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  1. NewReligion

    Friedman amps quality

    I think Dave's BE 100's are/were (2013/2014) Top Quality. I owned two. The first was #170 of the horizontal dual input models I believe assembled by George Metropoulos? I gave that to my son for Graduating his Master's in Electrical Engineering Management From Rose Hulman Institute of...
  2. NewReligion

    Current Marshall modders that are original, unique, or just great all around?

    I dig, it sounds very full bodied. David
  3. NewReligion


    Bump for a Great Deal. ♫
  4. NewReligion

    Shared and split cathode in Super Bass/Super Lead

    Dale, the shared cathode was a direct copy in 1967 (Marshall JTM) from a Fender design. Jim Marshall must of realized that splitting the cathode for "guitarists" would allow more "Gain & Tone" options from the dual Triode 12AX7 tube as the lower resistance of the cathode resistor more gain can...
  5. NewReligion

    Current Marshall modders that are original, unique, or just great all around?

    Thank you riffsfordaze. The service was my honor. David
  6. NewReligion

    Current Marshall modders that are original, unique, or just great all around?

    I have deleted my remarks as I should never step out of character and especially remark about someone with a hearing disability. I do wish my best and my highest regards to all. The amp in the photo is a 4 stage 1987X with a lot of point to point on the sockets to avoid a coplanar capacitance...
  7. NewReligion

    Boss SD-1 Early 80’s *Found one*

    I have 2 Boss SD-1’s... Any value?
  8. NewReligion

    Level up in production... I think...

    Sounds stunning. Thanks for sharing. David Hopkins
  9. NewReligion

    Current Marshall modders that are original, unique, or just great all around?

    It did not occur to me this may be my brother in arms. I only say this as reflecting on phrases which lead me to one of three possible individuals when you stated hearing test. If so as I recall the request was for something very bright so it pleased your ears. (likely too many things that go...
  10. NewReligion

    Current Marshall modders that are original, unique, or just great all around?

    There still was no reason for me to lash out. It was both unprofessional & disrespectful regardless of any excuse. David
  11. NewReligion

    Hopkins Modded Ceriatone 100 Watt King Kong (Cameron CCV)

    PM sent. David
  12. NewReligion

    Hopkins Modded Ceriatone 100 Watt King Kong (Cameron CCV)

    You would have define what is ultimate in your opinion as I like all tube high gain and others like Jose clipper type mods to out right death metal bees in a can clipping and everything between. How many channels do you need etc. David
  13. NewReligion

    Hopkins Modded Ceriatone 100 Watt King Kong (Cameron CCV)

    It is Nik at Ceriatone’s copy of Mark Cameron’s CCV. I personally prefer the analog all tube circuits but Mark did a great job be at smoothing out and perfecting the what is now commonly referred to the Jose/Atomica circuit on the hot side with a added clean channel to include the entire tone...
  14. NewReligion

    Hopkins Modded Ceriatone 100 Watt King Kong (Cameron CCV)

    Next time I get one in I will indeed do a pre & post. Likely start using a large diaphragm cond mic as well. Might even take some guitar lessons. Okay screw the lessons. Had hand surgery but it is a long road back...maybe. Thanks for posting.
  15. NewReligion

    Just Because Some Like It Wet lol ♫

    For those who like it wet lol. Here is a little Gary Moore over 5 stages of all analog tube Hopkins Modded Marshall. David...♫
  16. NewReligion

    ( No Effects) New 4 & 5 Stage Hopkins High Gain Modded Marshall

    Thank you. I set a fixed resonance myself just like this though each amp is different I use my ears to dial it in. If the customer prefers it on a pot of course I comply after discussion. I appreciate the listen and posting. David Hopkins
  17. NewReligion

    ( No Effects) New 4 & 5 Stage Hopkins High Gain Modded Marshall

    Hello skullfxr I appreciate all of the threat words my friend. Thank you. Glad you dig the new circuit. David
  18. NewReligion

    ( No Effects) New 4 & 5 Stage Hopkins High Gain Modded Marshall

    No Sir. That is Mark Cameron’s mod so I would not do that. The grids are all fed quite differently though the Aldrich too is a non cathode follower high gain amp. I owned 3 and passed them on. I have a custom one off Cantrell/Snorkler Mark did. The owner dumped it off at a Sam Ash. I heard it...
  19. NewReligion

    ( No Effects) New 4 & 5 Stage Hopkins High Gain Modded Marshall

    Thank you RaceU4her David
  20. NewReligion

    ( No Effects) New 4 & 5 Stage Hopkins High Gain Modded Marshall

    Response sent.