I think Dave's BE 100's are/were (2013/2014) Top Quality.
I owned two. The first was #170 of the horizontal dual input models I believe assembled by George Metropoulos? I gave that to my son for Graduating his Master's in Electrical Engineering Management From Rose Hulman Institute of...
Dale, the shared cathode was a direct copy in 1967 (Marshall JTM) from a Fender design.
Jim Marshall must of realized that splitting the cathode for "guitarists" would allow more "Gain & Tone" options from the dual Triode 12AX7 tube as the lower resistance of the cathode resistor more gain can...
I have deleted my remarks as I should never step out of character and especially remark about someone with a hearing disability.
I do wish my best and my highest regards to all.
The amp in the photo is a 4 stage 1987X with a lot of point to point on the sockets to avoid a coplanar capacitance...
It did not occur to me this may be my brother in arms. I only say this as reflecting on phrases which lead me to one of three possible individuals when you stated hearing test.
If so as I recall the request was for something very bright so it pleased your ears. (likely too many things that go...
You would have define what is ultimate in your opinion as I like all tube high gain and others like Jose clipper type mods to out right death metal bees in a can clipping and everything between.
How many channels do you need etc.
It is Nik at Ceriatone’s copy of Mark Cameron’s CCV.
I personally prefer the analog all tube circuits but Mark did a great job be at smoothing out and perfecting the what is now commonly referred to the Jose/Atomica circuit on the hot side with a added clean channel to include the entire tone...
Next time I get one in I will indeed do a pre & post.
Likely start using a large diaphragm cond mic as well.
Might even take some guitar lessons. Okay screw the lessons. Had hand surgery but it is a long road back...maybe.
Thanks for posting.
Thank you. I set a fixed resonance myself just like this though each amp is different I use my ears to dial it in. If the customer prefers it on a pot of course I comply after discussion.
I appreciate the listen and posting.
David Hopkins
No Sir. That is Mark Cameron’s mod so I would not do that. The grids are all fed quite differently though the Aldrich too is a non cathode follower high gain amp.
I owned 3 and passed them on. I have a custom one off Cantrell/Snorkler Mark did. The owner dumped it off at a Sam Ash. I heard it...