Racerxrated - "Psychodave called it a "bouncy" feel and that's a good way to put it."
Yeah, I like a good "bounce" in my circuits also....but not too much. It has to do with adjusting the B+ line and NFB, nothing more. Mark uses a pretty much standard NFB I've seen in multiple, multiple amps!
scottosan - agreed. Besides the Cameron/Friedman/Metro built amps to standardize things, each amp is built to suit and almost no two are the same and yes, a lot of times built with components available, soo may have 480V plate, then on say HI mode on the CCV or the Standel 1-offs, the plate is run at 540-560V, so components, biasing, etc. have to be adjusted. But there IS a "base" design and standard circuits and values Mark uses, like the NFB circuit or presence cap which is primarily .047u (cometimes .039u with avail components on hand). Mark personally prefers the high voltage plate and more headroom and note definition (he told me)...but some people like it more compressive, like in the original BE-design...very compressive (as opposed to the current BE-DLX which is more raw and less compressive.
"Your degree or patents mean nothing."
Actually, they do! How?? Do you want a degreed doctor or lawyer working on or for you, or someone who is degreeed and certified?? Easy answer. People like Billy Blades, since brought up are tinkerers...at best. They don't have the education nor aptitude to come up with anything unique, nor understand how things really work and when you need your Blades amp repaired and have to send from CA to MD and sitting there for a year because he can't figure it out or shitty design with amp failing, tolex falling off and chassis all bent up from road use....yeah, it matters! lol
psychodave - yes, he was working with what he had, so you have to adjust accordingly. I've worked on a fair share of Ceriatone and canot get them to sound from good to excellent. The issue is the shitty iron (and fair amount of value to the amp-cheap). So, the entire iron set would need to be replaced. As far as Mark and components...he favors certain things like Motorola gold pin transistors for the Jose/clipping designs. He also had an affinity to the WIMA poly caps.
Metlupass2 - "Are all your schematics drawn on Mickey Mouse paper or just this one?"
NOPE. Just a quick drawn up. Every single design I have, has the exact PCB, BOM, Layout, and schematic (not hand drawn).
Mailman1971 - "All the tone is thru Mickey"
Absolutely! It the MAGICAL world of Mickey! lol There is NO majic going on really. You use the same design, same part, similar tubes, same component selection....you will get the SAME amp whether scott, me, Mark, or someone else builds it!
napalmdeath - "but they all have their take on JOSE mods, which are pretty much stealing his original ideas, no?"
YEP! Jose was THE MAN. I originally misread the inital thread and thought Rufus was looking for an original Jose Arredondo amp. Hell, I would love to have one....if I could find one. They are much more rare than Mark's and where the real $4500 should be.
Friedman's are nothing more than Jose! They are 100% Jose and just using a standard Marshall tonestack, but with standard Marshall post TS master instead of Jose's pre-TS master! There is nothing else unique about the amp(s)!! You are paying for Dave's-version of a Jose clone, nothing more.
"Hell, I'm debating selling my Friedman, and going back to a Yeti."
DON'T DO THAT. See what I said above. Worked on many Ceriatones and they suck. Channel popping and (Chupa, Yeti, 2203, etc). Every one had a "sterile"ness to them. Poor iron, poorly design switching, and some of the design just sterilizes it. After the initial high of owning it and hearing something that sounds good...it wears off and you'll be like...wtf did I do?