Why were Covid-19 test kits sold/acquired in 2018?

  • Thread starter Thread starter crwnedblasphemy
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Who the fuck uses that rag conspiracy website as anything but for a laugh.

Infowars.. That website and Jones is a total laugh but scary that people believe his spuzim
Sitedrifter":79f9ej97 said:
Who the fuck uses that rag conspiracy website as anything but for a laugh.

Infowars.. That website and Jones is a total laugh but scary that people believe his spuzim

Funny how people throw everything out that Alex says, when he has been exactly right pre 911, and the whole internet tech giants and censoring. He has been saying what would happen for years prior. he might be extreme, but you go down the rabbit whole for 25+ years and see how pissed off or reactionary you become?
Alex Jones is a fucking whack job and anyone who follows that fool meets the same criteria of being a whack job.

Do you follow God and Nostradamus too?
Krull":3pyralhy said:
Sitedrifter":3pyralhy said:
Alex Jones is a fucking whack job and anyone who follows that fool meets the same criteria of being a whack job.

Do you follow God and Nostradamus too?

That's ok, we all know who the real whack job is, and it's you!

Following or even reading what that nut job has to say proves you are crazy like him. You will die before you admit anything but hardcore right wing is the only way of life. Round up the wagons and get your herd behind you.
Krull":1l0vyh18 said:
Sitedrifter":1l0vyh18 said:
Krull":1l0vyh18 said:
Sitedrifter":1l0vyh18 said:
Alex Jones is a fucking whack job and anyone who follows that fool meets the same criteria of being a whack job.

Do you follow God and Nostradamus too?

That's ok, we all know who the real whack job is, and it's you!

Following or even reading what that nut job has to say proves you are crazy like him. You will die before you admit anything but hardcore right wing is the only way of life. Round up the wagons and get your herd behind you.

You are a libtard in Centard clothing.

Give me proof on anything he says that is actually false. And also please provide your information sources this time, not you and a bunch of your leftard friends.

Let' spin it fuckwit. You give me proof of anything of substance that asshole says is true. And don't come up with falsified documents either like the other bozo did.

You will DIE unhappy cause you are so hateful you asshole peanut.
Krull":1szrrhya said:
Sitedrifter":1szrrhya said:
Krull":1szrrhya said:
Sitedrifter":1szrrhya said:
Krull":1szrrhya said:
Sitedrifter":1szrrhya said:
Alex Jones is a fucking whack job and anyone who follows that fool meets the same criteria of being a whack job.

Do you follow God and Nostradamus too?

That's ok, we all know who the real whack job is, and it's you!

Following or even reading what that nut job has to say proves you are crazy like him. You will die before you admit anything but hardcore right wing is the only way of life. Round up the wagons and get your herd behind you.

You are a libtard in Centard clothing.

Give me proof on anything he says that is actually false. And also please provide your information sources this time, not you and a bunch of your leftard friends.

Let' spin it fuckwit. You give me proof of anything of substance that asshole says is true. And don't come up with falsified documents either like the other bozo did.

You will DIE unhappy cause you are so hateful you asshole peanut.

I knew you had nothing. Typical libtard response.

Ditto Trump peanuts lover.
Krull":1crw88k8 said:
Sitedrifter":1crw88k8 said:
Krull":1crw88k8 said:
Sitedrifter":1crw88k8 said:
Krull":1crw88k8 said:
Sitedrifter":1crw88k8 said:
Krull":1crw88k8 said:
Sitedrifter":1crw88k8 said:
Alex Jones is a fucking whack job and anyone who follows that fool meets the same criteria of being a whack job.

Do you follow God and Nostradamus too?

That's ok, we all know who the real whack job is, and it's you!

Following or even reading what that nut job has to say proves you are crazy like him. You will die before you admit anything but hardcore right wing is the only way of life. Round up the wagons and get your herd behind you.

You are a libtard in Centard clothing.

Give me proof on anything he says that is actually false. And also please provide your information sources this time, not you and a bunch of your leftard friends.

Let' spin it fuckwit. You give me proof of anything of substance that asshole says is true. And don't come up with falsified documents either like the other bozo did.

You will DIE unhappy cause you are so hateful you asshole peanut.

I knew you had nothing. Typical libtard response.

Ditto Trump peanuts lover.

I asked you yesterday where you get your information from and I got crickets from you, proving you are a libtard shill. Now take your newly discovered bipolar pills and have a nice nap.

Fuck off douche US citizen wannabe.

What do you say about Jone's Sandy Hook statements?

Bring it on low life far righty.
SiteClown, why are you SO argumentative with Krull?

Krull has logic & serves it up so all clearly understand & yet, you're always attacking him.

You flip flop on issues every second day & yet, Krull & others are the problem, you gotta be kidding right?

We've had this all out in the open many times these past few months. Yes, you're a Democrat of old but not one today because of the mess. So, with that in mind the clear alternative is Trump & co. yet you slam them, you agree with them etc etc.... :confused:

If you're not a current Democrat & you despise & ridicule Trump maybe just DON'T comment at all about any of today's politics?
Sounds too easy doesn't it, but a person with integrity & an objective brain knows this to be the right path.

So, the bottom line is, you're either in OR you're out. Whatever it is just stick with it & stop confusing the rest of us & continuing to look like a true Bi-Polar patient. Our only view of you is BECAUSE of your actions.

:poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke:
The test kits aren’t specific to COVID, swabs, tubes, etc. unless your talking the abbot tests, they’re pretty generic kits to obtain and preserve samples than go to a lab for the heavy lifting.
You dopes are just that, dimwits.

Good luck with your fake news and fake shit and you will die lonely like Krull you scum
Sitedrifter":2dnxaosa said:
You dopes are just that, dimwits.

Good luck with your fake news and fake shit and you will die lonely like Krull you scum
Overly nasty today ClownWit, why?

There's one thing to put shit on each other but the above has malice, again why?
Krull":pa3sb0un said:
I dunno...here it is. And here is the Wits (world intergrated trades solution) Wikipedia page. Seems like an established website. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Integrated_Trade_Solution

"The World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) is a trade software provided by the World Bank for users to query several international trade databases."

A tube kit for a Marshall 2203 is still (3) 12ax7s and (4) EL34s or 6550s

Is simply consolidated line item for a collection of multiple generic line items needed
WGAF":1t2k3z6t said:
Sitedrifter":1t2k3z6t said:
You dopes are just that, dimwits.

Good luck with your fake news and fake shit and you will die lonely like Krull you scum
Overly nasty today ClownWit, why?

There's one thing to put shit on each other but the above has malice, again why?

Nothing but hatred spews from you and Krull, day in and day out.
No trying to understand people!
No meeting of the minds unless it is between you two.
Just plain old douchery antics from both of you.

You will die unhappy, BOTH of you!

Use your seashells when you are done shitting on people.
Krull":283udrca said:
scottosan":283udrca said:
Krull":283udrca said:
I dunno...here it is. And here is the Wits (world intergrated trades solution) Wikipedia page. Seems like an established website. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Integrated_Trade_Solution

"The World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) is a trade software provided by the World Bank for users to query several international trade databases."

A tube kit for a Marshall 2203 is still (3) 12ax7s and (4) EL34s or 6550s

Is simply consolidated line item for a collection of multiple generic line items needed

Still doesn't explain why it was called "covid-19 diagnostic test instruments and apparatus" in 2018.
because it’s the complication of parts needed for a COVID test kit. No need to order 7 individual line items.

Oil change kit for a 2020 mustang could have a manufacture date of 2018
https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DCh ... 0RY&adurl=
It was retro-labeling of existing generic products in April 2020.

The World Bank told Reuters that these products and product codes predate COVID. They have been used since 2017 - not in relation to COVID-19 but labelled “in much more technical terms that did not mention COVID”.

In April 2020, the products were relabelled amid the pandemic and the WITS updated its product descriptions accordingly, including those attached to the data from 2017 and 2018, even if the products had not been used in relation to COVID-19 at the time

https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-fact ... SKBN26025U
JackTripper":231t225m said:
It was retro-labeling of existing generic products in April 2020.

The World Bank told Reuters that these products and product codes predate COVID. They have been used since 2017 - not in relation to COVID-19 but labelled “in much more technical terms that did not mention COVID”.

In April 2020, the products were relabelled amid the pandemic and the WITS updated its product descriptions accordingly, including those attached to the data from 2017 and 2018, even if the products had not been used in relation to COVID-19 at the time

https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-fact ... SKBN26025U


They will die lonely with their trumpy bear dolls.

These kits, 902780, is a generic kit, it just happens to be the kit used for COVID19. A quick search shows that part number is used for other things as well, but since there are many test kits it’s only logical to call it a COVID test kit since it’s the one you’d need to collect samples to be ran for COVID-19 analysis
Diagnostic Test instruments and apparatus (902780)
Additional Product information: Instruments used in clinical laboratories for In Vitro Diagnosis. Colorimetric end tidal CO2 detector, sizes compatible with child and adult endotracheal tube. Single use.