,

Sorry if it came off like I was questioning your playing in any way, that wasn't my intentions at all!!! Sorry again - I'm really not that kind of guy. I know what you mean though, I've worked with producers that are just the same, it's just a different way of production I guess. Listening to your current stuff you guys sound great, def marketable for radio, and your playing is awesome man. It's just some producers aren't about all that... you know more and more what I've been asked for and hear people doing is they will send me a track and tell me to basically solo over the whole thing, then they chop it all up and and pick out what parts they want to use and make their own little samples/solos whatever out of it. Makes me wonder why I even bother trying to make something decent the first go around for lead guitar stuff.

I'm sure what your doing sounds great, maybe approach it this way - tell him lets track it, if you really think it sucks and doesn't add anything to the song in the end then lets re-evaluate it during the mixing process. This way he feels like he's more in control of the situation and your not pushing him around, and once he gets a better understanding of your bands actual sound when it all comes together then hopefully he will change his mind.

Best of luck and again sorry if I came off at all like an ass!

And by the way I really think your a super kick ass player man! Keep it up.
Disturbed is a somewhat popular band still right? Listen how their new album starts off.

I am not at all offended by anything anyone has said here at all.
But in reference to the earlier statement "im a signed guitar player doing what i love".. this is true only to the extent of "im a signed guitar player". When we have issues like this, im no longer doing what i love. When a producer threatens to cut out your solos because im not doing EXACTLY what he wants it sucks. I could have played with a major signed band that i wont mention years ago and i didnt. Why? Because i didnt wanna play a bunch of power chords and i didnt like their message. This was not a Christian rock band either. It was a household name band that i turned down because i didnt wanna sell out. It was one of those moments when I was at the right place at the right time.

Music to me is very personal. To me its almost as personal as my beliefs and faith. Its something i feel very strongly about and in this case i have willingly compromised so much of my playing, but there comes a point when enough is enough.

I dont care about the money. I dont play because i want their money, and i dont care about the fame, or chicks or whatever. All those things are cool and all, but at the end of the day i like to play music that i can listen to, and be proud of simply because i love music.
I didnt start playing guitar for any other reason than that. Plain and simply. From the moment i heard the solo from Paris is Burning, i knew thats what i wanted to do. If all i did was record music with my friends and play for musicians Id still do it.
I think everyone here is in agreement with this too. Im just saying. Most people really dont understand the industry and im just now really getting a taste of what its like to be on the front line.
All this to say that if i have to play a bunch of bullcrap guitar even in front of thousands of people id be miserable.