man for those of us who saw him in his early years live, enjoy the memories comrades.
seeing him when he first joined alcatrazz, and then early on his first rising force tour, then marching out and trilogy. those were the peak years imo.
hard to explain how radical he was when he burst onto the scene but he was truly mind blowing.
i met him on the marching out tour in a small rock club in hawaii after his gig opening for dio at the blaisdell center.
i saw him walk in with his girlfriend and i believe i squealed like a schoolgirl and soiled myself.
me and my best friend sat with him for about an hour at a table making small talk. i was totally star stuck because as a totally rabid fan of 80s electric rock shred guitar at that time, he was IT. and he was super cool to us at that time. signed an autograph and left but had to come back because he forgot his sunglasses which yes he wore at night!