Well-known member
Man, I know your stance on this topic and respect your opinion, but I'll never understand how someone can buy an amp, or pass on an amp in this case, based solely on clips. You may very well find a Wizard to not be your thing and not worth the coin, but there is no clip in the world that is gonna offer that experience and give a true sense of whether you'd like it or not. They are stupid expensive and can't debate your point there, even used it's a bit much, so that I absolutely get.nah, too much coin even used to prove the Wizard thing isnt for me. i play maybe 10% of the time "in the room" now, my cabs are mic'd in a closet and i play through my monitors, ive heard enough now from trusted clippers like green and bram to make an accurate judgement.
I honestly could care less either way (and not saying that to sound douchey) and I'm not saying that a Wizard is the be all best thing out there by any stretch, just that they are a truly unique amp and the only way anyone could know or comment definitively is to play it in your room with your chain and your hands.
I have a couple amps right now that I listened to clips for a very very general initial impression and even after reading every forum post about said amp and chatting with numerous folks that own(ed) them, got it in the room and it's so totally different than any of the clips or even descriptions and my expectations.
You've indicated that Wizards sound to you, from clips, like Fryette in that they are dry with a high end that is dull or doesn't stand out to you, something along those lines, and to some degree they are like Fryettes, but they are so totally different at the same time. I've owned most Wizard models and most Fryettes and at the same time, and while they are similar in that they are both punchy, articulate, and have a different midrange than many other amps, they are quite different too. There's a solidity, a quality to the notes and chords with a Wizard and dynamics and clarity that I've not heard in other amps and the high end IMO is one of the things that does stand out when you play one in person, very very bright, cutting, present, and open unless you boost for added compression. The Fryette CLX and 2555x are the only amps I've owned that came close to being somewhat similar.