Congrats! Supposedly those newer looking HFS’s and Vintage Bass aren't too bad. Just keep in mind it will never sound like an LP, no matter what pickups you choose..Best to play it for a bit and maybe adjust amp settings before swapping pickups..
I have a JC Wino and its a great guitar, out of the box the only real issue was the cheap ABR1 style bridge. The retaining spring would not hold the saddles in place. Changed it out for a Tone Pros, it sounds better and the intonation does not shift. I also changed out the pickups which were not...
With a changed transformer as well Id guess no more than $2k probably less with that condition. The ‘73 in the classifieds is a better deal but its $3k
All that grey wire is wrong no idea whats going on, v2 coupling cap changed from a Mustard to something, Pre-Phase inverter master volume like a 2203 is added. Bias circuit has been changed from original, Negative FB resistor as well..
Clearly not an original amp but may have some mojo. Do not...
Music Man Luke II, fits me great and just does everything I need it to do...I like having other options in the rack but honestly the Luke for me can do all of it if needed...
I have complained about this several times to support and asked for this to be something we can opt out. It's stupid if I am watching a used item and some dealer sends an offer on a brand new one for hundreds more..