NGD: I bought a damn Schecter and I'm not even ashamed!

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I've legit wanted one of these for a minute. As far as import guitars go, Schecter's are the only ones that kinda give me wood. I am a huge Abbath/Imortal fan and this guitar is spec'd pretty fuggin' smartly.

Did a quick unboxing and "did it arrive alive" test. I'll need a proper setup, need to add a trem stop and then I'll do a proper dem for sure but so far, it's a ripper.

Oh... and yeah, dumb face in the pic and stupid thumbnail and all that, because that's apparently what gets people to watch shit?
I never understood Schecters ?

Looks alright I think
The few Schecters I've played have played very well, sounded good and were built like tanks. Not the sexiest guitars I've ever seen, though.

Your guitar looks killer and sounds awesome!
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When Schecters hit it big over here in the early 00s, I remember having to sell them at GC. The bodies and necks were nice, decent craftsmanship, but those necks were literal baseball bats. But all that abalone crap everywhere was super gaudy and I wouldn't have been caught dead owning one. However, their stuff now is great. I'd love to have a colorful Sun Valley Super Shredder or that black limba exotic series or whatever they made for a bit. I'd even like to have one of their hotrod Teles.
When Schecters hit it big over here in the early 00s, I remember having to sell them at GC. The bodies and necks were nice, decent craftsmanship, but those necks were literal baseball bats. But all that abalone crap everywhere was super gaudy and I wouldn't have been caught dead owning one. However, their stuff now is great. I'd love to have a colorful Sun Valley Super Shredder or that black limba exotic series or whatever they made for a bit. I'd even like to have one of their hotrod Teles.

Yeah, the Sun Valley models are cool. Schecter have their own thing going on and I respect them for that.

Most people don't know that ESP and Schecter are part of the same company.
Yeah, the Sun Valley models are cool. Schecter have their own thing going on and I respect them for that.

Most people don't know that ESP and Schecter are part of the same company.
Yep. It’s funny but I can’t make myself get down with the LTD stuff but I’m A-ok with Schecter.

Maybe it’s because I always played actual ESP’s for years so I had a different history with the brand.
The 1500 trem is a 1000 Series, with SS screws. It's a step up from a Special.
I've been trying to find one of those burgundy schecter hellraiser Vs with the abalone for a while now
I'll keep my eyes open. Wish they would've kept the abalone purfling around the fretboard of the LTD Viper and EC line. I love a pimped out guitar.
I have a Schecter Black Market Custom and its a very good guitar. Built well and a lot of bang for the buck. But outside of that model, they never really caught my attention
Me too. It's funny, 10 years ago you could find the hellraiser schecters for ridiculously cheap, and I assumed I could always get one that cheap - apparently not
I hear you. In 2015 my main Edwards ES went for under $700 used on reverb and I paid 1600 in 2021. I've seen them running as high as 2k. Everything has gone nuts.
I hear you. In 2015 my main Edwards ES went for under $700 used on reverb and I paid 1600 in 2021. I've seen them running as high as 2k. Everything has gone nuts.

I love the Abbath model @JerEvil got, I just hate floyds (especially on Vs) or else I would probably do something like that

That's why I'm looking for an old one