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  1. yeoldefortran

    Hermansson Mod Costs???

    I just got a rectifier from him. Shipping to NC was 196 and FedEx dinged me 44 in customs fees. Mod itself was 1200 with an extra 90 for a mid boost push/pull on the green channel that is definitely worth it.
  2. yeoldefortran

    !!!!!CRAZY DEAL ALERTS!!!!!

    Maybe not quite crazy, but $832 for open box 6505 1992 Original @ Musician's Friend:
  3. yeoldefortran

    MGL Plexi Killer.

    Picked up v2 50 watt used recently and it’s a really easy amp to love. Just a great example of the classic Marshall vibe. A few extra toggles, but you really can’t go wrong on any setting.
  4. yeoldefortran

    Any experience wit KHE audio switchers?

    +1 on other comments. 8 head switcher is great. I have a delisle for speaker switching and it’s fine, but the KHE is just nicer to use, feels well built, etc.
  5. yeoldefortran

    JPTRFX Titan 250w Guitar Amplifier

    Not yet! In theory my Lead 80/k-100 cab can handle it without even having to go full-stack, but I'm worried that nearby wildlife might die.
  6. yeoldefortran

    JPTRFX Titan 250w Guitar Amplifier

    I actually have one of these! Was just delivered last week. Very raw and loud with a lot of low-mid push to it. The headroom on channel 1 is out of this world and the amp just soaks up really hot or really bassy pedals. It's completely unnecessary, but also pretty awesome.
  7. yeoldefortran

    Anyone own , owned or played the Metropoulos DVL-1 ?

    Owned a DVL-1 for a bit. As a channel switcher, it is super lacking. I could never get the EQ to sound great across the modes. You either get ice pick cleans or wooly high gain. As a tweakable Marshall with oodles of gain, it was pretty sweet. Much rawer than most modern amps and oodles of...
  8. yeoldefortran

    Custom cab companies

    I’ve got two Emperor cabs and a Stone Age. The Emperors are large, resonant, and straight, so I think they can be a bit tricky to control. Some additional dampening might tamp that down. I have a 4x12rs from them with k-100s and CL-80s that sounds BIG. The 2x12ss I just picked up has creamback...
  9. yeoldefortran

    Anyone know anything about Science Amps?

    The website says nine months! And you can see prices on there: I emailed Alex about making me a footswitch for the hellhawk and he responded really quickly. I'm sure he'd help you out if you have questions.
  10. yeoldefortran

    Anyone know anything about Science Amps?

    I have a mk i Hellhawk I picked up a while ago. Alex described it as his "ultimate plexi" and it definitely has some of that vibe. It also unthinkably loud and powerful (though I do have it loaded with kt88s at the moment and that probably doesn't help). Compared to most plexi-style amps, it has...
  11. yeoldefortran

    Cheap Solid State Ultra High Gain Suggestions? (pantera / white zombie tones)

    The dude from gremlin machine shop seems to know a ton about restoring these amps. He even has a few videos covering different amps. If you still can’t get it going, he might have an idea.
  12. yeoldefortran

    Any 70’s Orange Clone Builders?

    I had one of the 20 watt Dwarvenauts. Definitely seemed geared towards doom stuff, which it did pretty well. Lots of gain on tap. It had a little more noise and hiss than your average amp, but nothing that would be surprising at that price point and gain level. I made a sloppy demo of it before...
  13. yeoldefortran

    Jessup Amps?

    I’ve read that the sound was good but the guts were ugly. No firsthand knowledge though and that could be BS. If I found a sweet deal on one I’d give it a shot, but the new prices bump up against known-good stuff.
  14. yeoldefortran

    flying V advice needed....

    If you go for it, consider a Dunable Asteroid. Fairly traditional (other than the headstock) but has some contours and cuts that make it feel really ergonomic.
  15. yeoldefortran

    New high gain options ?

    Metropoulos DVL-1
  16. yeoldefortran

    New high gain options ?

    A few names that haven’t been mentioned… KSR is doing boutique for the Mesa/6505 crowd. Dean Costello’s Heavy Metal Warfare has some buzz, but uses a shared EQ. Barton High Voltage is still pretty small, but the transmission ticks your boxes. Science decolonizer is also a potential fit, but the...