LP Freak
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Poplar CreekWhere was that show?
Poplar CreekWhere was that show?
There are millions of incredible shredders out there and not a one can hold my attention for more than a minute tops . I don't know what it is but they all are missing that extra something that really captivates me and can hold my attention and this includes Vai and Satch.
It's exceedingly rare when a guitarist is just as jaw dropping playing rhythm as they are playing lead and I just never see that these days.
The answer is Guthrie Govan, your welcome...
Best to not assume what others opinions are because in most cases what you think and like is very very different than what others think and like.
? Explain please. This is CCN, most trusted name in,... oops, sorry, I got you mixed up with something else, my bad.Best to not assume what others opinions are because in most cases what you think and like is very very different than what others think and like.
? Explain please. This is CCN, most trusted name in,... oops, sorry, I got you mixed up with something else, my bad.
That's fair . Can't argue against quantifiable .Oh no, not assuming anything. Guthrie is truly amazing. That is a quantifiable fact.
And they play like it. The drummer's energy is that of a coma patient.Looks like his band is made up of random band camp participants.
I have yet to hear anything from Guthrie that wow'ed me. Though to be fair I haven't heard much..
I don't get the Shawn Lane comparisons that I see people often make when talking about Guthrie.
But for Yngwie, I think 1986 was when he was an apex predator at his pinnacle peak.
I'm not going to attempt to convince you to like him. I brought him up as an example of a guitarist that is continually evolving and improving all aspects of his craft.
Perhaps this clip will exemplify my point:
I personally think he is one of the greatest guitarists alive today...
Too funny, I was just thinking this as I was scrolling down. Kollman is hands down my favorite current player and I'm a full Child of 80's Shred.....Guthrie is amazing. Don't mean to hijack the thread but have you ever listened to Jeff Kollman's solo stuff or his band Cosmosquad. If not look it up. He's one of the greatest practically unknown talents out there.
But it wouldn’t all be about him then. That would never work in the mind of a narcissistYngwie hasn't grown to the extent he should have. He has the stacks, leather, kicks, and the 1000 picks he throws out. I would love it if he just played, surrounded himself with other players that he seemed locked in with, etc