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He's been complaining about the white lights for at least 10 years now. I'm starting to think it's all part of the show, where he wants people to think he looks cool snapping at the lighting techs.

Either that or literally every venue has been trolling him
man for those of us who saw him in his early years live, enjoy the memories comrades.

seeing him when he first joined alcatrazz, and then early on his first rising force tour, then marching out and trilogy. those were the peak years imo.
hard to explain how radical he was when he burst onto the scene but he was truly mind blowing.

i met him on the marching out tour in a small rock club in hawaii after his gig opening for dio at the blaisdell center.

i saw him walk in with his girlfriend and i believe i squealed like a schoolgirl and soiled myself.

me and my best friend sat with him for about an hour at a table making small talk. i was totally star stuck because as a totally rabid fan of 80s electric rock shred guitar at that time, he was IT. and he was super cool to us at that time. signed an autograph and left but had to come back because he forgot his sunglasses which yes he wore at night!
That's the show I'm talking about! Did you see him at the Jazz Cellar?
Saw him over the weekend. Phil X new band opened up. Second row dead center. Didn’t disappoint. The guys near 60.
Excellent show
He's been complaining about the white lights for at least 10 years now. I'm starting to think it's all part of the show, where he wants people to think he looks cool snapping at the lighting techs.

Either that or literally every venue has been trolling him
Donuts back stage and white spot lights front stage for every show for now on. The comedy will be better than the music.
That's the show I'm talking about! Did you see him at the Jazz Cellar?
bingo brah! da spot in the 80s.
i tried to get him to jam with the house band whom i was friends with but he declined and said he was too hammered.
but anders and jans came in a different night and i did convince them to jam that time-man on the silver mountain and another purple song i think..destroyed my buddies snare head!

but at dio i moshed down to the front of the stage for yngwie at that one! poor viv! i did score a satin dio concert jacket on a radio contest the day of the gig.

craziest coincidence…the fall of that year i was attending college in cali. the day i move into my new place i hear music from one of the rooms in my apartment. i begin to recognize it’s a live yngwie bootleg, FROM THAT SHOW!
turns out my new roomie was a guitar freak like me, also from Oahu, and recorded that show!
I have yet to hear anything from Guthrie that wow'ed me. Though to be fair I haven't heard much..

I don't get the Shawn Lane comparisons that I see people often make when talking about Guthrie.

But for Yngwie, I think 1986 was when he was an apex predator at his pinnacle peak.
After that he went for the hits . Less hard hitting
man for those of us who saw him in his early years live, enjoy the memories comrades.

seeing him when he first joined alcatrazz, and then early on his first rising force tour, then marching out and trilogy. those were the peak years imo.
hard to explain how radical he was when he burst onto the scene but he was truly mind blowing.

i met him on the marching out tour in a small rock club in hawaii after his gig opening for dio at the blaisdell center.

i saw him walk in with his girlfriend and i believe i squealed like a schoolgirl and soiled myself.

me and my best friend sat with him for about an hour at a table making small talk. i was totally star stuck because as a totally rabid fan of 80s electric rock shred guitar at that time, he was IT. and he was super cool to us at that time. signed an autograph and left but had to come back because he forgot his sunglasses which yes he wore at night!
This ^
I saw him then, we were 2nd row, and I'd seen everyone who ever made a profound impact with a guitar up to that point all the way back to Leslie West, including Edward and all the heavy hitters of that time...
My jaw was on the floor. He made everyone I'd ever seen disappear by the 4th song. There was no noodling at that time, his phrasing and note selection were stunning, his vibrato was amazing. The speed and precision he played with made him seem like some kind of wizard. He was obviously the guy who took everything that had ever been done on a guitar and supercharged it to a point where it really didn't inspire you, it made you consider giving up.....
We were speechless after that show.. We didn't even know how to discuss what we had just seen, we just made confused utterings that led to more confused utterings... We would start sentences and not finish them.. We were laughing about it even 20 years later.
I much prefer to remember him then, for whatever he has become, that night seeing him when he had everything to prove, made me realize that while we were all just goofing off with music, he was somewhere on the other side of the world practicing for 10 hours a day for a long time before anyone ever heard him. He did exactly what he set out to do, and we were left with trying to find ways to put into words what we had just seen. I saw all the great ones who were shredders that came after him, but because of him, the initial impact was far less because he had already been there and done that.
Great times
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I saw Yngwie when he opened up for Dio. I was a teen then. My mom was nice enough to drop me and a friend off at the show and pick us up when it was over. We saw Doro Pesch open for Yngwie, then Yngwie came on. Completely star struck in awe. After Yngwie was done, we had been standing and not moving for like 5 hours straight by that time and couldn't take it anymore so I called my mom to pick us up. So we left before Dio came on....

.....we didn't know who Dio was at the time......

? :?:
Ugh…. Yngwie had a bad night…
The SIDEBURNS…. He can’t hear the drummers’ time sig, due to the Overgrowth around the ears… It Happens…. :aww::LOL:
All fucking around aside…. Man, the guys’ near 60!

Yeah, as a pro, he shouldn’t show up live 3 sheets to the fucking wind…
But I gotta give him credit, he’s NEVER let go of the foundation that made him a legend amongst those of us that grew up looking for that FIRE..

For me, as the 3 “FAST guns” that changed my world,
DiMeola, Yngwie, Gilbert.
(Gilbert mostly ‘cause I tore that instructional video APART for 6 months…) :LOL:

Each one of them occupies a Special place for me with heart-stopping control and mastery of speed, and acted as pseudo- Mentors to me of what, COULD be done, on a guitar..

Yngwie always gets a PASS…. Who hasn’t had a SHIT show live…? Any guitar player in the audience paying attention, STILL went home with SOME stolen lick…. ;):LOL:
Let's just take a minute to appreciate him back when he actually cared about the quality of his band and actually played WITH them. He's ripping here. Love the ferociousness and tempo. He was bringing it in the 80's. I think this is post accident so he might have been better before but still sounds extremely clean here compared to anything in the last 20 years.

That was the Trilogy tour & definitely pre-accident (the accident happened about 11 months after this, in June of 87).
I saw Yngwie when he opened up for Dio. I was a teen then. My mom was nice enough to drop me and a friend off at the show and pick us up when it was over. We saw Doro Pesch open for Yngwie, then Yngwie came on. Completely star struck in awe. After Yngwie was done, we had been standing and not moving for like 5 hours straight by that time and couldn't take it anymore so I called my mom to pick us up. So we left before Dio came on....

.....we didn't know who Dio was at the time......

? :?:
How'd Doro look?
I wish Yngwie would want to squash any beef with any his former bandmates.

He heard Jeff was at the show, why doesn't he say, "you know what? Let me go say hi to an old buddy and bandmate because the past is in the past. Hell maybe we can even do a project together, I can sure use a singer like him..."

Doesn't look like that will ever happen which is very unfortunate!!
man for those of us who saw him in his early years live, enjoy the memories comrades.
Hooooo Braddah Cuz, I got to see him at a small club in PDX on that first Rising Force tour and it was just face melting. Badass and then some...I’ve seen him a couple times since then but it’s never been on the level of that first show. Few things ive seen compare to that actually, I think it was all still so new and over the top that the ‘WTF Factor’ was strong like li hing mui or Zippys Wahiawa at 2:00 am.