Well-known member
I have posted several times about how much I like these tubes in my EL34 and my KT88/6550 converted amps. Several members have been asking me for clips and comparisons unsure about purchasing them as they are expensive. No one wants to be stuck with them if they do not like them. There are a few members around here like Capulin Overdrive who are in the Gold Lion KT77 camp that may be able to comment. I have been dealing with a particular tube dealer for several years now. His service and matching/testing abilities are as good as you could ever ask for. He and I would like to play a little game. Here are the rules:
Anyone interested in receiving a pair or a quad, send an email to Tyler at info@tctubes.com As he receives responses he will a compile a list of participants in the order they respond. Include your phone number in your email. Tyler will then contact you for any pertinent information and will be asking for your credit card info. You will not be charged unless you do not have the loaner set back in the mail within five days of receiving them along with sending a tracking number to Tyler. At that point you will be charged his store price for the set and shipping. Once the tubes ship your card will be charged for the initial shipping only which is approximately $6.00 depending on where you live. Shipping is Priority Mail. This will insure he gets the loaner set back for the next member interested in trying them. Anyone who tries and would then like to buy may order at http://www.tctubes.com
State in the order notes that you were a participant in receiving a loaner set. This will help Tyler to know if there are any specific grades you may need such as a hotter or colder set. When he receives the set back he will retest them to make sure they are in top shape and then contact the next member in line for their credit card info,etc. When Tyler ships the the member will receive tracking info. He usually ships within one day. If this works out for all involved he may be willing to do this with different tubes such as some of the NOS inventory he keeps. This will offer you an opportunity to try without buying. The shipping cost is very minimal considering this offer. Tyler offers a great warranty on any tubes purchased. I have had one tube of four become a little noisy. He instructed me to send it back and it was replaced. It also matched the others perfectly as detailed records are kept. He has sent me different brand of tubes that matched the tubes I was replacing perfectly with no rebias required and there has been more. If you contact Tyler please send me a PM letting me know you have done so. I have to keep my own list as well. If you have an interest to try some other new production other tube types he stocks just let him know that.
Anyone interested in receiving a pair or a quad, send an email to Tyler at info@tctubes.com As he receives responses he will a compile a list of participants in the order they respond. Include your phone number in your email. Tyler will then contact you for any pertinent information and will be asking for your credit card info. You will not be charged unless you do not have the loaner set back in the mail within five days of receiving them along with sending a tracking number to Tyler. At that point you will be charged his store price for the set and shipping. Once the tubes ship your card will be charged for the initial shipping only which is approximately $6.00 depending on where you live. Shipping is Priority Mail. This will insure he gets the loaner set back for the next member interested in trying them. Anyone who tries and would then like to buy may order at http://www.tctubes.com
State in the order notes that you were a participant in receiving a loaner set. This will help Tyler to know if there are any specific grades you may need such as a hotter or colder set. When he receives the set back he will retest them to make sure they are in top shape and then contact the next member in line for their credit card info,etc. When Tyler ships the the member will receive tracking info. He usually ships within one day. If this works out for all involved he may be willing to do this with different tubes such as some of the NOS inventory he keeps. This will offer you an opportunity to try without buying. The shipping cost is very minimal considering this offer. Tyler offers a great warranty on any tubes purchased. I have had one tube of four become a little noisy. He instructed me to send it back and it was replaced. It also matched the others perfectly as detailed records are kept. He has sent me different brand of tubes that matched the tubes I was replacing perfectly with no rebias required and there has been more. If you contact Tyler please send me a PM letting me know you have done so. I have to keep my own list as well. If you have an interest to try some other new production other tube types he stocks just let him know that.