Dime 40 watt Warhead mini amps.....Did the designers achieve old Randall RG100ES feel and tones?

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So you are saying DIME doesn't have DIME tone in this 1991 video that is all Randalls or is he hiding Wizards behind the Randall stacks that are mic'd?

Your article already said straight from Vinnie he never used the Wizards live, EVER. Please stop.

It’s still lacking a lot yes . Live dime is not the same as recorded dime . Def a main point I’m making . Just listen to cowboys then listen to what you sent me. When you think of done what do prole think of ?
Cowboys and vulgar
If you like that tone then you really love wizard alot too . That’s all I’m saying
I bought all of dimes shit . It’s all junk including the warhead . I was obsessed . The wizard cured my obsession . I want CFH and vulgar tones . Wizard gave it. The highs I wanted especially finally appeared. I saw some live 6 X . His tone was cool but lacking compared to the albums . Another reason I knew the wizard was the secret sauce . Dimes hands do sound like dime yes . But the classic dime tomes from CFH and Vulgar are not possible with out tubes or wizard .
that’s ALL I’m saying
from FBD:

What was your workhorse amp and guitar?

“I stuck to what I've always used – Randall amps, and my main guitar is still my blue ’81 Dean with the Kiss stickers. That guitar just can’t be topped. I use that on all the songs that are in standard tuning. When we tune down to D, I use my brown tobacco-burst Dean.

“The only thing that was really different on this album is that the signal from my guitar was routed through three Randall amps which were recorded simultaneously on each track – three amps mixed down to one track.

“One stack was effected with my MXR flanger, for a kind of hollow sound; another stack was just straight up and dry, and the third was set similar to the dry stack except that it had a little more gain. Separately, one sounded horrible, one sounded great and the other sounded bassy; but together they sounded incredible.”

from 1992:

Pete Prown: Did you ever work on saying, I wanna get my own tone?

Dimebag Darrell: I always wanted my own tone, I always did. And I got I wanted a Randall half stack, and that’s where I heard something different. I said, man this is like a chainsaw, man, it’s like, too gritty, I bet I can make it my own one day. And like, a year and a half later, I was using solid Randall. I got a cheap endorsement with him, I got it for like 39% off or something, and then established ourselves as a band and myself as a player, and of course I’m endorsed full key with them now. And they dig me and I love them. I think they’re the best amps.

Pete Prown: The tube amps?

Dimebag Darrell: No, that’s the funniest thing, everybody thinks they’re fucking tube amps, solid-state. They made a tube amp. I had him mail me one, and I was going, oh man, if it’s gonna sound like the solid-state, but more warm, I’m gonna die, and it did. But just some of the shit that that tube amp is nasty, I mean the solid-state is a nasty fucking amp, and you just squeal and do feedback, and for what I do, it’s bad.
It’s still lacking a lot yes . Live dime is not the same as recorded dime . Def a main point I’m making .
I have already agreed with you the Wizard amp was layered in with his Randalls in the studio according to your article. His core tone did not come from the Wizard. If Dime didn't get his core tone from the Randalls he wouldn't have used them live all through the years.

Have you ever tried to drive an MXR and Furman into the front end of a tube amp with the same gain levels he used on the Randalls.....it's ain't pretty..........and you don't get the same results.

This is devolving into a EVH VH1 amp live versus the studio thread.......

If you can honestly tell me that Monster of Rock YT clip from 1991 isn't quintessential Dime tone then there is no reason to keep discussing this because you can't acknowledge the obvious. Yes there are going to be subtleties that the albums has where there is multitracking and other amps used to layer things but it is without a doubt that his core tone comes from the Randall whether you think his live tone lives up to the studio recording qualities or not.

I look forward to your Wizard MTL clips.....it will not sound like a Randall.
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Here's a 96 MC100 ....still doesn't sound like a Randall.

heres a couple gut shots of my century while im deoxit'ing it


I have already agreed with you the Wizard amp was layered in with his Randalls in the studio according to your article. His core tone did not come from the Wizard. If Dime didn't get his core tone from the Randalls he wouldn't have used them live all through the years.

Have you ever tried to drive an MXR and Furman into the front end of a tube amp with the same gain levels he used on the Randalls.....it's ain't pretty..........and you don't get the same results.

This is devolving into a EVH VH1 amp live versus the studio thread.......

If you can honestly tell me that Monster of Rock YT clip from isn't quintessential Dime tone then there is no reason to keep discussing this because you can't acknowledge the obvious. Yes there are going to be subtleties that the albums has where there is multitracking and other amps used to layer things but it is without a doubt that his core tone comes from the Randall whether you think his live tone lives up to the studio recording qualities or not.

I look forward to your Wizard MTL clips.....it will not sound like
Ya I don’t like his live tone as much
Many times dime used other heads live . But put them behind . You can see videos on the cowboys tour of his using a Marshall Valbestate . Watch the foundation forum video . Dime ENDORSED Randall. Many times live he used other heads . I also don’t think his live tone sounded like the studio. That always bothered me . It’s a cool tone though
Darrell only used ss randalls live with pantera. No hidden amps with pantera, ever!
Darrell only used ss randalls live with pantera. No hidden amps with pantera, ever!
Look at foundation forum 91 where he’s clearly playing a vs100 on top of his Randall. It being the only one turned on
heres a quick clip of my Century i spent a whole 10 minutes on, i wanted to use my carvin with the x500xl but i must have a wire loose or something cause its squealing crazy, so this is my strat with a 78', im boosting with my ge7 with a frown shape and a 57 on a jaguar. i think i still need to boost with my parametric like he did to get even more gain


heres an old one i did with my rg100es and i think a v30

Found a really cool channel with really early Pantera shows and other Texas bands shot in Texas in 1989/1990 by this guy......here it is for those that are interested in checking them out.


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