Brought to you by demoncrats

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demoncrat ruling parasites and their supporters across the USA are bringing cultural enrichment to American citizens.

NYC invaders rape woman at knifepoint in Brooklyn (Coney Island). Including one charged in a sexual assault 4 months ago. Because, demoncrats provide sanctuary to invaders and don't hand them over for deportation to the Feds, this way they can stay and culturally enrich many more Americans:

Hello Boston demoncrats, you have a Haitian invader who raped a 15 year old girl, thanks to you! Congratulations, you must be proud of the cultural enrichment you support and promote, culturally enriching children with exotic foreign experiences in their own home towns, unlike NYC, Boston called ICE:

don't forget to thank a demoncrat for these and other crimes against American citizens, they are all complicit and share responsibility for every crime committed by invaders in the USA.

Now, let's all share stories of demoncrat sanctuary and cultural enrichment by invaders against Americans from across America. Post them up.

enjoy the decline
Here's a list of demoncrat sponsored cultural enrichment events performed by invaders:

For the record, we don't have good statistics on crimes committed by invaders because the National Incident-Based Reporting System doesn’t require law enforcement officers to report the immigration status or country of origin of everyone they arrest; it only tracks whether the arrestee lives within the LE agency’s jurisdiction or not.

Wonder why the government doesn't track certain information; maybe it would provide answers, facts and truth that would expose the extent of the invasion's criminal acts against Americans; invaders are criminals when they crossed the border, and the government has no idea how many, who they are, where they are from, etc.

I think it would be great if demoncrats hosted these invaders in their own homes since they invited them in.

Good thing that US citizens never commit any crimes. Like murdering people with guns for instance.
Good thing that US citizens never commit any crimes. Like murdering people with guns for instance.
whataboutism? not surprised that's all you got in defense.

if you demoncrats help secure the border, the invaders would not be in the USA in the first place to prey on American citizens. Need a concrete example since abstraction and logic elude you:

If the Haitian in Boston illegally was sill in Haiti, that 15-year old girl would not have been raped.

How about this one?

Happy now? Your illegal invader friends from Venezuela did that. If the border was secure, they would not be in the USA, and that 12-year old girl would not have been raped and strangled to death. Demoncrats who support open borders are complicit in her rape and murder

(yes in the US illegally: (AP) — Family members,to release immigrants they detain.

You are complicit and responsible for every crime illegal invaders commit in the USA since you support open borders, or support politicians that support open borders.

Take responsibility for your voting, and the results of policies you support.
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demoncrat is more accurate. that's what I call them.
If your goal is to disparage them, I think you'd be more effective if you didn't use that term. It makes you sound less objective and therefore less credible. Also, demons tend to be cool among musicians (i.e., your KISS avatar photo), so you almost make them sound cooler when you call them that that. If I were in your shoes, I might just call them what they are rather than making them sound cooler and yourself less credible. Just thinking out loud. :alien:
If your goal is to disparage them, I think you'd be more effective if you didn't use that term. It makes you sound less objective and therefore less credible. Also, demons tend to be cool among musicians (i.e., your KISS avatar photo), so you almost make them sound cooler when you call them that that. If I were in your shoes, I might just call them what they are rather than making them sound cooler and yourself less credible. Just thinking out loud. :alien:
Thankfully, you're not in my shoes and vice versa.

Like I GAF what useless idiot NPC demoncrats think? I hold them personally responsible for the decline of the USA; and their woke counterparts destroying other Western first world countries.

If you can't see the facts, truth and reality because of the messenger or the message (often uses trope about Trump and his "mean tweets"), that's your problem.

what's next, you gonna demand I use your preferred pronouns? :poke:
useless idiots is what I usually call them, unless referring to demoncrats as a subgroup of useless idiots, which I use to include leftists from around the world such as Labour, Greens, etc. not just our domestic useless idiots.
In conversation I generally refer to them all as leftists.

I think it would be great if they’d all get the fuck out of my very red state and move to Kaliforniastan.
In conversation I generally refer to them all as leftists.

I think it would be great if they’d all get the fuck out of my very red state and move to Kaliforniastan.
I'd rather send them to Gaza so they can support Hamas over there, instead of here
So defensive! I didn't mean any offense. I don't have preferred pronouns. I'm just a regular guy. Just pointing out that if you want people to agree with you or reach someone who might be persuadable, it ain't happening using a term like "demoncrat." And if you don't want to persuade someone who may not already agree with you, why not? That's how you win elections.

For the record, I'm no leftist, to borrow the solid terminology of @Floyd Eye. But if I want to engage with one, I don't start by insulting them.
I'd rather send them to Gaza so they can support Hamas over there, instead of here
Yeah but that’s a fantasy. It could never happen. It is at least plausible we could deport them to the coasts.
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So defensive! I didn't mean any offense. I don't have preferred pronouns. I'm just a regular guy. Just pointing out that if you want people to agree with you or reach someone who might be persuadable, it ain't happening using a term like "demoncrat." And if you don't want to persuade someone who may not already agree with you, why not? That's how you win elections.

For the record, I'm no leftist, to borrow the solid terminology of @Floyd Eye. But if I want to engage with one, I don't start by insulting them.
In all honesty Clev, the days of civil discourse with them are over. I’m afraid engaging with one these days would end up inciting me to violence. Not because I am prone to it, which I am, but because they don’t know how to be civil ( this is generally and certainly there are exceptions) and if someone is face to face with me spouting some of the shit I see on the news or the internet I don’t think I could stop myself from “ engaging” them physically.
Yeah but that’s a fantasy. It could never happen. It is at least plausible we could deport them to the coasts.
true, but getting them concentrated in blue states is also a fantasy...they've been leaving blue areas like swarms of locusts since the pandemic, destroying our red areas by bringing their political stupidity, that destroyed where they left, with them.

getting them out of here now isn't easy, too bad we didn't keep them from coming here in the first place.
In all honesty Clev, the days of civil discourse with them are over. I’m afraid engaging with one these days would end up inciting me to violence. Not because I am prone to it, which I am, but because they don’t know how to be civil ( this is generally and certainly there are exceptions) and if someone is face to face with me spouting some of the shit I see on the news or the internet I don’t think I could stop myself from “ engaging” them physically.
I hear you, and I hope you don't have to find out with physical engagement. Sure, a lot of people on that side of the aisle are way too far gone, but I know some who are less extreme and still somewhat open to conversation. I wouldn't want to lose a chance to pull one of them away from the center.
I hear you, and I hope you don't have to find out with physical engagement. Sure, a lot of people on that side of the aisle are way too far gone, but I know some who are less extreme and still somewhat open to conversation. I wouldn't want to lose a chance to pull one of them away from the center.
I have a couple friends. In fact one of my best friends is a militant pro union TDS afflicted leftist. He’s also a gun totin redneck and has common sense. I’m sure to me he seems way more left than he does to the actual far left morons. Funny story. He was all set to vote for Trump in 2020 until that debate.