Did Dave Friedman find the josé mods behind Van Halen 1 ?

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Ok. Its time. I will share the SECRET Jose mod:
Mexican jumping beans in the output transformer...SHHH!
I wrote Dave after Ed's passing and asked him the specs. He wrote back and here's what he told me:

V2 a cathode resistor had a 470uf cap across the 820 ohm.
47k feedback resistor off the 4 ohm tap and a 50k mid pot.
Front end was a split cathode and the bright channel had a .0022 cap out of the first stage.
Variac to 90v and tubes biased while at 90v to 50ma per tube.
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hasn't it been well proven by now that it wasn't modded outside of a couple of resistors?? add the Variac and you get "that" tone minus eddies fingers??
Right, and I’m sure Mike wouldn’t be able to tell if someone had been in there before, and I’m sure Eddie would never tell Mike such a thing as it was returned to stock cause he probably thought he was dumb or some shit
Mike never said that it wasn’t modded before, he only said it was a Marshall with stock values; it was completely stock except with the fat cap.

Van Halen was paranoiac he used to hide himself while taping to avoid being copied if you think he wouldn’t ask to Rudy Leiren to put back to stock the amp while he decided to stop working with Jose.

If you know Van Halen well, there is one thing which is particular with him. He always has a backup for every piece of gear. And I bet he had a backup for his main amp that they also modded. So turning back the main to stock wouldn’t change things a lot.

A thing a lot of people don’t know is that Eddie was not dumb he was able to solder amp components and even modify them according to many discussions on tone talk. Even if he didn’t have builder experience he knew quite a lot of things about Amps and used to do weird mods/shit to his amps according to Dave Friedman.
I wrote Dave after Ed's passing and asked him the specs. He wrote back and here's what he told me:

V2 a cathode resistor had a 470uf cap across the 820 ohm.
47k feedback resistor off the 4 ohm tap and a 50k mid pot.
Front end was a split cathode and the bright channel had a .0022 cap out of the first stage.
Variac to 90v and tubes biased while at 90v to 50ma per tube.
Wasn’t it 100k negative feedback ? That’s what he wrote on the metropolos forums.

I mean the preamp could be stock but the fact that it has almost no cherry dye means that a lot of things happened to it.

You could keep an amp almost stock with a cascade or an extra gain stage using a MOSFET as a triode.
@Amp_chaser it's clear you WANT to believe the amp is not stock. Eventhough Dave effin' Friedman himself came back to this forum to tell you otherwise.
You can quote your Japanese friends and what not all day long, and surely they are avid fans with tons of knowledge, but how many of them have actually WORKED on ED's own amps? Mr. Friedman did and he outright tell you the amp was stock.

My advice: leave it be.
then why did eddie sound bad while playing the 5150 amps ?
Hmm...I saw classic VH multiple times, I saw Van Hagar multiple times and the best live tone I ever heard the guy have was on the VH3 tour. Bad, hardly as it was not only the best tone I had heard with EVH but pretty much the best live tone I've ever heard period, in the well over 350+ concerts I have seen.

Next, you got challenged and @harddriver accepts and then provides a receipt (which there are numerous video's of others doing the same) and you set the goal line back that "oh, needs to be another song".

Look have fun with the obsession, it's obviously been one for players and fans for decades, I have no issue with that but only one person, possibly two know the real history of that amp. Literally every other argument is speculative because EVH is gone and IMO the only other person that would know the complete history of that amp probably isn't ever going to say.
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Wasn’t it 100k negative feedback ? That’s what he wrote on the metropolos forums.

I mean the preamp could be stock but the fact that it has almost no cherry dye means that a lot of things happened to it.

You could keep an amp almost stock with a cascade or an extra gain stage using a MOSFET as a triode.

I posted what Dave sent me. Copied and pasted it. :dunno:
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Dave reworked Ed's "grail" to stock and did say it had some "tweaks" a certain points.
As a child of the 60's Ed's Marshalls in general coupled w/ good speaker breakup sounded no different than any other 60's/70's JMP Marshall to me.
The Eventide Vhagar stuff later was alot different and i prefer the DLR / VH tones.
The never ending BS VH folklore shit always seems to spin like a turd down the drain.
Ed died 5 years ago and here we are talking bout the same ole shit.
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Ed died 5 years ago and here we are talking bout the same ole shit.
That's a testament to Ed's legacy and why I don't mind these threads, would hate to see it in a sub forum. I mean if it bothers people don't post.

It's like MJ with basketball and why he's the GOAT, dude's been retired for almost 25 years and people still talk about him and his shadow is still larger than the league itself.

That's where EVH is and I wasn't even a fanboy.
Take away the millions spent with Peavey / Kramer / EBMM / EVH branded stuff. I prefer the tone / talent / music [just 2 albums] / and guitars & gear
that Randy Rhoads had than the lifetime Ed had.
Yeah Ed did alot of cool shit not taking that away but i prefer Randy's legacy than all the Ed tone talk forums in history.
We never actually heard Ed's side of things from him other than the bullshit stories to keep the marketing machine alive.