Breaking News: Biden announces he's dropping out of 2024

The Simpsons called it as usual.

I can imagine You tube is now scrubbing all the embarrassing hoe videos.

Like the one where she does the skit form Spaceballs about tomorrow being yesterdays today.
My daughters are all wonderful women and responsible parents, and it's none of your business who they have sex with. But for the record, my daughters are happily married to the fathers of their children. And the government has no business tracking their medical records for ANY reason.
couldn’t agree with you more. That is their business, and no one else’s. Not mine, or millions of other people, or the government that represents all of us. If the action is theirs alone, so are the consequences of the action.
The Kamala glad hand is only just beginning. Coming from people who never had anything to say about her, positive or otherwise. Now they will be gushing about how she's an amazing black indian woman who is strong and independent. If you notice strong and independent when associated with women mostly means unwanted and lonely, or just a psychopathic bitch. I'm not saying that is or isn't Kamala, just noting that the women I hear say it the loudest are the one who can't get a man thanks to their unlikable independent persona.
The Kamala glad hand is only just beginning. Coming from people who never had anything to say about her, positive or otherwise. Now they will be gushing about how she's an amazing black indian woman who is strong and independent. If you notice strong and independent when associated with women mostly means unwanted and lonely, or just a psychopathic bitch. I'm not saying that is or isn't Kamala, just noting that the women I hear say it the loudest are the one who can't get a man thanks to their unlikable independent persona.
It will be interesting to see how they spin the least liked primary DEI hire into a female god. Look what they did with ol' cabbage brains.
It’s pretty amazing to watch you kameltoe swingers actually have some hope.
The orange man is gonna make her cry in a debate, and she didn’t even make it through the first rd of the presidential debate. She is the least liked VP in history, absolutely the dumbest person to ever hold the office, and her own staff hates her and calls her a “viscous shrew”
You guys are really clinging by a kameltoe pubic hair ….. Fascinating!
I’m not convinced she will be the nominee,
None of king Obie’s court has endorsed her.
They might before this is over, but we won’t really know till the convention. I guarantee you they are furiously looking at options.
Use your brains people, she only looks viable until they put her record up for the world to see, and use the fact that even democrats can’t stand her, and she’s done…
But if obie gives her his blessing, she will be the one
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I’m not convinced she will be the nominee,
None of king Obie’s court has endorsed her.
They might before this is over, but we won’t really know till the convention. I guarantee you they are furiously looking at options.
Use your brains people, she only looks viable until they put her record up for the world to see, and use the fact that even democrats can’t stand her, and she’s done…
But if obie gives her his blessing, she will be the one
I thought it was going to be Witch-mer and Killary but people are saying Shapiro because it will help win PA.
Look, I’m just telling you what the article said. Obviously nobody gives a fuck what is written in the amendments because if they did, Trump wouldn’t be eligible to run. He’s a twice convicted felon, remember ?
You jumped in the deep end without your floaties. You’ve never even glanced at the Constitution, have you? If you ever do, you will be shocked to learn that it isn’t written in some esoteric code. You don’t need to be a scholar to to understand it, and you sure as hell don’t need one to interpret it. I used to read your post and wonder how it is possible for a person in this age of information to be so ill informed? Now that you have made it clear that you don’t have an original thought in your melon, and rely on what you are told by others to form your opinions, I understand exactly why your posts are so retarded.
You jumped in the deep end without your floaties. You’ve never even glanced at the Constitution, have you? If you ever do, you will be shocked to learn that it isn’t written in some esoteric code. You don’t need to be a scholar to to understand it, and you sure as hell don’t need one to interpret it. I used to read your post and wonder how it is possible for a person in this age of information to be so ill informed? Now that you have made it clear that you don’t have an original thought in your melon, and rely on what you are told by others to form your opinions, I understand exactly why your posts are so retarded.
No one has to read too deeply into your posts to see how “special” you are 🤣
I’m not convinced she will be the nominee,
None of king Obie’s court has endorsed her.
They might before this is over, but we won’t really know till the convention. I guarantee you they are furiously looking at options.
Use your brains people, she only looks viable until they put her record up for the world to see, and use the fact that even democrats can’t stand her, and she’s done…
But if obie gives her his blessing, she will be the one
Everyone is missing something important about this. Biden didn’t want to step down, and said as much. He has been forced to. What better payback could he give those forcing him out, than for him to step down, while giving Harris his full endorsement . In a moment of clarity ( but this really is some chic level revenge, so Jill) he forced this birdbrained bitch on them to return the favor. I’m not the only one saying that this is the case. At least one major Dem donor has said that he took it it as a “fuck you” and Dems won’t be getting his money if she is the nominee. That is the same reason Obama is keeping his mouth closed. All of those with power know she isn’t capable of beating Trump. No one is, and they are desperate. Just sit back and enjoy the show man. Watching these Dem idiots puff their little chests up with false bravado , knowing that they will soon get the wind knocked out of them is beautiful, and good Americans have earned the right to take a bit of joy in it.
Everyone is missing something important about this. Biden didn’t want to step down, and said as much. He has been forced to. What better payback could he give those forcing him out, than for him to step down, while giving Harris his full endorsement . In a moment of clarity ( but this really is some chic level revenge, so Jill) he forced this birdbrained bitch on them to return the favor. I’m not the only one saying that this is the case. At least one major Dem donor has said that he took it it as a “fuck you” and Dems won’t be getting his money if she is the nominee. That is the same reason Obama is keeping his mouth closed. All of those with power know she isn’t capable of beating Trump. No one is, and they are desperate. Just sit back and enjoy the show man. Watching these Dem idiots puff their little chests up with false bravado , knowing that they will soon get the wind knocked out of them is beautiful, and good Americans have earned the right to take a bit of joy in it.
Nobody wanted Kameltoe, they had no choice. Either she became the nominee or 1 billion in campaign funds had to go down ballot.

They really hoisted their own petard.
Until people realize post covid inflation is happening all over the entire world
If the USA prints a bunch of bunk dollars it affects the entire world economy. (notice I didn't say "global" LOL)

Trump and Biden both allowed it to happen. Trump did not deal with the covid stuff in a smart way at all and Biden basically just continued those lousy policies.
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