Why it sucks to be a lead guitarist in the industry.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rob Tahan
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I think the honest answer is this, if you completely want to do what ONLY YOU want in your music, you can't go through any other channels, and have to release it yourself. I write music for many different publishers, and I get nit picked ALL the time, get told to take this out, do this differently. This sucks etc etc. While I get slightly erked because it was my vision and music creation, in the end, I am ultimetally a working musician / composer who will be releasing music through publishers and what not, and I have to go with what they say in order to get my music and work out through them. Sometimes I think their critique is WAY off, but sometimes it actually does help the music get to a place where it should overall and much more broader appeal. Creativity stiffled or not, I am a working composer, and that is how it just is, when you are working through other people. Its the process.

I would have to hear what you are doing, VS what the end result the producer wants to go to say whether or not he or you are right. As of now its not very clear, and while I am sure all the guitar slingers here are saying that sucks and solo on, solo on, I can't honestly say who is more in the right. I am sure you are a stellar player and skill has nothing to do with it. Of course solo's have made some of the great music today, and likewise there is great music without solo's, or rather melodic guitar work built in rather then to stand out.

My two cents on top of all this is this. One, it sounds like you are in a cool place, getting to work on music, and possibly get it out there. I totally understand the want to do only what you want to play or hear, so as to keep the integrity of your art. But in the end, I think if you really love playing and music, perhaps, yes even really compromising, is the way to go if you got hooked up with a label and they are supporting / releasing the music and band. If not either you will have to cut ties and do everything SOLELY on your own, or work to find another label that will give you complete artistic control. If this is your first major release through a bigger label, good luck finding that.

I can sit here and say its not about the money and its all about the art, but I would be lying. As I rely on music and production to feed me and my family. It most certainly is about making a living doing what I love, music, even if it means major compromises. I can still make my own music completly control free, but that doesn't mean it will ever really see the light of day apart from free music streaming sites ya know.

Who knows, maybe the next release you will have more and more creative control. Best of luck
This is why I'm somtimes glad to NOT do music for a living. Everyone thinks that's the dream or whatever but sometimes the dream is a lot different in real life. I can write whatever the fuck I want, when I want, or work with whoever I want, and I dig that. Sure everyone wants thier ego stroked and have the adoration of millions of big titted bitches, but when it comes down to it if you do it for the music then the music must be the master and nobody / nothing else. That said I understand your compromise angle as well!
Audioholic":1cwqvzsv said:
I think the honest answer is this, if you completely want to do what ONLY YOU want in your music, you can't go through any other channels, and have to release it yourself. I write music for many different publishers, and I get nit picked ALL the time, get told to take this out, do this differently. This sucks etc etc. While I get slightly erked because it was my vision and music creation, in the end, I am ultimetally a working musician / composer who will be releasing music through publishers and what not, and I have to go with what they say in order to get my music and work out through them. Sometimes I think their critique is WAY off, but sometimes it actually does help the music get to a place where it should overall and much more broader appeal. Creativity stiffled or not, I am a working composer, and that is how it just is, when you are working through other people. Its the process.

I would have to hear what you are doing, VS what the end result the producer wants to go to say whether or not he or you are right. As of now its not very clear, and while I am sure all the guitar slingers here are saying that sucks and solo on, solo on, I can't honestly say who is more in the right. I am sure you are a stellar player and skill has nothing to do with it. Of course solo's have made some of the great music today, and likewise there is great music without solo's, or rather melodic guitar work built in rather then to stand out.

My two cents on top of all this is this. One, it sounds like you are in a cool place, getting to work on music, and possibly get it out there. I totally understand the want to do only what you want to play or hear, so as to keep the integrity of your art. But in the end, I think if you really love playing and music, perhaps, yes even really compromising, is the way to go if you got hooked up with a label and they are supporting / releasing the music and band. If not either you will have to cut ties and do everything SOLELY on your own, or work to find another label that will give you complete artistic control. If this is your first major release through a bigger label, good luck finding that.

I can sit here and say its not about the money and its all about the art, but I would be lying. As I rely on music and production to feed me and my family. It most certainly is about making a living doing what I love, music, even if it means major compromises. I can still make my own music completly control free, but that doesn't mean it will ever really see the light of day apart from free music streaming sites ya know.

Who knows, maybe the next release you will have more and more creative control. Best of luck

As a professional designer and artist with 18 years experience I agree with this 100%. You want to make money doing creative things you love... you better be willing to compromise.
I'm in a christian rock band as well. We had an "opportunity" to go record in Nashville with a semi famous producer. We went through the same thing, but not only did he cut all the guitar riffs he made the crunch guitars gutless, thin and lifeless. The guy has absolutely no idea what rock music should sound like. An investor spent a load of money and I've listened to the three tracks a total of one time. They absolutely suck.
I knew there was a likely possibility of this happening based on the producers other work that I listened to. It also sucked that I live across the country so when they were mixing I wasn't able to be there.

It won't happen again. Music is too important to me. And...........I have a career in Architecture. I don't need the money. I'd rather not do it at all if it's by their rules. I get my licks in playing with my buddies around town. :rock:
Badronald":2atdlqni said:
I'm in a christian rock band as well. We had an "opportunity" to go record in Nashville with a semi famous producer. We went through the same thing, but not only did he cut all the guitar riffs he made the crunch guitars gutless, thin and lifeless. The guy has absolutely no idea what rock music should sound like. An investor spent a load of money and I've listened to the three tracks a total of one time. They absolutely suck.
I knew there was a likely possibility of this happening based on the producers other work that I listened to. It also sucked that I live across the country so when they were mixing I wasn't able to be there.

It won't happen again. Music is too important to me. And...........I have a career in Architecture. I don't need the money. I'd rather not do it at all if it's by their rules. I get my licks in playing with my buddies around town. :rock:

post up the tracks. Lets hear em.
Badronald. Who was the producer? I bet you it was the same guy...
Pm me if you want. I'm really curious.
And just to throw this out there, it was a fight the whole time to get every lead part on there. I was was quiet, he was livid. I let my band fight a lot of battles on my behalf too. Without their support, I'd be really hating life
You know man, the devil-worship-metal industry would never say you couldn't have solos on your record! You just need to change genres. :lol: :LOL:

Seriously though, sorry to hear of all the trouble. Difficult situation to be in but sounds like you've handled it as best you could. Rock on. :rock:
Rob Tahan":1zo5b9o8 said:
Badronald. Who was the producer? I bet you it was the same guy...
Pm me if you want. I'm really curious.
And just to throw this out there, it was a fight the whole time to get every lead part on there. I was was quiet, he was livid. I let my band fight a lot of battles on my behalf too. Without their support, I'd be really hating life

I'd rather not say. As much as I'd like to strangle him I respect his ability to make a living.

Sorry to hear your situation, but I, for one am glad the music industry as a whole is sucking wind and on it's last breath. The day of the big music studios stealing money from the artist is almost over.
Good riddance. We can make great sounding albums with our home studio's these days. :thumbsup:
You're handling it better than I would. I would've busted his nose over some of those comments. :aww:
I have been looking for a good lead guitarist here in L.A. for my band who is a shredder for such a long time (who doesn't have a crappy attitude) it's just sad.
I can't imagine what would happen if we were working with a producer who tried to change our music at this point, as while open to new ideas, we keep the openness for new songs, not established ones, that our fans enjoy. I would be very upset if, after looking for 3 years for the right guitarist, if i found one, only to be told that the leads could not be used on our new album.

totally ridiculous, especially in this age, when all you need is a credit card and a couple thousand bucks to build yourself your own studio.
Badronald":vfghhvwg said:
Rob Tahan":vfghhvwg said:
Badronald. Who was the producer? I bet you it was the same guy...
Pm me if you want. I'm really curious.
And just to throw this out there, it was a fight the whole time to get every lead part on there. I was was quiet, he was livid. I let my band fight a lot of battles on my behalf too. Without their support, I'd be really hating life

I'd rather not say. As much as I'd like to strangle him I respect his ability to make a living.

Sorry to hear your situation, but I, for one am glad the music industry as a whole is sucking wind and on it's last breath. The day of the big music studios stealing money from the artist is almost over.
Good riddance. We can make great sounding albums with our home studio's these days. :thumbsup:

Yes, but the big problem is AIRPLAY. Without that, if you arent touring your butt off then forget about making a living. The only way other than major touring (and that requires good booking which usually requires a repudable record deal) is radio.
Nowadays you can definitely record a great album independently, its just the rest of the industry is kinda working hand in hand. You almost cant have one without the other. Thats the way they are setting it up. Tapping into merch sales, shows etc..
Rob Tahan":3ovk12i4 said:
Badronald":3ovk12i4 said:
Rob Tahan":3ovk12i4 said:
Badronald. Who was the producer? I bet you it was the same guy...
Pm me if you want. I'm really curious.
And just to throw this out there, it was a fight the whole time to get every lead part on there. I was was quiet, he was livid. I let my band fight a lot of battles on my behalf too. Without their support, I'd be really hating life

I'd rather not say. As much as I'd like to strangle him I respect his ability to make a living.

Sorry to hear your situation, but I, for one am glad the music industry as a whole is sucking wind and on it's last breath. The day of the big music studios stealing money from the artist is almost over.
Good riddance. We can make great sounding albums with our home studio's these days. :thumbsup:

Yes, but the big problem is AIRPLAY. Without that, if you arent touring your butt off then forget about making a living. The only way other than major touring (and that requires good booking which usually requires a repudable record deal) is radio.
Nowadays you can definitely record a great album independently, its just the rest of the industry is kinda working hand in hand. You almost cant have one without the other. Thats the way they are setting it up. Tapping into merch sales, shows etc..

I've had one of my songs in the top 40 (#37) on the Christian charts and it did absolutely nothing for us. I'm not really sure what you can do to "make it" in the industry other than picking up a slot on a BIG touring show or have a #1 song, maybe a top 10 song.
I'm not interested in being a road dog.
Audioholic":2dbyfc9l said:
Badronald":2dbyfc9l said:
Audioholic":2dbyfc9l said:
Did you not get any airplay royalties?

Sure I did.

cool, then it certainly did more then absolutely nothing for you then right? ;)

You're right. It put some cash in my pocket, but it didn't do anything to further the bands career.

It is cool to be able to say I wrote a song that charted. It doesn't happen to many musicians. That's not lost on me. I just hoped for more.

It's cool.
Badronald":m1yfd2l2 said:
Audioholic":m1yfd2l2 said:
Badronald":m1yfd2l2 said:
Audioholic":m1yfd2l2 said:
Did you not get any airplay royalties?

Sure I did.

cool, then it certainly did more then absolutely nothing for you then right? ;)

You're right. It put some cash in my pocket, but it didn't do anything to further the bands career.

It is cool to be able to say I wrote a song that charted. It doesn't happen to many musicians. That's not lost on me. I just hoped for more.

It's cool.

Yeah, I think it takes soooo much constant work, marketing, and a bunch of luck to keep things going and successful. Hard to say what the correct forumula and balance of it all is. But still I think its awesome the success you have seen and shouldn't be discredited
Play him some Lincoln Brewster, that dude's huge and plays a bunch of solo's...
Rob Tahan":22v9fkd6 said:
So ive been recording an album for the past month now and have gotten nothing but flamed for playing lead guitar.
Litterally got cussed out today over it by our producer, and told that "you know nothing about good music". "you listen to Dream Theater and Steve Vai". "Nobody cares about solos"...etc..etc... Welcome to the music business he says.
Its been nothing but an uphill battle.
I do realize that the reason there are "barely any good Christian rock bands anymore" is because the industry flushes them all down the toilet and makes them water down their playing and in even this case, CUTS the solos out completely.

man i probably know the name of the dumb fuck that said that. in your rebuttal ask him why Disturbed switched to putting a solo in every song then ask him why is Avenged Sevenfold the number 1 rock album and $ grossing rock tour at the moment. then tell him to go fuck himself.

sounds to me like the producer you worked with Rob, is living about 5 years in the past.

A Wood
supersonic":3nd2t3r1 said:
It's hard to be a guitarist and look at a track with a non bias opinion. You need to ask yourself, Does it NEED that much guitar? Most of the time the answer is no. Less is more! Think of the most popular songs of all time, are they guitar virtuoso songs? No, they're a simple hook.

gonna disagree with ya on that one, to me the greatest rock songs of all time have epic ass guitar work. Cream, Aerosmith, Hendrix, Van Halen, Metallica, Guns and Fuckin Roses, Led Zepellin. i mean really dude did you think about what you said before you typed it????

On top of the classic shit i listed 2 modern bands in my past thread, on top of that add in up and comers like Escape the Fate, epic rockers Coheed and Cambria. seems to me that the bands that are making an impact have guitar solos for days. Look at country top guns Brad Paisley and Kieth Urban.

lets take pop, john Mayer is the shining guitar hero there and fuckin Nuno Bettencourt is on tour with Rhianna right now, he gets to shred balls every night. we all have seen the clips of pinks guitarist, justin burnin a hole on that fretboard every night too.

just my humble 2 cents, but man you struck a nerve on this old redneck with that post ;)

A Wood