Breaking News: Biden announces he's dropping out of 2024

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Trump doesn’t really have much of a bill voting history though.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify whatever you're trying to justify.
He was POTUS. Does he not have a record of signing bills/veto/policy enactments?
I get it. It was all of those mean things he stated on twitter. All of those wars he started. All of those trains he personally engineered to bring liberals to the concentration camps.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify whatever you're trying to justify.
He was POTUS. Does he not have a record of signing bills/veto/policy enactments?
I get it. It was all of those mean things he stated on twitter. All of those wars he started. All of those trains he personally engineered to bring liberals to the concentration camps.

I’m just trying to see what bills he voted on as you suggested for me to do
I’m just trying to see what bills he voted on as you suggested for me to do

No, as usual you concern yourself over semantics over the obvious. You also picked him single out of "politicians voting records" because you have nothing to actually say. My BIL does the same thing with every single thing.
Y'all should start a band.
JohnnyGtar has to be a CharvelDan alt. The signature retardation is exactly the same.
I don't care. Polls are sometimes right and sometimes wrong. My social media feed is lit up with people backing Harris. I guarantee you that checkbooks are opening up to back Harris. I don't want my granddaughters and great granddaughters to be told what they can and can't do and what they can and can't be based on the GOP's religious beliefs, and millions of Americans feel the same way.
Have you considered raising your daughters to hold themselves accountable for their own actions, and that choices, especially poor ones, have consequences? Some good info to share with them is that using abortion as a means of birth control is a poor choice, as well as unhealthy, and easily avoidable by keeping their legs closed. You know, like a responsible person that doesn’t need the government to catch them because they are always on the verge of falling backwards into a pile of shit, due to a lack of character, and making bad choices. I’m guessing that you haven’t , because it is obvious that you make those same sort of choices. You are completely delusional. Trump will gladly debate Harris. She owns every fuck up ( and there are too many to list) that Joe does right along with him. It will be a slaughter. Somehow you have convinced yourself that she is a formidable debater, when the truth is she can’t give an even a simple speech that makes sense. I can assure you that not a soul in the MAGA crowd is worried. The only thing better than Pedo Pete staying in the race, would be for her to win the delegates and be the nominee. We are celebrating. Dems can pretend to be excited, and act like they have a chance, but you all are fucked. We know it, and you know it too. Maybe yall should have considered every angle and potential consequence of cheating an election, and installing a pant shitting, brain dead potato in the WhiteHouse. Dems are done, so start getting used to it now.
No, as usual you concern yourself over semantics over the obvious. You also picked him single out of "politicians voting records" because you have nothing to actually say. My BIL does the same thing with every single thing.
Y'all should start a band.

So even when I do what you suggest I’m wrong lol. Good to know.
This is a much better situation.
Now we have a competition between a convicted sex-pest martyr who has convinced the stupids of America that he is Jesus Christ Reborn, and an ethical and well spoken woman in the prime of her political life who will kick Trump's perverted ass to the curb and back.
Let's go!
It will be interesting for sure. It has the added bonus of MAGA losing out to a woman too
Have you considered raising your daughters to hold themselves accountable for their own actions, and that choices, especially poor ones, have consequences? Some good info to share with them is that using abortion as a means of birth control is a poor choice, as well as unhealthy, and easily avoidable by keeping their legs closed. You know, like a responsible person that doesn’t need the government to catch them because they are always on the verge of falling backwards into a pile of shit, due to a lack of character, and making bad choices. I’m guessing that you haven’t , because it is obvious that you make those same sort of choices. You are completely delusional. Trump will gladly debate Harris. She owns every fuck up ( and there are too many to list) that Joe does right along with him. It will be a slaughter. Somehow you have convinced yourself that she is a formidable debater, when the truth is she can’t give an even a simple speech that makes sense. I can assure you that not a soul in the MAGA crowd is worried. The only thing better than Pedo Pete staying in the race, would be for her to win the delegates and be the nominee. We are celebrating. Dems can pretend to be excited, and act like they have a chance, but you all are fucked. We know it, and you know it too. Maybe yall should have considered every angle and potential consequence of cheating an election, and installing a pant shitting, brain dead potato in the WhiteHouse. Dems are done, so start getting used to it now.

My daughters are all wonderful women and responsible parents, and it's none of your business who they have sex with. But for the record, my daughters are happily married to the fathers of their children. And the government has no business tracking their medical records for ANY reason.
well spoken woman in the prime of her political life

She was all but invisible for 4 years now she's some sort of hard core democrat party warrior battling the orange evil, LOL. Two days ago most democrats didn't really like or care about her now she's Xena the mixed warrior princess..Your turncoats must run on bearings I still can't help thinking of this guy when I hear her name:
